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Geoinformatics and Cartography – Publications

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Brauer, A., Mäkinen, V., Ruotsalainen, L. and J. Oksanen, 2024. Time will not tell: Temporal approaches for privacy-preserving trajectory publishing. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 112, 102154. 

Jussila, A., Koski, C. and P. Kettunen, 2024. Vectorization of watercourse detection from neural network. Abstracts of the International Cartographic Association, 7, 65.

Kettunen, P., Kubíček, P., Liao, H. and T. Reichenbacher, 2024. Cognitive issues in geographic visualisation. Position Magazine, 6 August, 2024.

Kettunen, P., Rönneberg, M. and A. Jussila, 2024. Pyykkijahdista tietämystä joukkoistamisen motivaatiosta ja älypuhelinten paikannustarkkuudesta. Positio, 25.3.2024.

Kettunen, P., Rönneberg, M. and A. Jussila, 2024. Pyykkijahti provides knowledge on motivation of crowdsourcing and positioning accuracy of smartphones. Positio 10.7.2024.

Kettunen, P., Rönneberg, M. and A. Jussila, 2024. Smarttelefonsspelet Pyykkijahti ökar kunskapen om deltagande i crowdsourcing och smarttelefonernas positioneringsnoggrannhet. Sinus, 1:11-12.

Lehto, L., Kähkönen, J., Muhli, P. and J. Oksanen, 2024. Advanced User Interface for a Geospatial Data Integration Platform. GEOProcessing 2024 : The Sixteenth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services.


Bonnevie, I.M., Hansen, H.S., Schrøder, L., Rönneberg, M., Kettunen, P., Koski, C., and J. Oksanen, 2023. Engaging stakeholders in marine spatial planning for collaborative scoring of conflicts and synergies within a spatial tool environment. Ocean & Coastal Management, 233, 106449.

Brauer, A., Mäkinen, V., and J. Oksanen, 2023. Human mobility tracks as FAIR data: Designing a privacy-preserving repository for GNSS-based activity tracking data. AGILE GIScience Series, 4, 21.

Hattula, E., Zhu, L., Raninen, J., Oksanen, J. and J. Hyyppä, 2023. Advantages of Using Transfer Learning Technology with a Quantative Measurement. Remote Sensing, 15(17), 4278.

Jaeger, N., Keskin, M., and P. Kettunen, 2023. Automation of the visualisation of eye-tracking data with animated heatmaps. Abstract of the International Cartographic Association, 6, 104.

Jussila, A., 2023. Positioning accuracy of smartphones in crowdsourcing context. Master's theses, Aalto University, Espoo. 57+6 pages.

Keskin, M., Krassanakis, V., and A. Çöltekin, 2023. Visual Attention and Recognition Differences Based on Expertise in a Map Reading and Memorability Study. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 12(1), 21.

Keskin, M. and P. Kettunen, 2023. Potential of eye-tracking for interactive geovisual exploration aided by machine learning. International Journal of Cartography, 9(2): 150-172.

Keskin, M., Rönneberg, M., and P. Kettunen, 2023. The effect of dominant background color and visualizing cycling routes on the readability of topographic maps: An eye tracking study. Abstract of the International Cartographic Association, 6, 123.

Kettunen, P., Jussila, A. and C. Koski, 2023. Compositions of generalised built areas for topographic maps. 25th ICA Workshop on Map Generalisation and Multiple Representation. Abstract.

Kettunen, P., Keskin, M. ja M. Rönneberg, 2023. TUGEVA: Tuntemattoman paikkatietoaineiston ymmärtäminen tekoälyavusteisella geovisuaalisella analytiikalla. MATINE - Maanpuolustuksen tieteellinen neuvottelukunta, tutkimusten tiivistelmäraportit 2021, 2021/2500M-0134.

Koski, C., Kettunen, P., Poutanen, J., Zhu, L. and J. Oksanen, 2023. Mapping Small Watercourses from DEMs with Deep Learning—Exploring the Causes of False Predictions. Remote Sensing 15(11), 2776.

Lehto, L. and J. Kähkönen, 2023. Dynamic Integration of Climate Properties with Geospatial Data for Energy Applica-tions. GEOProcessing 2023, the Fifteenth International Con-ference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Appli-cations, and Services, Apr 24-28, 2023, Venice, Italy, pp. 37-40.

Poutanen, J., Koski, C., Oksanen, J., and P. Kettunen, 2023. Lessons learnt from digitizing a label dataset for AI-based feature extraction of watercourses. Abstract of the International Cartographic Association, 6, 205.

Robinson, A.C., Kettunen, P., Delazari, L., and A. Çöltekin, 2023. New directions for the state of the art and science in Cartography. International Journal of Cartography, 9(2): 143-149.

Räsänen, T., Middleton, M., Pohjankukka, J., Mäkinen, V., Kivimäki, A., et al., 2023. Turvemaiden digitaalinen kartoitus ja turvepeltolohkojen tunnistaminen. Luonnonvara- ja biotalouden tutkimus 119/2023, 76 s. 978-952-380-851-5

Räsänen, T.A., Myllys, M., Kekkonen, H., Salo, T., Pitkänen, T., Laatikainen, M., Laine-Petäjäkangas, A., Väänänen, T., Palmu, J.-P., Kivimäki, A. ja J. Oksanen, 2023.Turvepeltolohkojen määrittely ja tunnistaminen: Maatalousmaiden turvetieto (MaaTu) -hankkeen raportti 58/2023.

Rönneberg, M. and P. Kettunen, 2023. A gamified map application utilising crowdsourcing engaged citizens to refine the quality and accuracy of cadastral index map border markers. International Journal of Digital Earth, 16(2), 4726-4748.

Rönneberg, M., Latvala, P. and Kettunen, P., 2023. D3.1 - AquaINFRA DDAS user requirements. European Commission.

Turunen, A. 2023. Location Innovation Academy: Kohti paikkatietojen yhteentoimivuutta verkkokurssien avulla. Positio 18.4.2023.

Zhu, L., Raninen, J., Hattula, E., Kettunen, P., Koski, C., Jussila, A. and J. Oksanen, 2023. Artificial intelligence improves the National Land Survey’s topographic data accuracy. Positio, 14.12.2023.

Zhu, L., Raninen, J., Hattula, E., Koski, C., Kettunen, P., Oksanen, J., Ilves, R., Savola, S. and H. Laaksonen, 2023. AI for topographic mapping. Positio, 29.4.2023.



Brauer, A., Mäkinen, V., Forsch, A., Oksanen, J., and J.H. Haunert, 2022. My home is my secret: concealing sensitive locations by context-aware trajectory truncation, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 36(12): 2496-2524.

Cossec, C., 2022. Creation of quality dashboard for geospatial data and services. Engineering Diploma Thesis. Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Strasbourg (INSA Strasbourg), France.

Keskin, M., Rönneberg, M., and P. Kettunen, 2022. Cartographic adaptation through eye tracking and deep learning: Gaze-Aware Interactive Map System (GAIMS). EuroCarto2022. Abstracts of the International Cartographic Association, 5, 107.

Kettunen, P. 2022. Kartografien jälleennäkemisen riemua renessanssihengessä. Positio 23.5.2022.

Kettunen, P. and M. Rönneberg, 2022. Accuracy Enhancement of Cadastral Boundary Marker Coordinates with Smartphone Crowdsourcing. In Krisp, J.M., Meng, L., Kumke, H. and H. Huang (eds.), Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Location-Based Services, pp. 154–155.

Koski, C., Kettunen, P., Poutanen, J., and J. Oksanen, 2022. Mapping small watercourses with deep learning–impact of training watercourse types separately. AGILE: GIScience Series, 3, 43.

Latvala, P., Huuhko, K., and M. Kokkonen, 2022. Integrating Statistical Databases with Geospatial Datasets. Abstracts of the International Cartographic Association Series, 5, 121. European Cartographic Conference – EuroCarto 2022.

Lehto, L. and J. Kähkönen, 2022. Cross-border Delivery and Web-based Visualization of 3D Buildings. GEOProcessing 2022: the Fourteenth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, Jun 26-30, 2022, Porto, Portugal, pp. 36-40.

Lehto, L., Kähkönen, J., Reini, J., Aarnio, T., and R. Tervo, 2022. Cross-border and Cross-domain Integration of 3D Content in a European Geospatially Enabled Ecosystem. International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems, 15(1-2):1-11.

Mäkinen, V., Brauer, A. and J. Oksanen, 2022. Building an Open Personal Trajectory Repository. GEOProcessing 2022: the Fourteenth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, Jun 26-30, 2022, Porto, Portugal, pp. 58-61.

Rönneberg, M., 2022. Approach for creating useful, gamified and social map applications utilising privacy-preserving crowdsourcing. Aalto University publication series DOCTORAL THESES, 53/2022, FGI Publications 166, pp. 112 + app. 86.

Turunen, A., 2022. Data Quality Assurance of 3D Building Features in Data Integration Processes. Master's theses. Aalto University, School of Engineering, Espoo. 65+1 pages.

Tähtikarhu, M., Räsänen, T., Oksanen, J., and J. Uusi-Kämppä, 2022. Exploring structural sediment connectivity via surface runoff in agricultural lands of Finland. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B — Soil & Plant Science, 72(1): 957-970.


Jakobsson, A., Lehto, L. 2021. Eurooppalainen ponnistus paikkatietojen tehokäytön puolesta, Positio, 2:2021, s. 26-27

Jokinen, V., Mäkinen, V., Brauer, A., and J. Oksanen, 2021. Would citizens contribute their personal location data to an open database? Preliminary results from a survey. In Basiri, A., Gartner, G., and H. Huang, (Eds.), LBS 2021: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Location Based Services, 24-25th November 2021, pp. 171-176.

Keskin, M., 2021. The lack of empirically-derived guidelines about designing cartographic user experiments. Workshop on Adaptable Research Methods for Empirical Research with Map Users, 6th May 2021. 

Keskin, M., and P. Kettunen, 2021. Designing AI-assisted interactive map displays to explore spatial information. Abstracts of the ICA, Volume 3, 148. 30th International Cartographic Conference (ICC 2021), 14–18th December 2021.

Keskin, M., and P. Kettunen, 2021. Possibilities of Combining AI and Eye Tracking to Guide Geoexploration. Social Sensing Workshop, GIScience 2021, 27th September 2021, Poznań, Poland.

Kettunen, P., Koski, C., and M. Rönneberg, 2021. Experiences with Collaborative Map Use Interface in Remote Courses of Maritime Spatial Planning. Workshop on Adaptable Research Methods for Empirical Research with Map Users, 6th May 2021. 

Kivekäs, R. ja J. Reini, 2021. Muutoksen tuulia kansainvälisessä standardisointityössä, Positio 3:2021

Koski, C., Kettunen, P., Poutanen, J., Zhu, L., and Oksanen, J., 2021. Piloting the use of machine learning methods for automatic mapping of streams and ditches in Finland. Abstracts of the ICA, Volume 3, 158. 30th International Cartographic Conference (ICC 2021), 14–18th December 2021.

Koski, C., Rönneberg, M., Kettunen, P., Armoškaitė, A., Strake, S., and J. Oksanen, 2021. User experiences of using a spatial analysis tool in collaborative GIS for maritime spatial planning. Transactions in GIS, 25(4): 1809–1824.

Koski, C., Rönneberg, M., Kettunen, P., Eliasen, S., Hansen, H.S., and J. Oksanen, 2021. Utility of collaborative GIS for maritime spatial planning: Design and evaluation of Baltic Explorer. Transactions in GIS, 25(3): 1347-1365.

Koski, C., Rönneberg, M., Kettunen, P., and J. Oksanen, 2021. Experiences from working with a collaborative GIS in maritime spatial planning. Book of abstracts, CostGIS 2021, 16-17th September, Raseborg, Finland.

Lehto, L., and J. Kähkönen, 2021. OGC API Features HTML-output as a Feature Dashboard. Abstracts of the ICA, Volume 3, 176. 30th International Cartographic Conference (ICC 2021), 14–18th December 2021.

Lehto, L., Kähkönen, J., Reini, J., Aarnio, T., and R. Tervo, 2021.Cross-border and Cross-domain Integration of Content in a European Geospatially Enabled Ecosystem, in GEOProcessing 2021, the Thirteenth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, Jul 18-22, 2021, Nice, France, pp. 1-5. ISBN 978-1-61208-871-6,

Reini, J. 2021. Kokeiluympäristöissä syntyy uusia ratkaisuja paikkatietoalalle. Positio, 1:2021, s. 26-27.

Rönneberg, M., and P. Kettunen, 2021. Enabling citizens to refine the location accuracy of cadastre boundary markers by gamified VGI. Abstracts of the ICA, Volume 3, 252. 30th International Cartographic Conference (ICC 2021), 14–18th December 2021.


Brauer, A., Mäkinen, V., and J. Oksanen, 2020. Quantifying cycling traffic fluency based on big mobile tracking data. GIScience Research UK Conference (GISRUK) 2020, London, UK, 21-23 July 2020.

Brauer, A., Mäkinen, V., and J. Oksanen, 2021. Characterizing cycling traffic fluency using big mobile activity tracking data. Computers Environment and Urban Systems, 85, 101553.

Kettunen, P., Koski, C., Rönneberg, M. ja J. Oksanen, 2020. Uusi työkalu helpottaa aluesuunnittelun yhteistyötä Itämerellä. Positio, 3:20-21.

Kettunen, P., Koski, C., Rönneberg, M., Oksanen, J., Hansen, H.S., and L. Schrøder, 2020. Baltic Explorer web-map and multi-touch application. BONUS BASMATI Deliverable 5.5, August 2020.

Lehto, L., Kähkönen, J., and J. Oksanen, 2020. Principles and Applications of a Multiresolution Geodata Cube. International Journal on Advances in Software, 13(3-4): 264-273.

Lehto, L., Kähkönen, J., Oksanen, J., and T. Sarjakoski, 2020. Harmonized Multiresolution Geodata Cube for Efficient Raster Data Analysis and Visualization. GEOProcessing 2020, the Twelfth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, Nov 21-25, 2020, Valencia, Spain, pp. 16-21. ISBN: 978-1-61208-762-7

Perheentupa, V., Mäkinen, V., Habicht, H.-L., and J. Oksanen, 2020. Animated visualization of post-glacial land uplift and shore displacement from modeled paleotopographic reconstructions. Applied Computing and Geosciences, 8, 100042.

Rönneberg, M., Koski, C., Kettunen, P., and J. Oksanen, 2020. Enhancing interaction in maritime spatial planning workshops through collaborative GIS. Abstracts of the ICA, 2, 45.

Rönneberg, M., Koski, C., Kettunen, P., Oksanen, J., Hansen, H.S., and L. Schrøder, 2020. Guidelines for the establishment of the SDSS platform for MSP. BONUS BASMATI Deliverable 5.4, March 2020.

Rönneberg, M., Koski, C., Oksanen, J., Morf, A., Nilsson, P., Tolvanen, H., Salovius-Laurén, S., and P. Kettunen, 2020. Using a Collaborative GIS for Supporting Maritime Spatial Planning Courses. The 23rd International Research Symposium on Cartography and GIScience, AutoCarto2020.

Toikka, A., Willberg, E., Mäkinen, V., Toivonen, T., and J. Oksanen, 2020. The Green View Dataset for the Capital of Finland, Helsinki. Data in Brief, 30, 105601.


