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Satellite and Radio Navigation (SARANA) - Publications


Bhuiyan, M.Z.H., Ferrara, N.G., Hashemi, A., Thombre, S., Pattinson, M., and M. Dumville, 2019. Impact Analysis of Standardized GNSS Receiver Testing against Real-World Interferences Detected at Live Monitoring Sites. Sensors, 19(6), 1276.

Bhuiyan, M.Z.H., Ferrara, N.G., Thombre, S., Hashemi, A., Pattinson, M., Dumville, M., Alexandersson, M., Axell, E., Eliardsson, P., Pölöskey, M., Manikundalam, V., Lee, S., and J. Reyes Gonzalez, 2019. H2020 STRIKE3: Standardization of Interference Threat Monitoring and Receiver Testing - Significant Achievements and Impact. Proceedings of European Microwave Conference in Central Europe, 13-15 May, 2019, Prague, Czech Republic. pp. 333-336.

Hashemi A., Thombre S., Ferrara G., Bhuiyan, M. Z. H., and M. Pattinson, 2019. STRIKE3-Case Study for Standard-ized Testing of Timing-grade GNSS Receivers against Real-world Interference Threats.

ICL-GNSS, Nuremberg, Germany, in: 2019 International Conference on Localization and GNSS (ICL-GNSS) - Conference Proceedings, eds. J. Nurmi et al.

Islam, S., 2019. Infrastructure-less based positioning: Localization in GNSS-denied environments. Master's (tech) thesis, Tampere University, 71 p.

Islam, S., Bhuiyan, M.Z.H., Linty, N., and S. Thombre, 2019. GPS L5 Software Receiver Implementation in FGI-GSRx. XXXV Finnish URSI Convention on Radio Science. Tampere, Finland 18th October 2019.

Islam, S., Lohan, E.-S., Müller, P., and Bhuiyan, M.Z.H., 2019. Aroma based Localization in GNSS-denied Environments. XXXV Finnish URSI Convention on Radio Science. Tampere, Finland 18th October 2019.

Koivisto, M., 2019. Augmentation Techniques for Satellite-Based Maritime Navigation in the Baltic Sea. Aalto-yliopisto, diplomityö, 71 s.

Lehtola, V., Montewka, J., Goerlandt, F., Guinness, R., and M. Lensu, 2019. Finding safe and efficient shipping routes in ice-covered waters: A framework and a model. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 165.

Lehtola, V. V., Montewka, J., and J. Salokannel, 2019. Sea captains’ Views on Automated Ship Route Optimization in Ice-covered Waters. Journal of Navigation.

Lehtola, V.V., Söderholm, S., Koivisto, M., and L. Montloin, 2019. Exploring GNSS Crowdsourcing Feasibility: Combinations of Measurements for Modeling Smartphone and Higher End GNSS Receiver Performance. Sensors 19(13), 3018.

Leppälä, L., Honkala, S., Ferrara, G., Kirkko-Jaakkola, M., Kuusniemi, H., and S. Miettinen-Bellevergue, 2019. Challenges in Arctic Navigation: the User Perspective. 2019 European Navigation Conference (ENC), Warsaw, Poland, 2019, pp. 1-8.

Linty, N., and F. Dovis, 2019. An Open-Loop Receiver Architecture for Monitoring of Ionospheric Scintillations by Means of GNSS Signals. Applied Sciences, 9(12): 2482.

De Oliveira Marques, T., Mäkelä, M., Montloin, L., Lehtola, T., Thombre, S., and V. Lehtola, 2019. Towards Tropospheric Delay Estimation Using GNSS Smartphone Receiver Network. ESA 7th International Colloquium on Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of GNSS, ETH Zürich, Switzerland, 4 – 6 September 2019

Thombre, S., Marila, S., Kirkko-Jaakkola, M., Honkala, S., Koivisto, M., Koivula, H., Bhuiyan, M.Z.H., and M. Petovello, 2019. What are the challenges to localization in autonomous cars in the Arctic? Inside GNSS, 14(2).


