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Expropriation of joint property unit

Product Maximum area (hectares) Price € (excl. VAT) Price € (incl. VAT)
Expropriation of a joint property unit
0,1 2 300,00 No VAT
0,5 2 520,00 No VAT
1 2 890,00 No VAT
2 3 610,00 No VAT
5 4 500,00 No VAT
10 5 380,00 No VAT
20 6 350,00 No VAT
Each consequent starting 10 ha 880,00No VAT

The fees for fixed-sum surveys depend on the prices valid at the time the application is received.  The fixed-sum surveys are equally priced, whether they are performed separately or in connection to other surveys. If other surveys or actions are performed in connection to the survey, they will be charged separately.


In the same delivery, an area of 0.3 ha is purchased from the common area for property A, and 0.6 ha of the common area is bought for property B. A National Land Survey surveyor will act as an assistant and a cadastral surveyor will bring the boundary markers.

The fee for each purchase comes from the above table, and they are based on the size of the bought areas. Therefore, the fee for property A 0.3 ha is €2,520, and for property B 0.6 ha, it is €2,890. The surveyor and the boundary marker costs are included in the fee.