Kettunen, P., 2019. Experiment on People’s Selection of Route Landmarks from Different Types of Geospatial Pictures. 29th International Cartographic Conference (ICC 2019). Abstracts of the International Cartographic Association, 1:172.

Kettunen, P., and J. Oksanen, 2019. Motion of animated streamlets appears to surpass their graphical alterations in human visual detection of vector field maxima. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 46(6): 489-501.

Koski, C., Rönneberg, M., Kettunen, P., Dost, Ü., Oksanen, J., Reiter, I., and H.S. Hansen, 2019. Baltic Explorer web-map and multi-touch application prototype. BONUS BASMATI Deliverable 5.3, January 2019.

Latvala, P., Lehto, L., and S. Kytö, 2019. On-the-Fly Edge-Matching for Cascaded Service Content. In: P. Kyriakidis, D. Hadjimitsis, D. Skarlatos & A. Mansourian (Eds.), Accepted Short Papers and Posters from the 22nd AGILE Conference on Geo-information Science. Cyprus University of Technology, 17-20 June 2019, Limassol, Cyprus.

Lehto, L., Kähkönen, J., Oksanen, J., and T. Sarjakoski, 2019. Flexible Access to a Harmonised Multi-resolution Raster Geodata Storage in the Cloud. GEOProcessing 2019, The Eleventh International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications and Services, Feb 24-28, 2019, Athens, Greece.

Lehto, L., Kähkönen, J., Oksanen, J., and T. Sarjakoski, 2019. Visualisation and analysis of multi-resolution raster geodatasets in the cloud, Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 1, 210.

Mäkinen, V., Oksanen, J., and T. Sarjakoski, 2019. Automatic determination of stream networks from DEMs by using road network data to locate culverts. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 33(2): 291-313.

Mäkinen, V., Oksanen, J., and T. Sarjakoski, 2019. Creating visually consistent DEMs over water bodies using laser scanning data. In: P. Kyriakidis, D. Hadjimitsis, D. Skarlatos & A. Mansourian (Eds.), Accepted Short Papers and Posters from the 22nd AGILE Conference on Geo-information Science. Cyprus University of Technology, 17-20 June 2019, Limassol, Cyprus.

Oksanen, J., Kettunen, P., and C. Koski, 2019. Plain cartography – web maps for visually impaired and elderly people. 29th International Cartographic Conference (ICC 2019). Abstracts of the International Cartographic Association, 1:281.

Oksanen, J., and L. Puranen, 2019. Geoportti brings refined geodata and high-performance geocomputing within reach of researchers. Positio, ICC 2019 Special Issue: 4-6.

Oksanen, J. ja L. Puranen, 2019. Geoportti tuo paikkatietoja hyödyntävän teholaskennan tutkijoiden ulottuville. Positio - paikkatiedon erikoislehti, (1:2019): 13-15.

Perheentupa, V., Mäkinen, V., and J. Oksanen, 2019. Making post-glacial uplift visible: A model based high-resolution animation of shore displacement. Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 1, 296.

Rönneberg, M., Eliasen, S.Q., Kettunen, P., Koski, C., and J. Oksanen, 2019. Designing Access Control of a Spatial Decision Support System for Collaborative Maritime Spatial Planning. In: Gartner, Georg & Huang, Haosheng (eds.), Adjunct Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Location-Based Services, 271-276.


Calle, M., Alho, P., and G.J. Benito, 2018. Monitoring ephemeral river changes during floods with SfM photogrammetry. Journal of Iberian Geology, 44(3): 355-373.

Carabaño, J., Westerholm, J., and T. Sarjakoski, 2018. A compiler approach to map algebra: automatic parallelization, locality optimization, and GPU acceleration of raster spatial analysis. GeoInformatica 22(2): 211-235.

Dost, Ü., 2018. Augmenting the Thematic Maps with Data Driven Graphics by Integrating Open APIs and Mapping Platforms. Positio - paikkatiedon erikoislehti, (2:2018): 26-27.

Dost, Ü., Koski, C., Reiter, I., Luhtala, H., and J. Oksanen, 2018. State of the Art Report on Multi-Channel Map Applications. BONUS BASMATI Deliverable 5.2, February 2018.

Kettunen, P., 2018. Characteristics of Geospatial Photographs in Constructing Human Spatial Knowledge. Chapter 2 in: White, R., Coltekin, A. and R. Hoffman (eds.) Remote Sensing and Cognition. Human Factors and Image Interpretation. Boca Raton: CRC Press, pp. 19–46.

Kettunen, P., 2018. Paikkatietoja murroksilla, osa 1. Positio - paikkatiedon erikoislehti, (2:2018): 4-5.

Kettunen, P., 2018. Paikkatietoja Pohjois-Amerikan murroksilla, osa 2. Positio - paikkatiedon erikoislehti, (3:2018): 4-5.

Kettunen, P. and J. Oksanen, 2018. Effects of Unsupervised Participation over the Internet on a Usability Study about Map Animation. New Directions in Geovisual Analytics: Visualization, Computation, and Evaluation (GVIZ 2018). Article No. 7, pp. 7:1-7:7.

Kovanen, J., Mäkinen, V. and T. Sarjakoski, 2018. An Approach for Assessing Array DBMSs for Geospatial Raster Data. GEOProcessing 2018, Rome, Italy, 25-29 March.

Kovanen, J., Oksanen, J., and T. Sarjakoski, 2018. Near real-time coastal flood inundation simulation with uncertainty analysis and GPU acceleration in a web environment. Computers & Geosciences, 119: 39-48.

Lehto, L., Kähkönen, J., Oksanen, J. and T. Sarjakoski, 2018. GeoCubes Finland - A Unified Approach for Managing Multi-resolution Raster Geodata in a National Geospatial Research Infrastructure. GEOProcessing 2018, the Tenth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications and Services, March 25-29, 2018, Rome, Italy. ISBN: 978-1-61208-617-0.

Lehto, L., Kähkönen, J., Oksanen, J., and T. Sarjakoski, 2018. Supporting Wide User-Base in Raster Analysis - Geo-Cubes Finland. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLII-4: 329-334.

Rönneberg, M., Laakso, M., and T. Sarjakoski, 2018. Map Gretel - Social Map Service Supporting a National Mapping Agency in Data Collection. Journal of Geographical Systems, 1-17.

Schiele, K., Holzhüter, W., von Thenen, M., Luhtala, H., Strake, S., Viska, M., Pakalniete, K., Koski, C., and A. Morf, 2018. Requirements for data to be used in marine spatial planning. BONUS BASMATI, Deliverable 3.1., August 2018,

Strake, S., Aigars, J., Viska, M., Pakalniete, K., Purina, I., von Thenen, M., Schiele, K., Luhtala, H., Erkkilä-Välimäki, A., Tolvanen, H., and C. Koski, 2018. Specifications for case study designs. BONUS BASMATI Deliverable 6.2, January 2018.


Bergman, C. and J. Oksanen, 2017. Using geovisual reasoning to improve home location inference from cyclists’ GPS traces: towards understanding the demographic representativeness of mobile sports tracking application data. In: Bregt, A., Sarjakoski, T., Lammeren, R. van, Rip, F. (Eds.). Societal Geo-Innovation : short papers, posters and poster abstracts of the 20th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science. Wageningen University & Research 9-12 May 2017, Wageningen, the Netherlands. ISBN 978-90-816960-7-4. Accessible through

Bregt, A., Sarjakoski, T., Lammeren, R. van, Rip. F., (eds.), 2017. Societal Geo-innovation. Selected papers of the 20th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-56758-7.

Bregt, A., Sarjakoski, T., Lammeren, R. van, Rip, F. (eds.), 2017. Societal Geo-Innovation : short papers, posters and poster abstracts of the 20th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science. Wageningen University & Research 9-12 May 2017, Wageningen, the Netherlands. ISBN 978-90-816960-7-4. Accessible through

Carabaño, J., Westerholm, J. and T. Sarjakoski, 2017. A compiler approach to map algebra: automatic parallelization, locality optimization, and GPU acceleration of raster spatial analysis. Geoinformatica. DOI:

Kettunen, P., 2017. Geokuvien kolmannen ulottuvuuden aika on käsillä (Eng. version: Time is at hand for third dimension of geo-pictures). Positio 1/2017: 4–5.

Kettunen, P., Oksanen, J. and T. Sarjakoski, 2017. Parameter Choices for Animated Web Maps with Vector Fields. Education, Maps and the Internet, and Ubiquitous Mapping Pre-ICC Commission Meeting. Abstract. Online 15.8.2017:

Kettunen, P., Koski, C. and J. Oksanen, 2017. A design of contour generation for topographic maps with adaptive DEM smoothing. International Journal of Cartography 3(1): 19–30. DOI: 10.1080/23729333.2017.1300998

Kovanen, J., Oksanen, J. and T. Sarjakoski, 2017. Geospatial Short-Range Simulation of Coastal Inundation based on Water Gauge Estimates. LISA and GI Norden conference 2017.

Kovanen, J., Mäkinen, V., Oksanen, J. and T. Sarjakoski. Interactive and uncertainty-aware delineation of catchment areas within an IAAS-infrastructure, 28th International Cartographic Conference, 02-07.07.2017, Washington D.C., The United States of America.

Laakso, Mari; Rönneberg, Mikko and Tapani Sarjakoski. Piloting a map service to collect VGI for national topographic database. FIG Working Week, 29.05-02.06.2017, Helsinki.

Laakso, M., Halkosaari, H-M., Rönneberg, M. and T. Sarjakoski. Creating a Concept for the Use of Volunteered Geographic Information in National Mapping Agency. 28th International Cartographic Conference, 02-07.07.2017, Washington D.C., The United States of America.

Latvala, P., Kähkönen, J. and A. Krooks. Visualizing City Models in a Web-Browser. CASE: Piloting 3D-Buildings in the Finnish National Topographic Database, 28th International Cartographic Conference, 02-07.07.2017, Washington D.C., The United States of America.

Lehto, L., 2017. Cascading Geospatial Content Services - CASE: European Location Framework. GEOProcessing 2017, the Ninth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications and Services, March 19-23, 2017, Nice, France.

Minghini, M., Antoniou, V., Fonte, C.C., Estima, J., Olteanu-Raimond, A.-M., See, L., Laakso, M., Skopeliti, A., Mooney, P., Arsanjani, J.J. and. F. Lupia, 2017. The Relevance of Protocols for VGI Collection, in: Foody, G.M., See, L., Fritz, S., Fonte, C.C., Mooney, P., Olteanu-Raimond, A.-M. and V. Antoniou (Eds.), Mapping and the Citizen Sensor. Ubiquity Press, London, UK, pp. 223-248. DOI:

Oksanen, J., Koski, C., Kettunen, P. and T. Sarjakoski, 2017. Automatic generation of cartographic features for relief presentation based on LIDAR DEMs. Proceedings of the FIG Working Week 2017. Online 15.8.2017:

Olteanu-Raimond, A.-M., Laakso, M ., Antoniou, V., Fonte, C.C., Fonseca, A., Grus, M., Harding, J., Kellenberger, T., Minghini, M. and A. Skopeliti, 2017. VGI in National Mapping Agencies: Experiences and Recommendations, in: Foody, G.M., See, L., Fritz, S., Mooney, P., Olteanu-Raimond, A.-M., Fonte, C.C. and V. Antoniou (Eds.), Mapping and the Citizen Sensor. Ubiquity Press, London, UK, pp. 299-326. DOI:


Bergman, C. and J. Oksanen, 2016. Conflation of OpenStreetMap and Mobile Sports Tracking Data for Automatic Bicycle Routing. Transactions in GIS, 20(6). DOI: 10.1111/tgis.12192

Bergman, C. and J. Oksanen, 2016. Estimating the Biasing Effect of Behavioral Patterns on Mobile Fitness App Data by Density-Based Clustering. In Sarjakoski, T., Santos, M. Y. and L. T. Sarjakoski, (eds.), Geospatial Data in a Changing World – Selected papers of the 19th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography (Springer), pp. 199–218.

Bergman, C. and J. Oksanen, 2016. Optimization of cycling tours: Towards crowd intelligence derived from mobile sports tracking data. Mobile Tartu 2016, June July 29-1, 2016, Tartu, Estonia. (abstract)

Bol, D., Grus, M. and M. Laakso, 2016. Crowdsourcing and VGI in National Map Agency Data Collection. Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, June 13-17, 2016, Albena, Bulgaria.

Halkosaari, H.-M., Rönneberg, M., Laakso, M., Kettunen, P., Oksanen, J. and T. Sarjakoski, 2016. Concept Design of #hylo—Geosocial Network for Sharing Hyperlocal Information on a Map. In: Gartner G and H Huang (eds.) Progress in Location-Based Services 2016, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 309–327. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-47289-8.

Hietanen, E., Lehto, L. and P. Latvala, 2016. Providing Geographic Datasets as Linked Data in SDI. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Science, XLI-B2, pp. 583-586. DOI: 10.5194/isprs-archives-XLI-B2-583-2016

Kettunen, P., 2016. Korvaako välittömästi visualisoitu kaukokartoitusaineisto topografisen kartan? (Eng. version: Will direct visualisation of remote sensing data replace the topographic map?). Positio 3/2016: 4–5.

Koski, C., Kettunen, P., Oksanen, J. and T. Sarjakoski, 2016. Data processing and optimisation for rendering tiled raster maps with country-wide coverage. In Sarjakoski, T., Santos, M. Y. and L. T. Sarjakoski, (eds.), Geospatial Data in a Changing World, the short papers and poster papers of the 19th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, June 14-17, 2016, Helsinki, Finland. ISBN: 978-90-816960-7. 

Latvala P., 2016. Using the Data Exchange Layer of the Finnish National Architecture for Digital Services for Transporting WFS and WMS Queries. Geospatial World Forum, May 23-26, 2016, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Latvala P., Lehto L. and T. Kalliomäki, 2016. Spatial Services in the eGovernment: Delivering WFS and WMS Queries through the Data Exchange Layer of the Finnish National Architecture for Digital Services. In Sarjakoski, T., Santos, M. Y. and L. T. Sarjakoski, (eds.), Geospatial Data in a Changing World, the short papers and poster papers of the 19th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, June 14-17, 2016, Helsinki, Finland. ISBN: 978-90-816960-7. Online:

Lehto L., Latvala P., Sarjakoski, T. and J. Reini, 2016. Geospatial Content Services in the Digitalized Government - CASE: National Data Exchange Layer in the Finnish National Architecture for Digital Services. GEOProcessing 2016, the Eighth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications and Services, April 24-28, 2016, Venice, Italy.

Mooney, P., Minghini, M., Laakso, M., Antoniou, V., Olteanu-Raimond, A.-M. and A. Skopeliti, 2016. Towards a Protocol for the Collection of VGI Vector Data. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 5(11):217, DOI: 10.3390/ijgi5110217

Mäkinen, V., Sarjakoski, T., Oksanen, J. and J. Westerholm. Multi-GPU program for uncertainty-aware drainage basin delineation - scalability benchmarking with country-wide datasets. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine.  2016, 4(3), 59-68, DOI: 10.1109/MGRS.2016.2561405

Rönneberg, M., Halkosaari, H.-M., Laakso, M., Hietanen, E., Vallet, J., Kettunen, P. and T. Sarjakoski, 2016. #hylo – Privacy Preserving Geosocial Network for Sharing Hyperlocal Information on a Map. In Sarjakoski, T., Santos, M. Y. and L. T. Sarjakoski, (eds.), Geospatial Data in a Changing World, the short papers and poster papers of the 19th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, June 14-17, 2016, Helsinki, Finland. ISBN: 978-3-319-33782-1.  Proceedings 2016. The 19th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science. Geospatial Data in a Changing World. Online: :

Sarjakoski, T., Santos, M. Y. and L. T. Sarjakoski, (eds.), 2016. Proceedings 2016. The 19th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science. Geospatial Data in a Changing World. ISBN: 978-3-319-33782-1. Online:

Sarjakoski, T., Santos, M. Y. and L. T. Sarjakoski, (eds.), 2016. Geospatial Data in a Changing World. Selected papers of the 19th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-33783-8.