Ferrara, N.G., Bhuiyan, M.Z.H., Söderholm, S., Ruotsalainen, L. and H. Kuusniemi, 2018. A new implementation of narrowband interference detection, characterization, and mitigation technique for a software-defined multi-GNSS receiver. GPS Solutions, 22(4). DOI: 10.1007/s10291-018-0769-z 

Ferrara, N.G., Bhuiyan, M.Z.H., Hashemi, A., Thombre, S. and M. Pattinson, 2018. How can we ensure GNSS receivers are robust to real-world interference threats? Inside GNSS, July/August, 33-37.

Hyyti, H., Lehtola, V.V., and A. Visala, 2018. Forestry crane posture estimation with a two dimensional laser scanner. Journal of Field Robotics, 35(7): 1025-1049.

Montewka, J., Goerlandt, F., Lensu, M., Kuuliala, L. and R. Guinness, 2018. Toward a hybrid model of ship performance in ice suitable for route planning purpose. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability. DOI: 10.1177/1748006X18764511

Leppälä, L., 2018. Understanding the current trends in mobile crowdsensing - a business model perspective. Pro gradu. Aalto-yliopisto. 90 s.

Ożoga, B. and J. Montewka, 2018. Towards a decision support system for maritime navigation on heavily trafficked basins. Ocean Engineering 159, 88-97. DOI: 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2018.03.073

Pattinson, M., Dumville, M., Fryganiotis, D., Bhuiyan, M. Z. H., Thombre, S., Ferrara, G., Alexandersson, M, Axell, E., Eliardsson, P., Poloskey, M., Manikundalam V., Lee, S., and J. R. Gonzalez, 2018. Standardization of GNSS Threat reporting and Receiver testing through International Knowledge Exchange, Experimentation and Exploitation [STRIKE3]: Validation of Reporting and Testing Standards. European Navigation Conference (ENC), Gothenburg, Sweden, 14-17 May.

Wróbel, K., Montewka, J. and P. Kujala, 2018. Towards the development of a system-theoretic model for safety assessment of autonomous merchant vessels. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 178, 209-224. DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2018.05.019


Bhuiyan, M. Z. H., Kuusniemi, H., Soderini, A., Honkala, S. and S Marila, 2017. EGNOS in Northeastern Europe: How well does it perform? Innovation column, GPS World, October 2017.

Chen, L., Thombre, S., Järvinen, K., Lohan, E. S., Alen-Savikko, A., Leppäkoski, H., Bhuiyan, M. Z. H., Bu-Pasha, S., Ferrara, N. G., Honkala, S., Lindqvist, J., Ruotsalainen, L., Korpisaari, P. and H. Kuusniemi, 2017. Robustness, Security and Privacy in Location-Based Services for Future IoT: A Survey. IEEE Access, April 2017. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2695525

Daniel, O., Ferrara, N. G., Figuereido e Silva, P. and J. Nurmi, 2017. Understanding the GNSS Signal Model. In Nurmi, J., Lohan, E.-S., Wymeersch, H., Seco-Grandos, G. and O. Nykänen (Eds), Multi-Technology Positioning. Springer, 13-53. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-50427-8_3

Endrina N., Rasero J.C. and J. Montewka, 2017. Risk analysis for maritime traffic in the Strait of Gibraltar and improvement proposal. IMAM 2017, International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean, Lisbon, Portugal, 9-11 October.

Ferrara, N. G., Daniel, O., Figuereido e Silva, P., Nurmi, Jari and E. Simona Lohan, 2017. Multi-GNSS: Facts and Issues. In Nurmi, J., Lohan, E.-S., Wymeersch, H., Seco-Grandos, G. and O. Nykänen (Eds), Multi-Technology Positioning. Springer, 107-124. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-50427-8_6

Ferrara, G., Honkala S., Thombre S., Söderholm S., Eskelinen L. and Heidi Kuusniemi, 2017. A Service for Indicating the Quality of Satellite Navigation Signals over Finland. European Navigation Conference, 9-12 May.

Ferrara, N.G., Wymeersch, H., Lohan, E.S., and J. Nurmi, 2017.  A comparison of Bayesian localization methods in the presence of outliers. 13th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2017), Valencia, Spain, 26-30 June.