See, L., Mooney, P., Foody, G., Bastin, L., Comber, A., Estima, J., Fritz, S., Kerle, K., Jiang, B., Laakso, M., Liu, H-Y., Milčinski, G., Nikšič, M., Painho, M., Pődör, A., Olteanu-Raimond A-M. and M. Rutzinger, 2016. Crowdsourcing, Citizen Science or Volunteered Geographic Information? The Current State of Crowdsourced Geographic Information.  ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 5(5), 55. DOI: 10.3390/ijgi5050055

Urbanas S., Stani-Fertl R. and P. Latvala, 2016. Status Report on the EuroGeoNames (EGN) transition to the GeoLocator service in the European Location Project (ELF). United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names Working Paper No. 40/9, Twenty-ninth session, April 25-29, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand.


Bergman, C. and J. Oksanen, 2015. Optimization of Circular Cycling Routes based on Mobile Sports Tracking Application Data. 18th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, 9-12 June 2015, Lisbon, Portugal. (poster)

Carabaño, J., Sarjakoski, T. and J. Westerholm, 2015. Efficient Implementation of a Fast Viewshed Algorithm on SIMD Architectures. In: 2015 23rd Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing. IEEE, 199–202. DOI: 10.1109/PDP.2015.62

Guinness, R.E., Kuusniemi, H., Vallet, J., Sarjakoski, T., Oksanen, J., Islam, M., Syeed, M., Halkosaari, H-M., Kettunen, P., Laakso, M. and M. Rönneberg, 2015. MyGeoTrust: A platform for trusted crowdsourced geospatial data. Proceedings of the 28th International Technical Meeting of The Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2015), Tampa, Florida, pp. 2455-2469.

Hietanen, E., 2015. Paikkatietoaineiston tarjoaminen linkitettynä tietona kohdepalvelua hyödyntäen. Diplomityö, Aalto-yliopisto, Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu, 62 p.

Hietanen, E., Lehto, L. and P. Latvala, 2015. Feasibility of OGC’s GeoSynchronization Service for delivering the incremental updates from a national topographic database. Proceedings of the AGILE’2015 International Conference on Geographic Information Science, June 9 - 12, 2015, Lisbon , Portugal, CD-ROM.

Kettunen, P., 2015. Maailman kartografit koolla Brasiliassa. Positio 4/2015: 10–11.

Kettunen, P., 2015. Spatial cognition research to support wayfinding – studies on geospatial images and landmarks in nature. Applying Principles of Cognitive Psychology in Practice. Book of abstracts, 21–22 May 2015, Brno, Czech Republic. Abstract.

Kettunen, P., Koski, C. and J. Oksanen, 2015. Needs for automatic generalisation in the forthcoming National Topographic Database of Finland. 2nd ICA / EuroSDR NMA Symposium, Designing MRDB and multi-scale DCMs: Sharing experiences between mapping agencies and the outside world, 3-4 Dec 2015, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. (abstract)

Kettunen, P., Putto, K., Gyselinck, V., Krause, C. M. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2015. Perception and recall of landmarks for personal navigation in nature at night versus day. In: Vondráková, A., Brus, J. and V. Voženílek (eds.) Modern trends in cartography. Selected papers of CARTOCON 2014. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 281–301. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-07926-4 Online 6.9.2017:

Kettunen, P. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2015. Empirical construction of a landmark ontology for wayfinding in varying conditions of nature. Bacao, F., Santos, M. Y. and M. Painho (eds.) Proceedings of the 18th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science - Geographic Information Science as an Enabler of Smarter Cities and Communities, 9-12 June 2015, Lisbon, Portugal. Online:

Kettunen, P., Sarjakoski, T. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2015. Elements of Geospatial Images to Support Cognitive Tasks in Wayfinding. Proceedings of the 27th International Cartographic Conference, 23-28 August 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Online:

Koski, C., 2015. Automated Map Generation Process for Tiled Raster Maps. Master's Thesis, Aalto University, School of Engineering, Department of Real Estate, Planning and Geoinformatics.

Kovanen, J. and T. Sarjakoski, 2015. Tilewise Accumulated Cost Surface Computation with Graphics Processing Units. ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems, 2015, 1.2: 8. Online: (please do not open in a new tab; instead, access directly from this page!)

Laakso, M., 2015. Ympäristöistä esteettömämpiä paremmilla paikkatiedoilla. Positio 2/2015: 16-17.

Latvala, P. and E. Hietanen, 2015. Incremental Update in Web Service Environment – CASE: Use of the OGC’s GeoSynchronization Service to Integrate Hydrographic Datasets. Proceedings of the 27th International Cartographic Conference, August 23 – 28, 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, CD-ROM.

Latvala, P., Lehto L. and J. Kähkönen, 2015. The Provision of Functionalities Related to Place Names as a Web Service in a Multi-Provider Environment. INSPIRE Conference, 25 - 29 May, 2015, Lisbon, Portugal.

Lehto, L. 2015. Using OS Software and Open Standards for Implementing a European SDI via Service Cascade. 27th International Cartographic Conference, Pre-conference workshop on Spatial data infrastructures, standards, open source and open data for geospatial (SDI-Open 2015), August 20 - 21, 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, CD-ROM.

Lehto, L., Hietanen, E. and P. Latvala, 2015. Using Geosynchronization for Incremental Update of INSPIRE Service Databases. The Sixth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications and Services, ”GEOProcessing 2015”, Feb 22 – 27, 2015, Lisbon, Portugal, CD-ROM.

Lehto, L., Latvala, P. and J. Kähkönen, 2015. Cascading Geospatial Services for Integration of Authoritative National Datasets – CASE: European Location Framework. Proceedings of the 27th International Cartographic Conference, August 23 – 28, 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, CD-ROM.

Oksanen, J., Bergman, C., Sainio, J. and J. Westerholm, 2015. Methods for deriving and calibrating privacy-preserving heat maps from mobile sports tracking application data. Journal of Transport Geography, 48, pp. 135-144.

Oksanen, J., Bergman C., Sainio, J., ja Westerholm J., 2015. Mistä löytyy paras pyöräilyreitti tai lenkkeilymaasto?. Positio 4/2015: 14–17.

Oksanen, J., Mäkinen, V., Sarjakoski, T., Westerholm, J., 2015. Hitting the limits of high-performance computing platforms. Positio ICC 2015 Special Issue: 4–5.

Sainio, J., Westerholm, J., and J. Oksanen, 2015. Generating Heat Maps of Popular Routes Online from Massive Mobile Sports Tracking Application Data in Milliseconds While Respecting Privacy. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 4, pp. 1813–1826.


Bergman, C. and J. Oksanen, 2014. Conflation of OpenStreetMap and public Sports Tracker data for automatic routing. Mobile Tartu 2014 - Mobile data, geography, LBS. 3rd International Conference and PhD Summer School, 1-3 July 2014, Tartu, Estonia, pp. 24.

Erana, X. and J. Oksanen, 2014. Updating of hydrographic features in topographic base information based on airborne laser scanning data. In Drummond, J. (Ed.) Proceedings if the GIS Research UK 22nd Annual Conference, 16-18 April 2014, the University of Glasgow, United Kingdom.

Erana, X. and J. Oksanen, 2014. The utilization potential of airborne laser scanning in an INSPIRE-compliant hydrographic data revision. In 8th INSPIRE Conference, 18-20 June 2014, Aalborg, Denmark.

Eränen, D., Oksanen, J., Westerholm, J. and T. Sarjakoski, 2014. A full graphics processing unit implementation of uncertainty-aware drainage basin delineation. Computers and Geosciences, 73: 48-60. (25/9/14).

Hietanen, E. and L. Lehto, 2014. OS Implementation of INSPIRE Hydrography Services in a Multi-Provider Setting. INSPIRE Conference, 18-20 June, 2014, Aalborg, Denmark.

Kettunen, P., 2014. Analysing landmarks in nature and elements of geospatial images to support wayfinding. Doctoral dissertation, Aalto University School of Engineering. Publications of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, N:o 155, Kirkkonummi, 136 p. + 145 p.

Kettunen, P., Putto, K., Gyselinck, V., Krause, C. M. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2014. Perception and recall of landmarks by day and night along a route in nature. In: Vondráková, A., Brus, J., Voženílek, V. (eds.) CARTOCON 2014. Modern trends in Cartography. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. Springer, Cham, Switzerland.

Kähkönen, J., Latvala P. and L. Lehto, 2014. Web-based analysis of storm-inflicted forest damages. Proceedings of the 3rd Open Source Geospatial Research & Education Symposium, 10 – 13 June, 2014, Espoo, Finland, pp. 91-97.

Laakso, M., 2014. Improving accessibility for pederstrians with geographic information. Kirkkonummi 2014, Doctoral dissertation, Aalto University School of Engineering. Publications of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, N:o 156, Kirkkonummi, 129 p.

Latvala P., Lehto L. and J. Kähkönen, 2014. ELF GeoLocator Service. Proceedings of the AGILE’2014 International Conference on Geographic Information Science, June 3-6, 2014, Castellón, Spain.
Lehto, L., Latvala, P. and J. Kähkönen, 2014. Service Cascade as a Means for Pan-European Access to National Geodata Content CASE: European Location Framework, The Sixth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications and Services, ”GEOProcessing 2014”, Mar 23 – 27, 2014, Barcelona, Spain, CD-ROM.

Oksanen, J., Halkosaari, H.-M., Sarjakoski, T. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2014. A User Study of Experimental Maps for Outdoor Activities. Cartographica, 49(3): 188–201. (25/9/14).

Oksanen, J., Sainio, J. and J. Westerholm, 2014. Where to ride a bike? Methods for deriving privacy-aware heat maps from mobile sports tracking application data. Mobile Tartu 2014 - Mobile data, geography, LBS. 3rd International Conference and PhD Summer School, 1-3 July 2014, Tartu, Estonia, pp. 20-21.

Putto, K., Kettunen, P., Torniainen, J., Krause, C. M. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2014. Effects of cartographic elevation visualizations and map-reading tasks on eye movements. The Cartographic Journal, 51(3): 225–236.

Pyysalo, U. and J. Oksanen, 2014. Visualization of uncertain catchment boundaries and its influence on decision making. The 17th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, 3-6 June 2014, Castellõn, Spain.

Rönneberg, M., Sarjakoski, T. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2014. Developing a multi-touch map application for a large screen in a nature centre. Nordic Journal of Surveying and Real Estate Research,10(1): 47–62.


Halkosaari, H.-M-, Sarjakoski, L. T., Ylirisku, S. and T. Sarjakoski, 2013. Designing a Multichannel Map Service Concept. Human Technology, 9(1): 72-91. Online: (31/05/13).

Keskimölö, A., Tornberg, J., Karlsson, S., Kytökari, J., Koistinen, A., Nieminen, P., Pyysalo, U. and E. Honkavaara, 2013. In Keskimölö, A., Koistinen, A. and E. Juuso, (eds.), Mining monitoring concept. Public Report, MMEA, Measurement, Monitoring and Environmental Assessment, WP5.2.7, 76 p.

Kettunen, P., Rönneberg, M. and T. Sarjakoski, 2013. Multichannel map presentation and social-media commenting of geographic features related to hiking. Poster abstract in the Annual meeting of the Maps and the Internet Commission of the International Cartographic Association, Aug 22-24, 2013, Plzen, Czech Republic.

Kettunen, P., Irvankoski, K., Krause, C.M. and L.T. Sarjakoski, 2013. Landmarks in nature to support wayfinding: effects of seasons and experimental methods. Cognitive Processing, 14(3): 245–253. Online: (31/12/13).

Kettunen, P., Irvankoski, K., Krause, C. M. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2013. Perception of landmarks by day and night: case nature trail. Proceedings of the 26th International Cartographic Conference, Aug 26-30, Dresden, Germany. Poster Session 1, pp. 193-194.

Kovanen, J. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2013. Sequential Displacement and Grouping of Point Symbols in Mobile Context. Journal of Location Based Services. Online: (01/02/13).

Kovanen, J., T. Sarjakoski, and L.T. Sarjakoski, 2013. A Multi-Modal Communication Approach to Describing the Surroundings to Mobile Users. In S.H.L. Liang, X. Wang, and C. Claramunt. (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7820, Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems, Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium, W2GIS 2013, Banff, Canada, AB, April 4-5, 2013.

Kähkönen, J., Lehto, L. and J. Riihelä, 2013. PaikkaOppi – a virtual learning environment on geographic information for upper secondary school. Proceedings of the 26th International Cartographic Conference, Aug 26-30, Dresden, Germany.

Kässi, J., Krause, C. M., Kovanen, J. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2013. Effects of positioning aids on understanding the relationship between a mobile map and the environment. Human Technology, 9(1): 92–108. Online: (31/05/13).

Laakso, M., Halkosaari, H-M, Sarjakoski, T. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2013. User experiences with voice-based descriptive map content in a hiking context. In Jekel, T., Car, A., Strobl, J. and G. Griesebner, (eds.), GI_Forum 2013: Creating the GISociety – Conference Proceedings. Wichmann-Verlag, Berlin. Online: (31/12/13).

Laakso, M., Sarjakoski, T. , Lehto, L. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2013. An Information Model for Pedestrian Routing and Navigation Databases Supporting Universal Accessibility. Cartographica, 48(2): 89–99. Online: (31/12/13).

Latvala, P., L. Lehto and J. Kähkönen, 2013. The Renewed Implementation of the EuroGeoNames Central Service. The 16th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, 14-17 May 2013, Leuven, Belgium. Online: (31/12/13).

Lehto, L., Latvala, P and J. Kähkönen, 2013. An Implementation of the OGC’s WFS Gazetteer Service Application Profile, CASE: The EuroGeoNames Central Service Renewal. The Fifth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications and Services, ”GEOProcessing 2013”, Feb 24 – Mar 1, 2013, Nice, France. Proceedings.

Oksanen, J., 2013. Can binning be the key to understanding the uncertainty of DEMs? Proceedings of the GISRUK 2013, April 3–5, 2013, University of Liverpool, UK.

Oksanen, J., Sarjakoski, L.T. and T. Sarjakoski, 2013. Kartta-design monikanavajulkaisemisessa – kokemuksia MenoMaps -projektista. Julkaisussa: P. Räsänen (ed.), Outdoors Finland – Retkeilyinformaation suunnittelu ja toteuttaminen. Lahden ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisu, sarja C, 139, pp. 35–46 (in Finnish).

Oksanen, J., Suvanto, S. and D. Eränen, 2013. Project SUPRA: Looking for routes from massive workout data. Workshop on Analysis and Visualization of MOVEment, Hamburg, March 4-5, 2013.

Pyysalo, U. and J. Oksanen, 2013. Outlier highlighting for spatio-temporal data visualization. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 40(3): 165–171.

Pyysalo, U, Oksanen, J. ja T. Sarjakoski, 2013. VALUE II - Valuma-aluejärjestelmän uudistamiseen liittyvät epävarmuusanalyysit ja laatutarkastelut. Loppuraportti, VALUE II - Suomen valtakunnallisen valuma-aluejärjestelmän uudistaminen, 14 s.

Rönneberg M., Halkosaari H.-M., Sarjakoski T. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2013, Hands-on Maps: a Multi-touch Map Application in a Public Space, Kartographische Nachrichten, (4/2013):210–215.

Sarjakoski, L. T., Kettunen, P., Flink, H.-M., Laakso, M., Rönneberg, M., Stigmar, H. and T. Sarjakoski, 2013. Landmarks and a hiking ontology to support wayfinding in a national park during different seasons. In Raubal, M., and D. M. Mark and A. U. Frank,(eds.), Cognitive and Linguistic Aspects of Geographic Space, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 99–119. Online: (31/12/13).

Schwarzbach, F., Oksanen, J., Sarjakoski, L. T. and T. Sarjakoski, 2013. From LiDAR Data to Forest Representation on Multi-Scale Maps. The Cartographic Journal, 50(1): 33–42.


Eränen, D., 2012. Uncertainty-aware drainage basin delineation from digital elevation models using graphical processing units. Master’s Thesis, Department of  Information Technologies, Åbo Akademi.

Eränen, D. and J. Oksanen, 2012. Epävarmuuden huomioiva korkeusmallipohjainen valuma-alueanalyysi grafiikkasuorittimilla. Maanmittaustieteiden päivät 2012. Maanmittaustieteiden seura ry:n julkaisuja 49, p. 22 (abstrakti).

Kettunen, P. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2012. Näemmekö metsää puilta? (Eng. Do we recognize the forest over the trees?), Positio, (2/2012): 10-12. Online:

Kettunen, P., Irvankoski, K., Krause, C. M., Sarjakoski, T. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2012. Geospatial images in the acquisition of spatial knowledge for wayfinding. Journal of Spatial Information Science, 5:75-106. Online:

Kettunen, P., Irvankoski, K., Krause, C. M. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2012. Use of landmarks in nature: differences between seasons and data collection methods. Special Issue ICSC 2012 5th International Conference on Spatial Cognition: Space and Embodied Cognition, Cognitive Processing, 13(Suppl 1): S61.  Online: (22/08/12).

Kettunen, P., Sarjakoski, L. T., Ylirisku, S. and T. Sarjakoski, 2012. Web Map Design for a Multipublishing Environment Based on Open APIs. In: Cartwright, W., Gartner, G., Meng, L. and M. P. Peterson, (eds.), Online Maps with APIs and WebServices, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Part 3, pp. 177-193, Springer. Online:

Kovanen J., Oksanen J., Sarjakoski L. T and T. Sarjakoski, 2012. Simple Maps – A Concept of Plain Cartography in Mobile Context for Elderly Users. Proceedings of the GISRUK 2012, April 11-13, 2012, Lancaster University, UK.

Laakso, M.,  Sarjakoski, T., Sarjakoski, L.T., Lehto, L., Harrie, L., Andreasson, J., Vilén, A., Claassen, G., Peters, J. and A. Stoer, 2012. In Laakso, M., Sarjakoski, T. and L. T. Sarjakoski, (eds.), D4.4 – Accessible map and LBS content guidelines. Public report, HaptiMap, Haptic, Audio and Visual Interfaces for Maps and Location Based Services, FP7-ICT-224675, Aug 9, 2012, 88 p. Online: (09/08/12).

Latvala, P., Paikkatietoaineistoja WCS-rajapinnan kautta, Positio, (2/2012): 26-27.

Latvala, P. and L. Lehto. 2011. Implementation of INSPIRE Schema Transformation Service. Nordic Journal of Surveying and Real Estate Research. 8(1): 54-64.

Latvala, P., Lehto, L. and J. Kähkönen, 2012. Renewal of the EuroGeoNames Central Service. INSPIRE Conference, 23-27 June, 2012, Istanbul, Turkey. Online:

Lehto, L., 2012. Schema Transformation as a Tool for Data Reuse in Web Service Environment. The Fourth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications and Services, ”GEOProcessing 2012”, Jan 30 – Feb 4, 2012, Valencia, Spain.

Magnusson, C., Rassmus-Grön, K., Kovanen, J., Sarjakoski. L. T., Sarjakoski, T., Oksanen, J., Carmien, S., Renteria Bilbao, A., Pielot, M., Poppinga, B., Claassen, G., Gerhard, M., Baranski, B., Peters, J. and A. Stoer, 2012. In Magnusson, C., Rasmus-Gröhn, K. and E. Deaner, (eds.),  D1.4 – User requirements and design guidelines for map applications. Public report, HaptiMap, Haptic, Audio and Visual Interfaces for Maps and Location Based Services, FP7-ICT-224675, Sep 26, 2012, 36 p. Online: (26/09/12).

Magnusson, C., Rassmus-Gröhn, K., Szymczak, D., Fergusson, S., McGookin, D., Renteria, A., Dominguez, A., Pielot, M., Poppinga, B., Heuten, W., Kovanen, J., Sarjakoski, T., Sarjakoski, L. T., Nasr, A., Fretin, J., Gerhard, M. and C. Goldschmidt, 2012. In Poppinga B., Pielot, M., Cakir-Turgut, E. and W. Heuten (eds.), D5.3 – Final Applications. Public report, HaptiMap, Haptic, Audio and Visual Interfaces for Maps and Location Based Services, FP7-ICT-224675, Feb 29, 2012, 96 p.

Oksanen, J., 2012. Avoimen tiedon ja yhteisen pallon äärellä (ProGIS ry:n palsta). Positio, (2/2012): 28.

Oksanen, J., Joukola, M., Teiniranta, R., Suikkanen, J. and T. Sarjakoski, 2012. Updating of the Finnish drainage basin system and register – Case VALUE. INSPIRE Conference, Istanbul, Turkki, 23.–27.6.2012.

Poppinga, B., Pielot, M., Heuten, W., Weller, L., Reichel, S., Kelly, P., Rafferty, K., Ferguson, S., Peng, J.-X., Gerhard, M., Kovanen, J., Magnusson, C., Molina, M., and D. McGookin, 2012. In Rafferty, K., Ferguson, S., and V. Stewart (eds.), Addendum to D4.3 Adaptable Toolkit, Restricted report, HaptiMap, Haptic, Audio and Visual Interfaces for Maps and Location Based Services, FP7-ICT-224675, Jan 20, 2012, 6 p.

Rassmus-Grön, K., Szymczak,D., Petrie, H., Magnusson, C., McGookin, D., Claassen, C., Flink, H.-M., Laakso, M., Sarjakoski. L. T., Muñoz Sevilla, J. A., Carmien, S., Renteria Bilbao, A. and A. D. Garcia, 2012. In Carmien, S. and K. Rassmus-Grön, (eds.), D1.5 – User tests of the final demonstrator applications. Public report, HaptiMap, Haptic, Audio and Visual Interfaces for Maps and Location Based Services, FP7-ICT-224675, Oct 3, 2012, 144 p.

Sarjakoski, L. T., Kettunen, P., Flink, H.-M., Laakso, M., Rönneberg, M. and T. Sarjakoski, 2012. Analysis of verbal route descriptions and landmarks for hiking. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 16(8): 1001-1011.  Online: (21/09/11).

Sarjakoski, T., Kovanen, J. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2012. Map-Based LBSs for Hiking – a Review of Requirements, Existing Solutions, and Future Trends. In: Chen, R., (ed.), Ubiquitous Positioning and Mobile Location-Based Services in Smart Phones, U.S.A., IGI Global, pp. 297-321. Online:

Schwarzbach, F., Sarjakoski, T., Oksanen, J., Sarjakoski, L.T. and S. Weckman, 2012. Physical 3D models from LIDAR data as tactile maps for visually impaired persons. In: Buchroithner, M. (Ed.), True-3D in Cartography, Autostereoscopic and Solid Visualisation of Geodata, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Springer Heidelberg, pp. 169-183. Online: (21/09/11).


Anastassova, M., Flink, H.-M., Laakso, M., Sarjakoski, L. T., Fretin, J., Pielot, M., Poppinga, B., Munoz Sevilla, J. A., Carmien, S., Renteria Bilbao, A., McGookin, D., Magnusson, C., Rassmus-Gröhn, K., Szymczak, D., Giachritsis, C. and G. Randall, 2011. In Carmien, S., and K. Rassmus-Gröhn, (Eds.), D1.3 - User tests of the first prototype applications. Restricted report, HaptiMap, Haptic, Audio and Visual Interfaces for Maps and Location Based Services, FP7-ICT-224675, August 1, 2011, 114 p.

Flink, H.-M., Oksanen, J., Pyysalo, U., Rönneberg, M. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2011. Usability Evaluation of a Map-Based Multi-Publishing Service. In: Ruas, A., (ed.), Advances in Cartography and GIScience, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, Vol.1, pp. 239–257. Online: (30/06/11).

Flink, H.-M., Oksanen, J., Pyysalo, U., Rönneberg, M. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2011. Usability Evaluation of a Map-Based Multi-Publishing Service. Proceedings of the 25th International Cartographic Conference, Paris, 3–8 July 2011, CO-095, 2 p. Online: (31/08/11).

Kettunen, P., 2011. Thinking-Aloud Hiking Route Descriptions in Nature. In Kray, C. and A. Schwering (eds.), COSIT 2011 Doctoral Colloquium. In conjunction with: 10th International Conference on Spatial Information Theory: COSIT’11, September 16, 2011, Belfast, Maine, USA.

Kettunen, P. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2011. A Context-Sensitive Wayfinding Ontology for Hiking Based on an Empirical Study. In Moratz, R. and N. Giudice (eds.), Extended Abstracts from the Poster Session of the Conference on Spatial Information Theory: COSIT'11, September 12-16, 2011, Belfast, Maine, USA.

Kovanen, J., P. Kelly, S. Ferguson and T. Sarjakoski, 2011. Assessment of Geospatial Data Access and Operations of the Multi-Platform Open-Source HaptiMap Toolkit. Proceedings of the GI Norden Conference 2011, Turku, Finland, June 7-9, 2011.

Kovanen, J., Kelly, P., Ferguson, S., Sarjakoski, L.T. and T. Sarjakoski, 2011. Spatial Data Computations in a Toolkit to Improve Accessibility for Mobile Applications. In: Gartner, G. and F. Ortag, 8th International Symposium on Location-Based Services, Vienna, November 21–23, 2011, Advances in Location-Based Services, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 149–163.

Laakso, M. ja H.-M. Flink, 2011. ICC2011 Pariisi, Positio, (3/2011): 24–25.

Laakso, M., Sarjakoski, T. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2011. Improving Accessibility Information in Pedestrian Maps and Databases. Cartographica, 46(2): 101–108. Online: (30/06/11).

Laakso, M., Sarjakoski, T. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2011. Improving Accessibility Information in Pedestrian Maps and Databases. Proceedings of the 25th International Cartographic Conference, Paris, 3–8 July 2011, CO-448, 2 p. Online: (31/08/11).

Lehto, L. (ed.), 2011. D11.5 - Recommendations for Operational Deployment of Services. Deliverable 11.5. Public report. ESDIN, European Spatial Data Infrastructure Network, ECP-2007-GEO-317008, Feb 28, 2011, 67 p.

Magnusson, C., Rassmus-Gröhn, K., Szymczak, D., Fergusson, S., McGookin, D., Renteria Bilbao, A., Dominguez, A., Pielot, M., Poppinga, B., Heuten, W., Kovanen, J., Sarjakoski, T., Sarjakoski, L. T., Nasr, A., Fretin, J., Gerhard, M., Goldschmidt, C. and C. Bott, 2011. In Pielot M., Poppinga B. and W. Heuten (Eds.), D5.2 - First Prototypes. Restricted report, HaptiMap, Haptic, Audio and Visual Interfaces for Maps and Location Based Services, FP7-ICT-224675, March 1, 2011, 171 p.

Magnusson, C., Stigmar , H. , Rassmuss-Gröhn, K., Breidegard, B., Szymczak, D., Renteria Bilbao, A., Pielot, M., Poppinga, B., Boll, S., Heuten, W., Henze, N., Anastassova, M., Bolzmacher, C., Lozada, J., Changeon, G., Sarjakoski, L. T., Sarjakoski, T., Kettunen, P., Kovanen, J., Laakso, M., Flink, H.-M., Rönneberg, M., Peng, J.-X., Kelly, P., Rafferty, K., Ferguson, S. and D. McGookin. In McGookin, D., Sarjakoski, L. T., Anastassova, M., and S. Ferguson, (eds.), 2011. D2.2 - Final prototypes and final report on the perceptualization of map data, context sensing and reasoning, and hardware development. Public report, HaptiMap, Haptic, Audio and Visual Interfaces for Maps and Location Based Services, FP7-ICT-224675, April 29, 2011, 196 p.

Nivala, A.-M., Brewster, S. A. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2011. Usability Evaluation of Web Mapping Sites. In: Dodge, M., Kitchin, R. and C. Perkins, (eds.), The Map Reader: Theories of Mapping Practice and Cartographic Representation, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 379–386.

Oksanen, J., 2011. VALUE Loppuraportti: Korkeusmallipohjaisen valuma‐aluerajauksen menetelmät ja aineistot. Projektiraportti, 86 s.

Oksanen, J., Pyysalo, U. and T. Sarjakoski, 2011. Visualising DEM-induced uncertainty in measurements from a single side-looking aerial image. Proceedings of the 25th International Cartographic Conference, Paris, 3–8 July 2011, P-031, 1 p. Online: (31/08/11).

Oksanen, J., Schwarzbach, F., Sarjakoski, L. T. and T. Sarjakoski, 2011. Map Design for a Multi-Publishing Framework – Case MenoMaps in Nuuksio National Park. The Cartographic Journal, 48(2):116–123. Online: (30/06/11).

Oksanen, J., Schwarzbach, F., Sarjakoski, L. T. and T. Sarjakoski, 2011. Map Design for a Multi-Publishing Framework – Case MenoMaps in Nuuksio National Park. Proceedings of the 25th International Cartographic Conference, Paris, 3–8 July 2011, CO-419, 1 p. Online: (31/08/11).

Sarjakoski, T. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2011. MenoMaps multichannel maps, Positio, ICC2011, pp. 9–11. Online: (30/06/11).

Ukkonen, T., Oksanen, J., Rousi, T. and T. Sarjakoski, 2011. Comparison of Distribution Strategies in Uncertainty-aware Catchment Delineation. GeoInformatica, 15(2): 329–349.

Ylirisku, S., Lohi, H., Pekkanen, R., Udd, S., Kola, J.-P., Mikkola, T., Sarjakoski, L. T. and T. Sarjakoski, 2011. Business challenges in emergent map services. Proceedings of the Participatory Innovation Conference 2011 (PINC 2011), Jan 13–15, 2011, Sønderborg, Denmark.


Foerster, T., Lehto, L., Sarjakoski, T., Sarjakoski, L. T. and J. Stoter, 2010. Map Generalization and Schema Transformation of Geospatial Data Combined in a Web Service. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 34(1): 79-88. Online: (09/03/10).

Haklay, M. and A.-M. Nivala, 2010. User-centred design. In: M. Haklay (Ed.), Interacting with Geospatial Technologies, UK: John Wiley & sons Ltd., pp. 91–106.