Figueiredo e Silva, P., Ferrara, N. G., Daniel, O., Nurmi, J.  and E. S. Lohan, 2017. Mapping the Radio World to Find Us. In Nurmi, J., Lohan, E.-S., Wymeersch, H., Seco-Grandos, G. and O. Nykänen (Eds), Multi-Technology Positioning. Springer, 149-164. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-50427-8_8

Kirkko-Jakkola, M.,Thombre, S., Honkala, S., Söderholm, S., Kaasalainen, S., Kuusniemi, H., Zelle, H., Veerman, H. and A. Wallin, 2017. Evaluating the Robustness of EGNSS based Timing Services. Proceedings of the European Navigation Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, 9-12 May.

Sánchez-Naranjo, S.,  Ferrara, N. G., Paśnikowski, M. J., Raasakka, J., Shytermeja, E., Ramos, R. F., González, F. A., Martínez, D., Lohan, E. S., Nurmi, J., Toledo, M., Kotaba, O. and O., Julien, 2017. GNSS Vulnerabilities. In Nurmi, J., Lohan, E.-S., Wymeersch, H., Seco-Grandos, G. and O. Nykänen (Eds), Multi-Technology Positioning. Springer, 55-77. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-50427-8_4

Thombre, S., Guinness, R., Kuusniemi, H., Pietrzykowski, Z., Banaś, B., Wołejsza, P., Seppälä, O. and J. Laukkanen, 2017. Proof-of-Concept Demonstrator to Improve Safety of Maritime Navigation in the Baltic Sea. European Navigation Conference 2017, Lausanne, Switzerland, 9-12 May. DOI: 10.1109/EURONAV.2017.7954213


Bhuiyan, M. Z. H., Marila, S., Koivula, H., Kuusniemi, H. and S. Söderholm, 2016. Finland’s EGNOS Monitoring and Performance Evaluation. Proceedings of the European Navigation Conference (ENC), Helsinki, Finland, 30 May - 2 June.

Borio, D., Dovis, F., Kuusniemi, H. and L. Lo Presti, 2016. Impact and Detection of GNSS Jammers on Consumer Grade Satellite Navigation Receivers. Proceedings of the IEEE 104(6), 1233-1245. DOI: 10.1109/JPROC.2016.2543266

Chen, L., Thevenon, P., Seco-Granados, G., Julien, O. and H. Kuusniemi, 2016. Analysis on the TOA Tracking with DVB-T Signals for Positioning. IEEE Transactions on Broadcastings 62(4), 957-961. DOI: 10.1109/TBC.2016.2606939

Honkala, S., 2016. GLONASS Satellite Navigation Signal Implementation in a Software-defined Multi-constellation Satellite Navigation Receiver. Master’s Thesis, Aalto University, School of Electrical Engineering.

Innac, A., Bhuiyan, M. Z. H, Söderholm, S., Kuusniemi, H. and S. Gaglione, 2016. Reliability testing for multiple GNSS measurement outlier detection. Proceedings of the European Navigation Conference (ENC), Helsinki, Finland, 30 May – 2 June. DOI: 10.1109/EURONAV.2016.7530540

Kuusniemi, H., Lohan, E. S.,  Järvinen, K,. Korpisaari, P.,  Thombre, S., Bhuiyan, M. Z. H.,  Leppäkoski, H., Chen, L., Bu-Pasha, S., Alen-Savikko, A., Mäkinen, J., Ruotsalainen, L., Söderholm, S., Guinness, R., Ferrara, G. N. and S. Honkala, 2016. Information Security Of Location Estimation – Increasing Trustworthiness. Proc. of the ESA Navitec 2016, Noordwijk, NL, 14-16 December.