Kettunen, P., Sarjakoski, T., Sarjakoski, L. T. and J. Oksanen, 2010. A Cartographic 3D View in Oblique Parallel Projection. V1 Magazine. Online: (25/08/10).

Kovanen, J. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2010. Displacement and Grouping of Points of Interest for Multi-scaled Mobile Maps. Proc. of the Conference on LBS & TeleCartography (LBS2010), September 20-22, 2010, Guangzhou, China.

Kovanen, J., Sarjakoski, T. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2010. Client-server Architecture for Audio Supported Mobile Route Guiding for Hiking. Proceedings of Ubiquitous Positioning, Indoor Navigation and Location-Based Service 2010, UPINLBS 2010, Oct 14-15, 2010, Kirkkonummi, Finland. Seattle : IEEE, 2010, ISBN 978-1-4244-7878-1, CD-ROM.

Laakso, M. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2010. A Map to Hear - Use of Sound in Enhancing the Map Use Experience. Proceedings of the GIS Research UK 18th Annual Conference 2010, April 14-16, 2010, London.

Laakso, M. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2010. Sonic Maps for Hiking- Use of Sound in Enhancing the Map Use Experience. The Cartographic Journal, 47(4): 300-307. Online: (30/06/11).

Laakso, M., Sarjakoski, L. T., Weckman, S. and T. Sarjakoski, 2010. Pedestrian Route Maps and Databases in Finland– A feasibility study of accessibility. Finnish Geodetic Institute, Dept. of Geoinformatics and Cartography. Internal Project Report 25.10.2010, 34 p.

Latvala, P., 2010. Schema Transformations for INSPIRE-compliant Geospatial Data. Master's Thesis, Aalto University, School of Science and Technology, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, 82 p.

Lehto L. and F. Nissen, 2010. Schema Transformations in the European Spatial Data Infrastructure, Proceedings of the INSPIRE Conference 2010, Jun 22-25, 2010, Krakow, Poland. Online: href="

Magnusson, C., Harrie, L., Kelly, P. Ferguson, S., Rafferty, K., Sarjakoski, T., Kovanen, J., Peters, J., Stoer, A., McGookin, D., Nasr, A., Pielot, M., Heuten, W. and B. Poppinga, 2010. D4.1 - Report on Technical Specifications and Standards of Geographic Information. Non-public report, HaptiMap, Haptic, Audio and Visual Interfaces for Maps and Location Based Services, FP7-ICT-224675, Feb 26, 2010, 112 p.

Magnusson, C., Rassmuss-Gröhn, K., Pielot, M., Poppinga, B., Kelly, P., Renteria Bilbao, A., Gerhard, M., Munos Sevilla, J. A., Kovanen, J., Sarjakoski, T., Sarjakoski, L. T., Ylirisku, S., Nasr, A. and G. Randall, 2010. (Magnusson, C.. and M. Pielot, eds.). D5.1 - Selection and Specification of the demonstrator applications. Non-public report, HaptiMap, Haptic, Audio and Visual Interfaces for Maps and Location Based Services, FP7-ICT-224675, July 13, 2010, 87 p.

Magnusson, C., Stigmar , H. , Rassmuss-Gröhn, K., Breidegard, B., Szymczak, D., Renteria Bilbao, A., Pielot, M., Poppinga, B., Boll, S., Heuten, W., Henze, N., Anastassova, M., Roselier, S., Sarjakoski, L. T., Sarjakoski, T., Kettunen, P., Kovanen, J., Oksanen, J., Schwarzbach, F., Laakso, M., Flink, H.-M., Rönneberg, M., Kähkönen, J., Weckman, S., Peng, J.-X., Kelly, P., Rafferty, K., Ferguson, S. and D. McGookin, 2010. (McGookin, D., ed.). D2.1 - First prototypes and initial report on the perceptualization of map data, context sensing and reasoning, and hardware development. Non-public report, HaptiMap, Haptic, Audio and Visual Interfaces for Maps and Location Based Services, FP7-ICT-224675, Feb 26, 2010, 282 p.

Oksanen, J., 2010. VALUE I projektin loppuraportti: Korkeusmallipohjaisen valuma-alueiden rajauksen menetelmät ja aineistot. Geodeettinen laitos, Geoinformatiikan ja kartografian osasto, sisäinen projektiraportti.

Oksanen, J. and T. Sarjakoski, 2010. Non-stationary modelling and simulation of LIDAR DEM uncertainty. Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, July 20-23, Leicester, UK, pp. 201-204.

Randall, G., Gerhard, M., Kortmann, U., Groß, C., Magnusson, C., Roselier, S., Duve-Hansen, B., Ferguson, S., Renteria Bilbao, A., Sarjakoski, T., Pielot, M., Claassen, B. G., Glaschick, R., Munos Sevilla, J. A., Nasr, A., Stoer, A. and J. Peters, 2010. (Randall., G., ed.) - D6.5 Detailed Strategy Plan. Non-public report, HaptiMap, Haptic, Audio and Visual Interfaces for Maps and Location Based Services, FP7-ICT-224675, Aug 31, 2010, 54 p.

Sarjakoski, T., Sarjakoski, L. T. and J. Oksanen, 2010. Map generalization in the cartographic process of hiking maps for web and mobile use – Practical examples based on a case study. The GDI 2010 workshop: Generalization and Data Integration, June 20–22, 2010, University of Colorado – Boulder, Boulder Colorado USA, 12 p.

Sarjakoski, T., Kovanen, J., Rönneberg, M., Kähkönen, J. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2010. Data Matrix Technology for Linking Mobile Maps in a Web-based Multi-Channel Service. Proceedings of Ubiquitous Positioning, Indoor Navigation and Location-Based Service 2010, UPINLBS 2010, Oct 14-15, 2010, Kirkkonummi, Finland. Seattle : IEEE, 2010, ISBN 978-1-4244-7878-1, CD-ROM.

Schwarzbach, F., Oksanen, J., Sarjakoski, L.T. and T. Sarjakoski, 2010. Intuitive forest representation in multi-scale maps for hikers. The 58th German Cartographer's Day 2010, June 8-10, 2010, Berlin/Potsdam, Germany, abstract.
Tapanainen, T., 2010. Luonnossaliikkujan kulkukelpoisuusanalyysin parantaminen tarkoilla maastotiedoilla. Pro gradu, Geotieteiden ja maantieteen laitos, Helsingin yliopisto.


Aatos, S. (toim.), Kohonen, J., Teerilahti, R., Nuutinen, T., Mikkola, E., Sarjakoski, T., Lehto, L., Oksanen, J., Hyyppä, J., Forsström, P.-L., Teräs, A., Leino, Y. ja J. Tuokko, 2009. Luonnonvaratiedon hyödyntäminen politiikan ja päätöksenteon tukena - Aineistot, tiedontuotanto, tiedon löydettävyys ja yhteinen palvelumalli. Sektoritutkimuksen neuvottelukunta, 4-2009.

Anon., 2009. Korkeustieto-yhteistyöryhmän loppuraportti. MMM-työryhmämuistio, 2009:2, 38 s. Online: (31/12/09).

Bergenheim, W., Sarjakoski, L. T. and T. Sarjakoski, 2009. A Web Processing Service for GRASS GIS to provide on-line generalisation. Proceedings of the 12th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, June 2-5, 2009, Hannover, CD-ROM.

Flink, H.-M., 2009. User Centred Approach in the Concept Development of a Map-Based Multi-Publishing Service. Master thesis. University of Art and Design Helsinki.

Kettunen, P., Sarjakoski, T., Sarjakoski L. T. and J. Oksanen, 2009. Cartographic Means for the 3D Visualisation of Rural Landscape. Proceedings of the 12th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, June 2-5, 2009, Hannover, CD-ROM.

Kettunen, P., Sarjakoski, T., Sarjakoski, L. T. and J. Oksanen, 2009. Cartographic Portrayal of Terrain in Oblique Parallel Projection. Proceedings of the 24th International Cartographic Conference, Nov 15-21, 2009, Santiago, Chile, CD-ROM. Online: (09/03/10).

Kovanen, J., 2009. Mustan laatikon salaisuus. Positio, (1/2009): 15-16.

Kovanen, J. and L. Lehto, 2009. INSPIRE Coordinate Transformation Service - the Specification and experiences gained from a pilot implementation. Proceedings of the GSDI 11 Conference. Spatial Data Infrastructure Convergence: Building SDI Bridges to Address Global Challenges, June 15-19, 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, CD-ROM.

Kovanen, J., Sarjakoski, L. T. and T. Sarjakoski, 2009. Studying iPhone as a Media for Context-Aware Map-Based Mobile Services. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on LBS & TeleCartography, Sep 2-4, 2009, CGS, University of Nottingham, UK.

Latvala, P., 2009. Test of Schema Transformation Capable Applications. Special Assignment in Geoinformatics, Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Surveying, 31p.

Lehto, L., 2009. INSPIRE -paikkatietopalvelut. Maanmittaus, 84(2): 37-39.

Lehto, L., 2009. Real-Time Content Transformations in the European Spatial Data Infrastructure. Proceedings of the 24th International Cartographic Conference, Nov 15-21, 2009, Santiago, Chile, CD-ROM.Online: (09/03/10).

Lehto L. (ed.), 2009. Best Practice for Content Transformations Enabling INSPIRE-Compliant Data Delivery. Deliverable 11.1. Public report. ESDIN, European Spatial Data Infrastructure Network, ECP-2007-GEO-317008, 44 p.

Magnusson, C., Brewster, S., Sarjakoski, T., Roselier, S., Sarjakoski, L. T. and K. Tollmar, 2009. Exploring Future Challenges for Haptic, Audio and Visual Interfaces for Mobile Maps and Location Based Services. Proceedings of the CHI 2009 –LocWeb Workshop, April 4-9, Boston, MA, USA, ACM 978-1-60558-247-4/08/04. Online: (26/11/10).

Magnusson, C., Tollmar, K., Rassmuss-Gröhn, K., Strain, P., Renteria Bilbao, A., Heuten, W., Pielot, M., Poppinga, B., Anastassova, M., Claassen, G., Sarjakoski, L. T., Ylirisku, S., Flink, H.-M., Weckman, S., Cano Arias, E., Blocona Santos, C., Lorente Barajas, J. L., Munos Sevilla, J. A. and J. Peters, 2009. (Magnusson, C., Rassmuss-Gröhn, K., Tollmar, K., Deaner, E., (eds.)). User Study Guidelines. Deliverable 1.2., Public report, HaptiMap, Haptic, Audio and Visual Interfaces for Maps and Location Based Services, FP-ICT-224675, 80 p.

Magnusson, C., Tollmar, K., Rassmuss-Gröhn, K., Strain, P., Renteria Bilbao, A., Heuten, W., Pielot, M., Poppinga, B., Anastassova, M., Claassen, G., Sarjakoski, L. T., Ylirisku, S., Peters, J., Cano Arias, E., Blocona Santos, C., Lorente Barajas, J. L. and J.A. Munos Sevilla, 2009. (Magnusson, C., Rassmuss-Gröhn K. and K., Tollmar, (eds.)). Initial user studies. Deliverable 1.1. Public report, HaptiMap, Haptic, Audio and Visual Interfaces for Maps and Location Based Services, FP-ICT-224675, 241 p.

Nivala, A.-M., Sarjakoski, L. T., Laakso, K., Itäranta, J., and P. Kettunen, 2009. User Requirements for Location-Based Services to Support Hiking Activities. In: Gartner, G. and K. Rehrl, (eds.), Location Based Services and TeleCartography II, From Sensor Fusion to Context Models, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 167–184.

Pyysalo, U., Oksanen, J. and T. Sarjakoski, 2009. Viewshed analysis and visualization of landscape voxel models. Proceedings of the 24th International Cartographic Conference, Nov 15-21, 2009, Santiago, Chile, CD-ROM. Online: (09/03/10).

Rönneberg, M. and P. Cuch, 2009. Helsinki Personal Navigation: Observations and General Remarks. Finnish Geodetic Institute, Department of Geoinformatics and Cartography, internal project report, 8 s.

Rönneberg, M., 2009. Kolmiulotteisen tiedon visualisointi stereoprojektorilla. Diplomityö, Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Maanmittaustieteiden laitos, Espoo, 72 s.

Rönneberg, M., 2009. Marjastajan ja sienestäjän karttapalvelun dokumentointi UML-kaavioilla. Erikoistyö, Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Maanmittaustieteiden laitos, Espoo, 37 s.

Sarjakoski, L. T., 2009. Jokapaikan spatiaalinen vuorovaikutus. Positio, (4/2009): 6-8. Online: (09/08/10).

Sarjakoski, L. T. ja T. Sarjakoski, 2009. Paikkatietojen ja karttakäyttöliittymien käytettävyys. Tietoasiantuntija, (5/2009): 14-15.

Sarjakoski, L. T., Sarjakoski, T., Koskinen, I. and S. Ylirisku, 2009. The Role of Augmented Elements to Support Aesthetic and Entertaining Aspects of Interactive Maps on the Web and Mobile Phones. In Cartwright, W., Eartner, G. and A. Lehn, (eds.), Cartography and Art, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Springer, Berlin, pp. 107-122.

Sarjakoski, L.T., Ylirisku, S., Flink, H.-M. and S. Weckman, 2009. Explorative User Study Approach for LBS Innovation for Hikers. Proceedings of the 24th International Cartographic Conference, Nov 15-21, 2009, Santiago, Chile, CD-ROM. Online: (09/03/10).

Schwarzbach, F., 2009. Suitability of Different LIDAR Data Sets for 3D Mapping of the Road Environment. Photogrammetrie - Fernerkundung - Geoinformation, (2/09): 111-121.

Schwarzbach, F., Sarjakoski, T., Oksanen, J., Sarjakoski, L.T. and S. Weckman, 2009. Physical 3D models from LIDAR data as tactile maps for visually impaired persons. Abstract book of ICA SPIE Europe Symposium True-3D in Cartography, Aug 24-28, 2009, Dresden, Germany, pp. 70-71.

Ukkonen, T., Oksanen, J., Rousi, T., and T. Sarjakoski, 2009. Comparison of distribution strategies in uncertainty-aware catchment delineation. GeoInformatica. Online: (17/11/09).


Elzakker, C., Forrest, D., Nivala, A.-M. and A. Pucher, (eds.), 2008. The Cartographic Journal, Use and Users Special Issue, The British Cartographic Society.

Elzakker, C., Forrest, D., Nivala, A.-M. and A. Pucher, 2008. Editorial, Caring for the Users. The Cartographic Journal, Use and Users Special Issue, 45(2): 84–86.

Kettunen, P., 2008. Karttasovellukset mobiililaitteissa. Diplomityö. Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Maanmittaustieteiden laitos, 96 s.

Kettunen, P., 2008. Maanpintaa ympäröivän tilan viistoesitystapojen kategorisointi. Geoinformaatiotekniikan erikoistyö, Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Maanmittaustieteiden laitos, Geoinformaatio- ja paikannustekniikan laboratorio, 34 s.

Kovanen, J., 2008. Coordinate transformation services. Master's Thesis (Diplomityö). Helsinki University of Technology (Teknillinen korkeakoulu), Department of Surveying (Maanmittaustieteiden laitos), 83 p + 26 p. App.

Lehto, L. ja J. Kähkönen, 2008. Paikkatietojen yhteiskäyttö toimii jo. Positio, (1/2008): 6-9.

Nivala, A.-M., 2008. Käytettävyys osaksi karttasovelluksen suunnittelua. Positio, (3/2008): 10-13.

Nivala, A.-M., Brewster, S. A. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2008. Usability Evaluation of Web Mapping Sites. The Cartographic Journal, Use and Users Special Issue, 45(2): 129–138.

Poutanen, M., Ahokas, E., Chen, Y., Oksanen, J., Portin, M., Ruuhela, S. ja H. Suurmäki, (toim.), 2008. Geodeettinen laitos – Geodetiska Institutet – Finnish Geodetic Institute 1918 – 2008. Geodeettisen laitoksen julkaisuja, No 141, 174 s, (osastojen yhteisjulkaisu).

Pyysalo, U. and T. Sarjakoski, 2008. Voxel approach to landscape modelling. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, July 2-11, Beijing, China, XXXVII(B4/1):563-568.

Sarjakoski, L. T. and T. Sarjakoski, 2008. User Interfaces and Adaptive Maps. In: Shekhar, S. and H. Xiong, (eds.), Encyclopedia of GIS, Springer, pp. 1205-1212.

Sarjakoski, T. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2008. Mitä uutta tarkat 3D-aineistot tarjoavat retkeilijälle? Maankäyttö, (3/2008): 50-52. Online: (09/03/10).

Sarjakoski, T. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2008. Nuuksio tulevaisuuden kartoilla. Luku oppaassa Ahola, J., Nuuksio, Retkeilyopas & kartta, Karttakeskus ulkoilukartat, Karttakeskus, s. 76-77.

Sarjakoski, T. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2008. Visioita: älykkäät mobiilikarttapalvelut. Artikkelissa Ahola, J., Kartat kaikkiin koetuksiin, Retki, (5, Kesäkuu 2008): 45/ 44-49.

Ukkonen, T., Rousi, T., Oksanen, J., and T. Sarjakoski, 2008. Distributed Error Propagation Analysis for Automatic Drinage Basin Delineation. Proc. of the 8th International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, 'Spatial Uncertainity', June 25-27, Shanghai, China, pp. 126-133.

Weckman, S., 2008. Maps and Geographic Information for Visually Impaired People. Special Assignment in Cartography, Laboratory of Geoinformation and Positioning Technology, Department of Surveying, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Helsinki University of Technology, 37 p.


Kettunen, P., 2007. Kämmenkarttojen monet ilmeet. Positio, (3/2007): 6-9.

Lehto L., 2007. Schema Translations in a Web Service-basedSDI. Proc. of the 10th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, 'The European Information Society: Leading the way with geo-information', May 8-11, Aalborg, Denmark.

Lehto, L., 2007. Real-Time Content Transformations in a Web Service-Based Delivery Architecture for Geographic Information. Doctoral dissertation, Helsinki University of Technology. Publications of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, N:o 138, Kirkkonummi, 51 p. + 99 p. App. 

Mackaness, W. A., Ruas, A.,and L. T. Sarjakoski, (eds.), 2007. Generalisation of Geographic Information: Cartographic Modelling and Applications, Series of International Cartographic Association, Elsevier. See at

Mackaness, W. A., Ruas, A. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2007. Observations and Research Challenges in Map Generalisation and Multiple Representation. Chapter 17 in: Mackaness, W. A., Ruas, A. and L. T. Sarjakoski, (eds.), Generalisation of Geographic Information: Cartographic Modelling and Applications, Series of International Cartographic Association, Elsevier, pp. 315-323.

Mackaness, W. A., Ruas, A. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2007. Preface. In: Mackaness, W. A., Ruas, A. and L. T. Sarjakoski, (eds.), Generalisation of Geographic Information: Cartographic Modelling and Applications, Series of International Cartographic Association, Elsevier , pp.vii-xi.

McGookin, D., Gibbs, M., Nivala, A.-M., Brewster, S. A. and J. Kildal, 2007. Initial development of a PDA mobility aid for visually impaired people. Proceedings of IFIP Interact 2007, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, September 10-14, 2007, pp. 665-668.

Nivala, A.-M., 2007. Usability Perspectives for the Design of Interactive Maps. Doctoral dissertation, Helsinki University of Technology. Publications of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, N:o 136, Kirkkonummi, 60 p. + 97 p. App. 

Nivala, A.-M. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2007. User Aspects of Adaptive Visualisation for Mobile Maps. Cartography and Geographic Information Science. Gartner, G., Bennett, D. A. and T. Morita (eds.), Special content: Towards Ubiquitous Cartography, 34(4): 275-284.

Nivala, A.-M. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2007. User requirements for location-aware information. Non-public project report, Finnish Geodetic Institute, Department of Geoinformatics and Cartography, 21.12.2007, 37 p + App. 92 p.

Nivala, A.-M., Brewster, S. A. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2007. Usability Evaluation of Web Map Sites. Proceedings of the ICA Commission on Maps and the Internet, Warsaw, Poland, July 31 - August 2, 2007, pp. 101-107.

Nivala, A.-M., Brewster, S. A. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2007. Usability Problems of Web Map Sites. Proc. of XXIII International Cartographic Conference, Cartography for everyone and for you, Moscow, Russia, August 4-10, 2007, Theme 12, CD-ROM.

Nivala, A.-M., Sarjakoski, L. T. and T. Sarjakoski, 2007. Usability Methods' Familiarity among Map Application Developers. IJHCS, Int. J. Human-Computer Studies, 65(9): 784-795.

Oulasvirta, A., Nurminen, A. and A.-M. Nivala, 2007. Interacting with 3D and 2D Mobile Maps: An Exploratory Study. HIIT Technical Report 2007-1, April 11, 2007. Online: (14/02/08).

Pyysalo, U., Sarjakoski, T. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2007. 3D-visualization of airborne laser derived elevation model for mobile devices. Proc. of XXIII International Cartographic Conference, Cartography for everyone and for you, Moscow, Russia, August 4 -10, 2007, Theme 17, CD-ROM.

Sarjakoski, L. T., 2007. Conceptual models of generalisation and multiple representation. Chapter 2 in: Mackaness, W. A., Ruas, A. and L. T. Sarjakoski, (eds.), Generalisation of Geographic Information: Cartographic Modelling and Applications, Series of International Cartographic Association, Elsevier, pp. 11-35.

Sarjakoski, L. T., Koivula, T. and T. Sarjakoski, 2007. Knowledge-Based Map Adaptation for Mobile Map Services. In: Gartner, G., Cartwright, W. and M. Peterson (eds.), Location Based Services and TeleCartography, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp. 247-264.

Sarjakoski, T., 2007. Puheenjohtajan katsaus: SKS 1999–2004. Karttaa tarvitaan aina, Suomen kartografinen seura 50 vuotta, SKS, Helsinki, 71–73 s. Online: (28/03/07).

Sarjakoski, T. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2007. A Real-Time Generalisation and Map Adaptation Approach for Location-Based Services. Chapter 7 in: Mackaness, W. A., Ruas, A. and L. T. Sarjakoski, (eds.), Generalisation of Geographic Information: Cartographic Modelling and Applications, Series of International Cartographic Association, Elsevier, pp. 137-159.

Sarjakoski, T. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2007. Kartografian ja geoinformatiikan tutkimuksen suuntaviivoja Suomessa. Karttaa tarvitaan aina, Suomen kartografinen seura 50 vuotta, SKS, Helsinki, 46-53 s. Online: (28/03/07).

Sarjakoski, T. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2007. Towards ubiquitous geospatial services. Positio (ICC 2007 special issue, Cartography, GI Science and GI Technology in Finland), pp.22-23.

Sarjakoski, T., Sarjakoski, L. T. and R. Kuittinen, 2007. Establishing a test environment for ubiquitous geospatial applications. Proc. of XXIII International Cartographic Conference, Cartography for everyone and for you, Moscow, Russia, August 4-10, 2007, Theme 13, CD-ROM.

Ukkonen, T., Sarjakoski, T., Oksanen, J., 2007. Distributed computation of drainage basin delineations from uncertain digital elevation models. Proceedings of the 15th ACM International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, Nov 7-9, 2007, Seattle, WA, USA, pp. 236-243.


JUHTA, 2006. Paikkatietojen mallintaminen tiedonsiirtoa varten, JHS-luonnos. Online: (07/12/06).

Kähkönen J., 2006. Introduction to open source Web mapping communities and open geostandards for Webmapping. Seminaarijulkaisu. Online: (07/12/06).

Lehto L., 2006. Schema Transformation as a Web Service. Proceedings of the Nordic GIS Conference, Helsinki, Finland, October 2-4, 2006, pp. 39-44.

Lehto, L., 2006. Skeemamuunnokset verkkopalveluissa. Positio, 2006:4, 15-17.

Nivala, A.-M., Sarjakoski, L. T. and T. Sarjakoski, 2006. Käytettävyys ja paikkatietoalan yritykset, Geodeettinen laitos, Geoinformatiikan ja kartografian osasto, ei-julkinen projektiraportti, 18 s.

Oksanen, J., 2006. Digital elevation model error in terrain analysis. Doctoral dissertation, University of Helsinki. Publications of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, N:o 134. Kirkkonummi, 51 p.+ 37 p. App.+ 2 App. 

Oksanen, J. and T. Sarjakoski, 2006. Uncovering the statistical and spatial characteristics of fine toposcale DEM error. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 20(4): 345-369.

PATINE/TIPY, Paikkatietopalvelujen kokonaisarkkitehtuuri, työryhmäraportti (Lehto L., Myllymäki T., Vehkaperä H., Tiainen E., Kankaanrinne J., Lampio E. ja Y. Laine). Online: (07/12/06).

Ukkonen, T., 2006. Hajautettu Monte Carlo simulaatio paikkatietoanalyysissä. (Parallel Monte Carlo Simulation in Spatial Analysis), Diplomityö, TKK / Tietotekniikan osasto, Informaatiotekniikka, 74 s.


Ahokas, E., Yu, X., Oksanen, J., Hyyppä, J., Kaartinen, H. and H. Hyyppä, 2005. Optimization of the scanning angle for countrywide laser scanning. Proceedings of ISPRS Workshop "Laser scanning 2005", September 12-14, 2005, Enschede, The Netherlands, International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XXXVI(Part 3/W19): 115-119, CD-ROM

Harrie, L., Stigmar, H., Koivula, T. and L. Lehto, 2005. An Algorithm for Icon Labelling on a Real-Time Map. In: P. F. Fisher (ed.), Developments in Spatial Data Handling, 11th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, SDH-2004, Leicester, UK, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 493-507.

Hämäläinen, M., 2005. SVG-vektorigrafiikka mobiileissa karttasovelluksissa (Eng. SVG-Vector Graphics in Mobile Map Applications), diplomityö (Diploma Thesis), Teknillisen korkeakoulun maanmittausosasto, 94 s.

Jakobsson, A. ja H. Huttunen, 2005. Kuntien ja Maanmittauslaitoksen tuottamien maastotietojen tietomallien harmonisointitarpeesta ja tietojen yhteiskäytön toteuttamisesta. Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedote 28, 182 s. + 102 liites.

Jakobsson, A. ja J. Oksanen, 2005. Suomen Kartografinen Seura - kansallinen kartografian ja geoinformaatiotieteen yhdistys. Maankäyttö 1/2005, 38-39.

Lehto, L., 2005. Data Integration as a Web Service. Proceedings of the II International Conference & Exhibition on Geographic Information, GISPLANET'2005, Estoril, Portugal, May 30 - June 2, 2005, CD-ROM.

Lehto, L., 2005. Standardointi Newsletter: OGC ja ISO, 1-2/2005. NAVI-verkosto, yht. 10 s.

Lehto, L. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2005. Real-time generalization of XML-encoded spatial data for the Web and mobile devices. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 19(8-9):957-973.

Lehto, L. and T. Sarjakoski, 2005. XML in Service Architectures for Mobile Cartographic Applications. In: Meng, L., Zipf, A. and T. Reichenbacher (eds.), Map-based mobile services - Theories, Methods and Implementations, Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp. 173-192.

Nivala, A.-M., 2005. User-centred Design in the Development of a Mobile Map Application (Käyttäjäkeskeinen näkökulma mobiilin karttasovelluksen tuotekehityksessä), Licentiate Thesis (Lisensiaatintyö), Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, (Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Tietotekniikan osasto, Ohjelmistoliiketoiminnan ja -tuotannon laboratorio), 74 p.+publ.

Nivala, A-M. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2005. Adapting Map Symbols for Mobile Users. International Cartographic Conference 2005: Mapping Approaches into a Changing World, 9-16 July, A Coruña, Spain, CD-ROM: Theme 12: Internet Location-Based Services, Mobile Mapping and Navigation Systems, Session 5, 11 p.

Nivala, A.-M., Sarjakoski, L. T. and T. Sarjakoski, 2005. User-Centred Design and Development of a Mobile Map Service. In: Hauska, H. and H. Tveite (eds.), ScanGIS'2005 - Proceedings of the 10th Scandinavian Research Conference on Geographical Information Sciences 13th - 15th June 2005, Stockholm, Sweden, pp. 109-123.

Oksanen, J. and T. Sarjakoski, 2005. Error Propagation of DEM-based Surface Derivatives. Computers & Geosciences, 31(8):1015-1027.

Oksanen, J. and T. Sarjakoski, 2005. Error propagation analysis of DEM-based drainage basin delineation. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 26(14):3085-3102.

Oksanen, J. and T. Sarjakoski, 2005. The EVRS and the need for contour updating in national topographic maps. International Cartographic Conference 2005: Mapping Approaches into a Changing World, 9-16 July, A Coruña, Spain, CD-ROM: Theme 3: Map Design and Production, 8 p.

Sarjakoski, L. T. and A.-M. Nivala, 2005. Adaptation to Context - A Way to Improve the Usability of Mobile Maps. In: Meng, L., Zipf, A. and T. Reichenbacher (eds.), Map-based mobile services - Theories, Methods and Implementations, Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp. 107-123.

Sarjakoski, L. T., Koivula, T. and T. Sarjakoski, 2005. A Knowledge-based Map Adaptation for Mobile Map Services. 3rd Symposium on LBS and TeleCartography, Vienna, Austria, November, 2005, pp. 33-40.

Sarjakoski, T. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2005. The GiMoDig public final report. Geospatial Info-Mobility Service by Real-Time Data-Integration and Generalisation -project (GiMoDig), IST-2000-30090, Deliverable D1.2.31, March 18, 2005, Public EC report, 70 p. An electronic version available at

Sarjakoski, T., Sester, M., Sarjakoski, L.T., Harrie, L., Hampe, M., Lehto, L. and T. Koivula, 2005. Web generalisation service in GiMoDig - towards a standardised service for real-time generalisation. In: Toppen, F., and M. Painho, (eds.), Conference proceedings, AGILE 2005, 8th Conference on Geographic Information Science, Estoril, Portugal, May 26-28, 2005, pp. 509-518.


Afflerbach, S., Illert, A. and T. Sarjakoski, 2004. The Harmonisation Challenge of Core National Topographic Databases in the EU-Project GiMoDig. Proceedings of the XXth ISPRS Congress, July 2004, Istanbul, Turkey. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XXXV(B4/IV):129-134, also CD-ROM.

Harrie, L., Stigmar H., Koivula T. and L. Lehto, 2004. An Algorithm for Icon Placement on a Real-Time Map. In: Fisher, P. (ed), Developments in Spatial Data Handling, Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, Springer, Leicester, pp. 493–507.