Marila, S., Bhuiyan, M. Z. H, Kuokkanen, J., Koivula, H. and H. Kuusniemi, 2016. Performance Comparison of Differential GNSS, EGNOS and SDCM in Different User Scenarios in Finland. Proceedings of the European Navigation Conference (ENC), Helsinki, Finland, 30 May – 2 June. DOI: 10.1109/EURONAV.2016.7530550

Pattinson, M., Dumville, M., Bhuiyan, M. Z. H., Kuusniemi, H., Gabrielsson, B., Waern, Å., Poloskey, M., Hill, S., Shivaramaiah, N., Kibe, S., Lee, S. and J.R. Gonzalez, 2016. Standardisation of GNSS Threat reporting and Receiver testing through International Knowledge Exchange, Experimentation and Exploitation (STRIKE3). Proceedings of the European Navigation Conference (ENC), Helsinki, Finland, 30 May – 2 June.

Ruotsalainen, L., Chen, L., Kirkko-Jaakkola, M., Gröhn, S. and H. Kuusniemi, 2016.  INTACT- Towards infrastructure-free tactical situational awareness. European Journal of Navigation 14(4), 33-38.

Ruotsalainen, L., Guinness, R., Gröhn, S., Chen, L., Kirkko-Jaakkola, M. and H. Kuusniemi, 2016. Situational Awareness for Tactical Applications. Proceedings of the 29th International Technical Meeting of The Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2016), 1190-1198, Portland, Oregon,USA, 12-16 September.

Ruotsalainen L., Kirkko-Jaakkola M., Chen L., Gröhn, S., Guinness, R. and H. Kuusniemi, 2016. Multi-Sensor SLAM for Tactical Situational Awareness. Proceedings of the 2016 International Technical Meeting of the Institute of Navigation, Monterey, California, USA, 26-28 January 2016.

Söderholm, S., Bhuiyan, M. Z. H., Thombre, S., Ruotsalainen, L. and H. Kuusniemi, 2016. A Multi-GNSS Software-defined Receiver: Design, Implementation and Performance Benefits. Annals of Telecommunications 71(7-8), 399-410. DOI: 10.1007/s12243-016-0518-7

Thombre, S., Kuusniemi, H., Söderholm, S., Chen, L., Guinness, R., Pietrzykowski, Z. and P. Wołejsza, 2016. Operational Scenarios for Maritime Safety in the Baltic Sea. NAVIGATION, Journal of the Institute of Navigation, November 2016, DOI: 10.1002/navi.161


Banaś, P., Guinness, R. and S. Thombre, 2015. Analysis and Identification of Requirements for a System to Enhance Situational Awareness at Sea. International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, TransNav 9(2). DOI: 10.12716/1001.09.02.03

Bhuiyan, M. Z. H., Honkala, S., Söderholm, S. and H. Kuusniemi, 2015. Performance Analysis of a Multi-GNSS receiver in the Presence of a Commercial Jammer. International Association of Institutes of Navigation World Congress 2015, Prague, Czech Republic, 20-23 October.

Bhuiyan, M. Z. H., Söderholm, S., Kuusniemi, H., Thombre, S. and L. Ruotsalainen, 2015. Utilization of a Novel Channel Quality Index for Improved Multi-GNSS Positioning in GNSS-denied Environments. 5th Int. Galileo Science Colloquium, Braunschweig, Germany, 27-29 October.

Bhuiyan, M. Z. H., Söderholm, S., Thombre, S., Ruotsalainen, L. and H. Kuusniemi, 2015. Performance Analysis of a Dual-frequency Software-defined BeiDou Receiver with B1 and B2 signals. China Satellite Navigation Conference, CSNC 2015 Proceedings: Volume I, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 340, 827-839, Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-46638-4_72

Chen, L., Julien, O., Thevenon, P., Serant, D., Pena, A.G. and H. Kuusniemi, 2015. TOA Estimation for Positioning With DVB-T Signals in Outdoor Static Tests. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting 61(4), 625-638, DOI: 10.1109/TBC.2015.2465155

Chen L., Kuusniemi, H., Chen, Y., Liu, J., Pei, L. and C. Ruizhi, 2015. Constraint Kalman Filter for Indoor Bluetooth Localization. Proceedings of European Signal Processing Conference (Eusipco 2015), Nice, France, 30 August - 4 September. DOI: 10.1109/IPIN.2015.7346957

Kirkko-Jaakkola, M., Söderholm, S., Honkala, S., Koivula, H., Nyberg, S. and H. Kuusniemi, 2015. Low-Cost Precise Positioning Using a National GNSS Network. Proceedings of ION GNSS+, Tampa, Florida, 14-18 September.