Lehto, L., 2004. Standardointi Newsletter: OGC ja ISO, 1-4/2004. NAVI-verkosto, 19 p.

Lehto, L. and T. Sarjakoski, 2004. Schema Translations by XSLT for GML-Encoded Geospatial Data in Heterogeneous Web-Service Environment. Proceedings of the XXth ISPRS Congress, July 2004, Istanbul, Turkey, International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XXXV(B4/IV):177-182, also CD-ROM.

Lehto, L. and T. Sarjakoski, 2004. An Open Service Architecture For Mobile Cartographic Applications. In: G. Gartner (ed.), Location Based Services & TeleCartography, Proceedings of the Symposium 2004, Vienna University of Technology, January 28-29, 2004, Vienna, pp. 141-145.

Lehto L., Sarjakoski, T., Hvas, A., Hollander, P., Ruotsalainen, R. and A. Illert, 2004. A Prototype Cross-border GML Data Service. Proceedings of the 7th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, Heraklion, Greece, April 29 - May 1, 2004, pp. 361-367.

Lehto, L., Sarjakoski, T., Nissen, F., Hvas, A., Illert, A., Afflerbach, S., Hampe, M., Ruotsalainen, R., Kemppainen, I., Hollander, P. and M. Forsmark, 2004. Report of the GiMoDig Data Service Prototype. Geospatial Info-Mobility Service by Real-Time Data-Integration and Generalisation- project (GiMoDig), IST-2000-30090, Deliverable D6.5.2, July 9, 2004, Public EC report, 93 p.

Nivala, A.-M., 2004. Interruptions in Mobile Map Environments. A seminar essay as a part of the seminar "Interruptions and Intelligent Environments", Helsinki University of Technology, 13 p. Available in electronic format at

Nivala, A-M. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2004. Preventing Interruptions in Mobile Map Reading Process by Personalisation. The 3rd Workshop on "HCI in Mobile Guides", in adjunction to: MobileHCI'04, 6th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, September 13-16, 2004, Glasgow, Scotland, 6 p. An electronic version available at:

Oksanen, J. and T. Sarjakoski, 2004. Characterization of the digital elevation model (DEM) error by using airborne laser scanning elevation data. GIScience 2004, The Third International Conference on Geographic Information Science : extended abstracts and poster summaries, Oct 20-23, 2004, Adelphi, MD, pp. 165-167.

Poutanen, M., Chen, R., Hyyppä, J., Kuittinen, R. ja T. Sarjakoski, 2004. Geodeettinen laitos - perinteitä ja nykyaikaa, (Engl. The Finnish Geodetic Institute - traditions and future), Maankäyttö, (Finnish journal in surveying), (1/2004): 15-21.

Sarjakoski, L. T., Nivala, A.-M. and M. Hämäläinen, 2003. Improving the Usability of Mobile Maps by Means of Adaption. In: G. Gartner (ed.), Location Based Services & TeleCartography, Proceedings of the Symposium 2004, Vienna University of Technology, January 28-29, 2004, Vienna, pp. 79-84.

Sarjakoski, T., Nivala, A.-M. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2004. Report on usability and validity. Geospatial Info-Mobility Service by Real-Time Data-Integration and Generalisation -project (GiMoDig), IST-2000-30090, Deliverable D9.1.2, December 31, 2004, Internal EC Report, 86 p.

Sarjakoski, L. T. and T. Sarjakoski, 2004. A Use Case Based Mobile GI Service with Embedded Map Generalisation. Papers of the ICA Workshop on Generalisation and Multiple Representation, August 20-21, 2004, Leicester, 9 p., CD-ROM. Online:

Sarjakoski, T., Sarjakoski, L. T., Sester, M., Nissen, F., Rystedt, B. and R. Ruotsalainen, 2004. Exploitation plan of the GiMoDig Consortium. Geospatial Info-Mobility Service by Real-Time Data-Integration and Generalisation -project (GiMoDig), IST-2000-30090, Deliverable D10.2.4, Dec 29, 2004, Internal EC report, 66 p.

Sester, M., Sarjakoski, L. T., Harrie, L., Hampe, M., Koivula, T., Sarjakoski, T., Lehto, L., Elias, B., Nivala, A.-M. and H. Stigmar, 2004. Real-time generalisation and multiple representation in the GiMoDig mobile service. Geospatial Info-Mobility Service by Real-Time Data-Integration and Generalisation- project (GiMoDig), IST-2000-30090, Deliverables D7.1.1, D7.2.1 and D7.3.1, Oct 4, 2004, Public EC report, 151 p. An electronic version available at


Edwardes, A., Burghardt, D., Bobzien, M., Harrie, L., Lehto, L., Reichenbacher, T., Sester, M. and R. Weibel, 2003. Map Generalisation Technology: Addressing the Need for a Common Research Platform. Proceedings of the 21st International Cartographic Conference, August 10-16, 2003, Durban, South Africa, pp. 170-179, CD-ROM.

Jakobsson, A., 2003. Framework and Requirements for Management of Topographic Data in Europe. In: Virrantaus, K. and H. Tveite (eds.), ScanGIS'2003 Proceedings of the 9th Scandinavian Research Conference on Geographical Information Science, June 4-6, 2003, Espoo, Finland, pp. 91-102. An electronic version available at

Lehto, L., 2003. Architecture Specification. Geospatial Info-Mobility Service by Real-Time Data-Integration and Generalisation- project (GiMoDig), IST-2000-30090, Deliverable D4.4.1: Final system architecture, May 22 2003, Public EC report, 41 p. An electronic version available at

Lehto, L., 2003. Report on Prototype. Geospatial Info-Mobility Service by Real-Time Data-Integration and Generalisation- project (GiMoDig), IST-2000-30090, Deliverable D6.3.2, December 8 2003, Internal EC report, 32 p.

Lehto, L., 2003. Standardointi Newsletter: OGC ja ISO, 1, 2, 3, 4/2003. NAVI-verkosto, 6, 15, 5, 5 p.

Lehto, L., 2003. A Standards-Based Architecture for Multi-purpose Publishing of Geodata on the Web. In: Peterson, M.P. (ed.), Maps and the Internet, Elsevier Science, pp. 221-230.

Lehto, L. and T. Sarjakoski, 2003. Real-Time Integration of XML-Encoded Spatial Data for Mobile Use. Proceedings of the 6th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, Lyon, France, April 24-26, 2003, pp. 97-101.

Mäkinen, K. and T. Sarjakoski (eds.), 2003. Positio, ICC-2003 Special Issue, Helsinki, 27 p.

Mäkinen, K. and T. Sarjakoski, 2003. Cartography, GI Science and Technology in Finland. In: Mäkinen, K. and T. Sarjakoski (eds.), Positio, ICC-2003 Special Issue, pp. 3.

Nivala, A.-M., Sarjakoski, L. T., Jakobsson, A., and E. Kaasinen, 2003. Usability Evaluation of Topographic Maps in Mobile Devices. Proceedings of the 21st International Cartographic Conference, August 10-16, 2003, Durban, South Africa, pp. 1903-1913, CD-ROM.

Nivala, A.-M. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2003. An Approach to Intelligent Maps: Context Awareness. Schmidt-Belz, B. and K. Cheverst (eds.), Proceedings of the workshop W1 'HCI in Mobile Guides 2003'. In conjunction with: Fifth International Symposium on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, Mobile HCI 03, September 8-11, 2003, Udine, Italy, pp. 45-50. An electronic version available at

Nivala, A.-M. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2003. Need for Context-Aware Topographic Maps in Mobile Devices. In: Virrantaus, K. and H. Tveite (eds.), ScanGIS'2003 Proceedings of the 9th Scandinavian Research Conference on Geographical Information Science, June 4-6, 2003, Espoo, Finland, pp. 15-29. An electronic version available at

Oksanen, J., 2003. Tracing the Gross Errors of DEM - Visualisation Techniques for Preliminary Quality Analysis. Proceedings of the 21st International Cartographic Conference, August 10-16, 2003, Durban, South Africa, pp. 2410 - 2415, CD-ROM.

Oksanen, J. and T. Sarjakoski, 2003. Errors in DEMs - Focusing on Their Impact on Terrain Analysis. In: Mäkinen, K. and T. Sarjakoski (eds.), Positio, ICC-2003 Special Issue, pp. 18-19.

Oksanen, J. and T. Sarjakoski, 2003. Relevancy of Error Propagation Analysis in DEM-based Drainage Basin Delineation. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Spatial Data Quality '03, March 19-20, 2003, Hong Kong, China, pp. 286-295.

Sarjakoski, L. T. and A.-M. Nivala, 2003. Context-Aware Maps in Mobile Devices. In: Salovaara, A., Kuoppala, H. and M. Nieminen, (eds.), Perspectives on Intelligent User Interfaces, Helsinki University of Technology Software Business and Engineering Institute Technical Reports 1, HUT-SoberIT-C1, Espoo, pp. 112-133. An electronic version also available at

Sarjakoski, L. T. and T. Sarjakoski, 2003. Exploitation Plan (draft), update. Geospatial Info-Mobility Service by Real-Time Data-Integration and Generalisation- project (GiMoDig), IST-2000-30090, Deliverable D10.2.3 update, May 30 2003, Internal EC report, 17 p.

Sarjakoski, T., 2003. Mobile Use of National Topographic Databases in Europe. In: Mäkinen, K. and T. Sarjakoski (eds.), Positio, ICC-2003 Special Issue, pp. 6-7.

Sarjakoski, T. and L. Lehto, 2003. Mobile Map Services Based on Open System Architecture. Proceedings of the 21st International Cartographic Conference (ICC), Cartographic renaissance, August 10-16, 2003, Durban, South Africa, pp. 1107-1112, CD-ROM.

Sarjakoski, T., Nivala A.-M. and L.T. Sarjakoski, 2003. Report on Usability and Validity (draft). Geospatial Info-Mobility Service by Real-Time Data-Integration and Generalisation- project (GiMoDig), IST-2000-30090, Deliverable D9.1.1, May 30 2003, Internal EC report, 29 p.


Ahonen, A., Nivala, A.-M. and R. Södergårg, 2002. Usability Case Studies with NAVI Projects - GiMoDig. Key Usability and Ethical Issues in the NAVI programme (KEN), project report, 8 p.

Harrie, L. and T. Sarjakoski, 2002. Simultaneous Graphic Generalization of Vector Data Sets. GeoInformatica, 6(3): 233–261.

Harrie, L., Sarjakoski, L. T. and L. Lehto, 2002. A variable-scale map for small-display cartography. Proceedings of the Joint International Symposium on "GeoSpatial Theory, Processing and Applications" (ISPRS/Commission IV, SDH2002), Ottawa, Canada, July 8–12, 2002, 6 p, CD-rom.

Jaakkola, O. and V. Helminen, 2002. Usability of the SLICES land-use database. Proceedings of the 5th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, Palma (Mallorca), Spain, April 25–27, 2002, pp. 123–129.

Jaakkola, O., Helminen, V. and A. Mikkola, 2002. Accuracy Assessment of Integrated Spatial Database — SLICES Land-Use Classification, 2002. Proceedings of 5th International Symposium On Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, Melbourne, Australia, July 10–12, 2002, pp. 110–117.

Kemppainen, H., 2002. A semantics for version queries in GIS databases. In: Richardson, D., and van Oosterom, P. (Eds.), Advances in Spatial Data Handling – 10th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling (SDH2002), Ottawa, Canada, Springer, pp. 239–253.

Lehto, L., 2002. Preliminary architecture plan. GiMoDig-project, IST-2000-30090, Deliverable D4.2.1, Internal EC report, 22 p.

Lehto, L., 2002. Standards-Based Service Architecture for Mobile Map Applications. Proceedings of the 5th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, Palma (Mallorca), Spain, April 25–27, 2002, pp. 501–510.

Lehto, L., 2002. Web-ympäristö paikkatiedon jakelukanavana. Maanmittauspäivät 2002, Mikkeli, 14–15.3.2002, s. 27–30.

Lehto, L., Kähkönen, J., Sarjakoski, L.T. and T. Sarjakoski, 2002. Multi-purpose Publishing of Geodata in the Web. Geo-Informatics, 5(July/August 2002): 18–21.

Sarjakoski, L.T., 2002. Objective tree, baseline data and monitoring mechanism. GiMoDig-project, IST-2000-30090, Deliverable D11.1.1, Internal EC report, 18 p.

Sarjakoski, L.T., 2002. Dissemination and use plan. GiMoDig-project, IST-2000-30090, Deliverable D10.2.1, Internal EC report, 11 p.

Sarjakoski, L.T., 2002. Exploitation plan (draft). GiMoDig-project, IST-2000-30090, Deliverable D10.2.3, Internal EC report, 10 p.

Sarjakoski, T., Sarjakoski, L.T. and L. Lehto, 2002. Risk analysis. GiMoDig-project, IST-2000-30090, Deliverable D1.1.1, Internal EC report, 8 p.

Sarjakoski, T., Sarjakoski, L.T., Lehto, L., Sester, M., Illert, A., Nissen, F., Rystedt, R. and R. Ruotsalainen , 2002. Geospatial Info-mobility Services — A Challenge for National Mapping Agencies. Proceedings of the Joint International Symposium on "GeoSpatial Theory, Processing and Applications" (ISPRS/Commission IV, SDH2002), Ottawa, Canada, July 8–12, 2002, 5 p, CD-rom.

Sarjakoski, T., Sarjakoski, L.T., Lehto, L., Sester, M., Illert, A., Nissen, F., Rystedt, R. and R. Ruotsalainen , 2002. Geospatial Info-mobility Services — A Challenge for Interoperability and National Mapping Agencies. Proceedings of the 5th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, Palma (Mallorca), Spain, April 25–27, 2002, pp. 585–589.


Helminen, V., Jaakkola, O. ja T. Sarjakoski, 2001. Slices-maankäyttöluokituksen laadun tarkastus. Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedote, (23), 57 s.

Jaakkola, O. ja V. Helminen, 2001. Paikkatietojen laatu kontrollissa - Geodeettinen laitos tutki Slices-aineiston. Maankäyttö, (2001:2), s. 6-8.

Kilpeläinen, T., 2001. Maintenance of Multiple Representation Databases for Topographic Data. The Cartographic Journal, 37(2): 101-107.

Lehto, L., 2001. Kenelle sopii kartta kokoa ExtraMegaLarge (XML), Positio, (2001:1), s. 11-14.

Lehto, L. and T. Kilpeläinen, 2001. Real-Time Generalization of XML-Encoded Spatial Data on the Web, Proceedings of the GIS Research in the UK, 9th Annual Conference, GISRUK 2001, University of Glamorgan, Wales, April 18-20, 2001, pp.182-184.

Lehto, L., Kähkönen, J. and T. Sarjakoski, 2001. Multi-purpose Publishing of Geodata in the Web, Proceedings of the 4th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, Brno, Czech Republic, April 19-21, 2001, pp. 209-214.

Lehto, L., 2001. Multi-purpose Publishing of Geodata in the Web, Journal of South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China, July 2001, pp. 105-111.

Lehto, L. and T. Kilpeläinen, 2001. Generalizing XML-Encoded Spatial Data on the Web, Proceedings of the 20th International Cartographic Conference (ICC) 2001, Beijing, China, August 6-10, 2001, 4:2390-2396.