Nevalainen, O., Thombre, S., Kaasalainen, S., Chen, L. et al, 2015. Feasibility of Sentinel-data for Enhanced Maritime Safety and Situational Awareness. Proceedings of European Navigation Conference, ENC2015, Bordeaux, France (Best Student Paper Award), 7-10 April.

Ruotsalainen L., Gröhn, S., Kirkko-Jaakkola M., Chen L., Guinness, R. and H. Kuusniemi, 2015.  Monocular Visual SLAM for Tactical Situational Awareness. In Proceedings of the IPIN, Banff, Canada, 13-16 October. DOI: 10.1109/IPIN.2015.7346957

Thombre, S., Bhuiyan, M.Z.H., Söderholm, S., Kirkko-Jaakkola, M., Ruotsalainen L. and H. Kuusniemi, 2015. A Software Multi-GNSS Receiver Implementation for the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System. IETE Journal of Research 62(2), 246.256. DOI: 10.1080/03772063.2015.1093968

Thombre, S., Guinness, R., Kuusniemi, H., Chen, L., Ruotsalainen, L., O. Nevalainen, O., Z. Pietrzykowski, Z., Uriasz, J., Laukkanen, J. and P. Ghawi, 2015. ESABALT - Improvement of Situational Awareness in the Baltic with the Use of Crowdsourcing, International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, TransNav 9(2), 183-189. DOI: 10.12716/1001.09.02.04

Thombre, S., Söderholm, S., Bhuiyan, M. Z. H., Kirkko-Jaakkola, M., Ruotsalainen, L. and H. Kuusniemi, 2015. Investigating the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System Using a Software Multi-GNSS Receiver in Europe. Proc.  European Navigation Conference, ENC2015, Bordeaux, France, 7-10 April.

Wołejsza, P., Thombre, S. and R. Guinness, 2015. Maritime Safety – Stakeholders in Information Exchange Processes, International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, TransNav 9(1), 143-148. DOI: 10.12716/1001.09.01.18

Zhang, J., Bhuiyan, M. Z. H. and Lohan, E. S. 2015. Analysis of Galileo E1 Receiver Performance with a Power-controlled Front-end. European Journal of Navigation 13(1), 4-9.


Bhuiyan, M. Z. H., Kuusniemi, H., Söderholm, S. and E. Airos, 2014. The Impact of Interference on GNSS Receiver Observables – A Running Digital Sum Based Simple Jammer Detector. Radioengineering Journal 23(3), 898-906.

Bhuiyan, M. Z. H., Kuusniemi, H., Söderholm, S., Thombre, S. and L. Ruotsalainen 2014. Tracking the BeiDou Satellites with a Software-defined Receiver, Geospatial World – The Geospatial Industry Magazine, 21 April, 2014.

Bhuiyan, M. Z. H., Söderholm, S., Thombre, S., Ruotsalainen, L. and H. Kuusniemi, 2014. Implementation of a Software-defined BeiDou Receiver, Chinese Satellite Navigation Conference Proceedings: Volume I, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 303, 751-762.

Bhuiyan, M. Z. H., Söderholm, S., Thombre, S., Ruotsalainen, L. and H. Kuusniemi, 2014. First Studies of BeiDou in Finland, International Conference on Localization and GNSS (ICL-GNSS 2014), Helsinki, Finland, 24-26 June.

Bhuiyan, M. Z. H., Söderholm, S., Thombre, S., Ruotsalainen, L. and H. Kuusniemi, 2014. Overcoming the Challenges of BeiDou Receiver Implementation, Sensors, 2014, 14, pp. 22082-22098. doi: 10.3390/s141122082

Bhuiyan, M. Z. H., Söderholm, S., Thombre, S., Ruotsalainen, L., Kirkko-Jaakkola, M., and H. Kuusniemi, 2014. Performance Evaluation of Carrier-to-Noise density ratio (C/N0) Estimation Techniques for BeiDou B1 Signal, UPINLBS’2014, Texas, USA, 20-21 Nov 2014. Doi: 10.1109/UPINLBS.2014.7033706

Chen, L., Kuusniemi, H., Chen, Y., Pei, L., Liu, J., Tang, J., Ruotsalainen L. and  R. Chen 2014, Information Filter Assisted Indoor Bluetooth Positioning.  In Seppo Virtanen (Ed.), Advancing Embedded Systems and Real-Time Communications with Emerging Technologies, IGI Global Press, 2014. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-6034-2

Guinness, R. E., Goerlandt, F. Saarimaki, J., Berglund, R., Montewka, J., Kotovirta, V., Ruotsalainen, L. and H. Kuusniemi, 2014. A method for ice-aware maritime route optimization. Position, Location and Navigation Symposium -PLANS 2014, IEEE/ION, 1371-1378. DOI: 10.1109/PLANS.2014.6851512

Kirkko-Jaakkola, M., Ruotsalainen, L., Bhuiyan, M.Z.H., Söderholm, S., Thombre, S. and H. Kuusniemi, 2014. Performance of a MEMS IMU deeply coupled with a GNSS receiver under jamming. Proceedings of UPINLBS, Corpus Christi, Texas, USA, 21-21 November. DOI: 10.1109/UPINLBS.2014.7033711

Kirkko-Jaakkola, M., Saarimäki, J., Söderholm, S., Guinness, R, Mattila, T., Koivula, H., Nyberg, S., Ruotsalainen, L. and H. Kuusniemi, 2014. P3: A Public Precise Positioning Service Based on a National GNSS Network, Proceedings of the International Conference on Localization and GNSS (ICL-GNSS 2014), Helsinki, Finland, 24-26 June.

Ruotsalainen, L., Bhuiyan, M. Z. H., Söderholm, S., Thombre, S. and H. Kuusniemi 2014. Impact of a cheap commercial jammer on BeiDou signals, ENC2014, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 14-17 April.

Ruotsalainen, L., Kirkko-Jaakkola, M., Bhuiyan, M. Z. H., Söderholm, S., Thombre, S. and H. Kuusniemi, 2014. Deeply-coupled GNSS, INS and visual sensor integration for interference mitigation. Proceedings of ION GNSS 2014, 2243-2249. Tampa, Florida, USA,8-12 September.

Söderholm, S., Bhuiyan, M. Z. H., Thombre, S., Ruotsalainen L. and H. Kuusniemi, 2014. An L1 CDMA multi-GNSS software receiver, GPS Solutions, Springer, in press.

Thombre S., 2014. Test Bench Solutions for Advanced GNSS Receivers: Implementation, Automation, and Application. Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science in Technology, Tampere University of Technology, April 4, 2014

Thombre, S. and J. Nurmi, 2014. Software Simulators and Multi-Frequency Test Scenarios for GALILEO. In Nurmi, J., Lohan, E. S. and, S., Hurskainen, H. (Eds.), GALILEO Positioning Technology. Springer, 289-321. 

Thombre, S., Raasakka, J., Paakki, T., Della Rosa, F., Valkama, M., Ruotsalainen, L., Kuusiniemi, H. and J. Nurmi, 2014. Automated Test-bench Infrastructure for GNSS Receivers. GPS World, March 1, 2014.

Thombre S., Tchamov N. N., Lohan S., Valkama M. and J. Nurmi, 2014. Effects of Radio Front-end PLL Phase Noise on GNSS Baseband Correlation. NAVIGATION, Journal of The Institute of Navigation 61(1), 13-21. DOI: 10.1002/navi.54  

Thombre, S., Ruotsalainen, L., Kuusniemi, H. and J. Nurmi, 2014. Innovations in Multi-GNSS Receiver Testing 20th Ka and Broadband Communications, Navigation and Earth Observation Conference. Salerno/Vietri, Italy,1-3 October.