Oksanen, J. ja T. Sarjakoski, 2001. DEM geomorphometry: Error propagation modelling with Monte Carlo-simulation. Proceedings of the GIS Research in the UK, 9th Annual Conference, GISRUK 2001, University of Glamorgan, Wales April 18-20, 2001, pp.415-420.

Oksanen, J. ja T. Sarjakoski, 2001. Error propagation in terrain analysis - Modelling DEM uncertainty in Geomorphometry using Monte Carlo-simulation. Proceedings of the 20th International Cartographic Conference (ICC) 2001, August 6-10, 2001, Beijing, China, 5:2885-2890.

Sarjakoski, L. T. and L. Lehto, 2001. Challenges of Information Society for Map Generalization. Papers of the Fourth Workshop on Progress in Automated Map Generalization, August 2-4, 2001, Beijing, China, 7 p. Online:


Harrie, L., Sarjakoski, T., 2000. Generalization of Vector Data Sets by Simultaneous Least Squares Adjustment. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 16-23 July 2000, XXXIII(A4): 340-347.

Jaakkola, O. and Oksanen, J., 2000. Creating DEMs from contour lines: interpolation techniques which save terrain morphology. GIM International 14(9): 46-49.

Lehto, L., 2000. XML in Web-based Geospatial Applications. 3rd AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, Hanasaari Conference Centre, Helsinki/ Espoo, May 25-27, 2000, pp. 162-167.

Lehto, L. and T. Kilpeläinen, 2000. Real-time Generalization of Geodata in the WEB. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 16-23 July 2000, XXXIII(B4): 559-566

Kemppainen, H., 2000. Koordinaattijärjestelmät/Tiedonhallinta. Työraportti, julkaisematon, 8 s.

Kilpeläinen, T., 2000. Knowledge Acquisition for Generalization Rules. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 27(1): 41-50.

Oksanen, J. and Jaakkola O., 2000. Interpolation and accuracy of contour-based raster DEMs. Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, 2000:2, 32 p. 

Oksanen, J. and Jaakkola O., 2000. Map algebra-based DEM interpolation using existing cartographic data. 3rd AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, Hanasaari Conference Centre, Helsinki/ Espoo, May 25-27, 2000, pp. 111.


Kemppainen, H., 1999. Designing a Mediator for Managing Relationships between Distributed Objects. In: Andrej Vckovski, Kurt E. Brassel, Hans-Jörg Schek (Eds.): Interoperating Geographic Information Systems, Second International Conference, INTEROP '99, Zurich, Switzerland. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1580, Springer. pp. 253-263.

Kilpeläinen, T., 1999. Research on Generalisation. In: Kilpeläinen, T., (ed), 1999, Map Generalization in the Nordic Countries. Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (99:6):43-51.

Kilpeläinen, T., 1999. The Nature of Generalisation. In: Kilpeläinen, T., (ed), 1999, Map Generalization in the Nordic Countries. Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (99:6):10-13.

Kilpeläinen, T., (ed), 1999. Map Generalisation in the Nordic Countries. Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, 99:6, Kirkkonummi, 58 p. 

Kähkönen, J., Lehto, L., Kilpeläinen, T. and T. Sarjakoski, 1999. Interactive visualisation of geographical objects on the Internet. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Special Issue, 13(4):429-438.

Lehto, L. and J. Kähkönen, 1999. Java 3D API as a Tool for 3D-GIS on the Internet. Surveying Science in Finland, 17(1-2):5-19.

Mikkola, A., Jaakkola, O. and Y. Sucksdorff, 1999. Valtakunnallisten maankäyttö-, peitteisyys- ja maaperäaineistojen muodostaminen. Suomen ympäristö, Alueiden käyttö, (342), Ympäristöministeriö, Helsinki. 85 s.

Oksanen, J. and O. Jaakkola, 1999. Computing and Visualizing Morphologically Sound DEMs in a Raster Environment. Proceedings of the 19th International Cartographic Conference, August 14-21, 1999, Ottawa, pp. 1053-1060.

Sarjakoski, T. and T. Kilpeläinen, 1999. Holistic Cartographic Generalization by Least Squares Adjustment for Large Data Sets. Conference Proceedings of the 19th International Cartographic Conference, August 14-21,1999, Ottawa, 2:1091-1098.

Sarjakoski, T. and T. Kilpeläinen, 1999. Least Squares Adjustment for Generalization of Large Data Sets. Papers of the Third Workshop on Progress in Automated Map Generalization, 12-14 August 1999, Ottawa, Canada, held in conjunction with the 19th International Cartographic Conference. Online: (09/05/07).

Sarjakoski, T., 1999. The Finnish Geodetic Institute. In: Kilpeläinen, T., (ed.), 1999. Map generalisation in the Nordic countries. Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (99:6):24-26.


Jaakkola, O. 1998. Modelling of automatic scale transformations. Paper in First Meeting of AGILE, ITC, Enschede, The Netherlands. 4 p.

Jaakkola, O. 1998. Multi-scale Categorical Data Bases with Automatic Generalization Transformations Based on Map Algebra. Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, Vol. 25, No. 4, 1998, pp. 195-207.

Kemppainen, H. 1998. Rakennustietojen integrointi ja laatu. Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedote 1998/18. 63 s.

Kilpeläinen, T., 1998. Puhe promovoitujen puolesta. Polysteekki, Teknillisen korkeakoulun aikakausilehti, No. 4/98, pp. 24-25.

Kilpeläinen, T., 1998. Maintenance of Multiple Representation Databases for Topographic Data. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Dynamic & Multi-Dimensional GIS, 25th-26th August, 1997. Eds. Y.C. Lee & Zhi-Lin Li, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, 1998, pp. 116- 127.

Kilpeläinen, T., 1998. Maintenance of Topographic Data by Multiple Representations. Proceedings for the Annual Conference and Exposition of GIS/LIS '98 (CD-rom), 10-12, November, Forth Worth, Texas, 10 p.

Kähkönen, J., Kilpelinen, T., Sarjakoski, T. and L. Lehto, 1998. Interactive Multimedia Displays for Visualization of Multiple Representation Geo-databases on the Internet. Working papers of the ICA Commission on Visualization meeting, May 21-23, 1998, Warsaw. Online: (09/05/07).

Laakso, M., Kilpeläinen, T. and T. Sarjakoski, 1998. The Visualization and Animation of Earth Crust Movements and Deformation. Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia in Geoinformation, 16-18.3.1998, Bonn, pp. 117-125.

Lehto, L., 1998. Java / CORBA Integration - a new Opportunity for Distributed GIS on the Web. Proceedings of the ACSM Conference, 28 February -5 March, 1998, Baltimore, USA, pp. 474-481.

Lehto, L., 1998. Interoperable Processing of GI on the Web. Proceedings of the GIS seminar: Visions in Environmental GIS, 3 June1998, Jokioinen, pp. 18-24.

Lehto, L., 1998. Interoperable Processing of GI on the Web. Surveying Science in Finland, Vol. 16, no 1-2, 1998, pp. 3-18.

Lehto, L., 1998. Java-teknologia Web-pohjaisessa paikkatietojen välityksessä. Maanmittaus, Nro 1-2, 1998, ss. 21-36.

Sarjakoski, T., 1998. Networked GIS for public participation - emphasis on utilizing image data. Computers Environment and Urban Systems, 22(2): 381-392.

Sarjakoski, T., 1998. Networked GIS for Public Participation - Emphasis on Utilizing Image Data. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Groupware for Urban Planning, 4-6.2.1998, Lyon, France, Published by INGUL, Lyon, France, pp. 9.1-9.13.

Sarjakoski, T., 1998. Alternatives for Transferring Orientation Data of Digital Aerial Images. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, ISPRS Commission II Symposium, 13-17.7.1998, Cambridge, England, Volume 32, Part 2, pp. 255-261.

Sarjakoski, T., Myllyniemi, p., 1998. WebTop Photogrammetry - A Tool for Distributing Photogrammetric Imageries and Knowledge. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 4, Stuttgart, 7-10.9.1998, pp. 505-510.


Gerard, F., R. Fuller, N. Brown, O. Jaakkola, M. Östling, M. Rosengren, K. Wester, A. Arozarena, A. Sebastian & E. Bayarri, 1997. Work programme 9. Research and development task 9.3. Spatial generalisation. Final report to the Joint Research Centre of the Commission of European Communities. Institute of Terrestrial Ecology. Huntingdon, U.K, 59 p.

Jaakkola, O., 1997. Quality and automatic generalization of land cover data. Doctoral dissertation, Department of Geography, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 39 p.+115 p. App.

Jaakkola, O., 1997. Quality and automatic generalization of land cover data. Doctoral dissertation, summary. Publications of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, N:o 122, Kirkkonummi, 39 p. 

Jaakkola, O. 1997. Automatic iterative generalization for land cover data. AUTO-CARTO 13 proceedings, Seattle, U.S.A, 10 p.

Jaakkola, O. 1997. Quality of multiscale land cover data. Joint European Conference and Exhibition on Geographical Information, JEC'97 proceedings, Wien, Austria, 11 p.

Jaakkola, O. 1997. Automatic generalization in cartography. Sixth United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas, New York, U.S.A, 8 p.

Jaakkola, O. 1997. Multi-scale land cover databases by automatic generalization. Proceedings of the 18th ICA/ACI International Cartographic Conference, Stockholm, Sweden. 8 p.

Kemppainen, H. 1997. Yhteenveto paikkatietojen laadun ja epävarmuuden mallintamisesta. Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedote 1997/15.

Kilpeläinen, T. 1997. Multiple Representation and Generalization of Geo-Databases for Topographic Maps. Doctoral dissertation, Helsinki University of Technology. Publications of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, N:o 124, Kirkkonummi, 229 p.

Laakso, M., 1997. Geodeettiset mittaukset hiukkaskiihdyttimen ylläpidossa. Case: Cern. Maanmittaustieteidenpäivät, Espoo, 1997. pp.156-163.

Laurema, M., L. Salo-Merta and A. Jakobsson, 1997. Customers Role by the Development of Geographic Data Products. Proceedings of the 18th ICA/ACI International Cartographic Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 23-27 June, 1997.

Lehto, L., 1997. Spatial Objects in the WWW - a Java Approach. Proceedings of the 6th Scandinavian Research Conference on GIS, Stockholm, Sweden, 1-3 June, 1997.

Lehto, L., J. Kähkönen. 1997. The Java Platform as a Tool for Web-based GI Delivery. Den store Nordiske GIS-konference, Kolding, Denmark, 29-31 October, 1997

Lehto, L., Kähkönen, J. and T. Kilpeläinen, 1997. WWW-Technology as Means of Transfer and Visualization of Geographic Objects. Proceedings of the 18th ICA/ACI International Cartographic Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 23-27 June, 1997.

Lehto, L., Kähkönen, J. and T. Kilpeläinen, 1997. Monitasoesitys-paikkatietokantojen visualisointi Internetissä.Visualization of Multiple Representation Databases in Internet Proceedings.. Maanmittaustieteidenpäivät, Espoo, 1997. pp. 45-57 (in Finnish).

Sarjakoski, T., 1997. Networked GIS for public participation in spatial planning and decision-making. Proceedings of the 18th ICA/ACI International Cartographic Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 23-27 June, 1997. pp. 1859-1868.


Albrecht, J. and H. Kemppainen, 1996. A Framework for Defining the New ISO Standard for Spatial Operators. Proceedings of GIS Research UK 1996 (GISRUK '96), University of Kent, Canterbury.

Fuller, R., N. Brown, F. Gerard, O. Jaakkola, M. Östling, M. Rosengren, A. Arozarena & E. Bayarri, 1996. Work programme 6. Research and development task 6.3. Spatial generalisation. Interim report to the Joint Research Centre of the Commission of European Communities. Institute of Terrestrial Ecology. Huntingdon, U.K. 13 p.

Jaakkola, J. and T. Sarjakoski, 1995. Experimental Test on Digital Aerial Triangulation. OEEPE Official Publication No 31. March 1996. 59 pp + App.

Jaakkola, O., 1996.Visualization of the uncertainty of land cover data. Proceedings I of the BRNO GIS'96, GIS Frontiers in Bussiness and Science, pp. III-33 - III-47.

Jaakkola, O., 1996. Quality and automatic generalization of land cover data. Publications of the Finnish Geodetic Institute n:o 122, 39 p. 

Kemppainen, H. and J. Albrecht, 1996. Scalability of Spatial Operators. Proceedings of GIS/LIS'96 Annuasl Confrence and Exposition, Denver, Colorado. 19-21.11.1996, pp. 162-172.

Myllyniemi, P. ja T. Sarjakoski, 1996. Itseorganisoituvat kartat alueellisessa analyysissä - Itämeren lohikannan seuranta. Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedote 1996/13.

Pyysalo, U., 1996. Adobe Illustrator-ohjelmiston käyttö PostScript muotoisen maastotiedon muokkaamiseksi. Kartografian erikoistyö, Teknillinen korkeakoulu, maanmittausosasto, julkaisematon.


Jaakkola, O., 1995. Automatic generalization of land cover data. Proceedings of the 17th International Cartographic Conference, Barcelona, September 3rd-9th, 1995, pp. 1984-1989.

Jaakkola, O., 1995. Theme-based automatic hierarchic generalization for the European Land Cover Data. Proceedings of the EUROCARTO XIII, Ispra, Italia,1995.

Jaakkola, J. and T. Sarjakoski, 1995. Aerotriangulation using digitized images. OEEPE-koetyön loppuraportti. 38 sivua + liitteet.

Kemppainen, H., 1995. On the formalization of the semantics of spatial objects, Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, 95:3, 99 p. 

Kilpeläinen, T., 1995. Requirements of a multiple representation database for topographical data with emphasis on incremental generalization. Proceedings of the 17th International Cartographic Conference, Barcelona, 1995, (Vol. 2), pp. 1815-1825.

Kilpeläinen, T., 1995. Updating multiple representation geodata bases by incremental generalization.Geo-Informations-Systeme, Wichmann, 8(4), pp. 13-18.

Kilpeläinen, T. and T. Sarjakoski, 1995. Incremental generalization for multiple representations of geographical objects. Müller, J.C., Lagrange, J.P., Weibel, R. (eds.), GIS and generalization, Methodology and practice, GISDATA 1, Masser, I. and Salgé, F. (series eds.),Taylor & Francis, pp. 209-218.

Lammi, J., 1995. Production and use of digital imagery in the GIS environment, lisensiaatintyö, Teknillinen korkeakoulu, 22 sivua, Espoo.

Lammi., J., 1995. Geometrisen mallintamisen menetelmät, 3-D KARTTA, Maastotietokanta, ympäristömallit, kaupunki- ja tilamallit, Maanmittaustieteiden Seuran julkaisu n:o 32, pp. 105-113.

Lammi, J. and T. Sarjakoski, 1995. Image compression by the JPEG algorithm. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing (PE&RS). pp. 1261-1266.

Lemström, K., 1995. Digitaalisen kuvan kvantisointi ja ditterointi. Laudatur tutkielma, Helsingin yliopisto, tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitos, 54 sivua + liittet.

Sarjakoski, T., 1995. How many lakes, islands and rivers there are in Finland? A case study of fuzziness in the extent and identity of geographic objects. Burrough, P., and A. Frank (eds.), Geographic Objects with Indetermined Boundaries. Taylor & Francis. pp 299-312.

Sarjakoski, T., Katsaus kansainvälisiin geoinformatiikan perustutkimusohjelmiin. Esitelmä seminaarissa "ProGIS - Suomalainen paikkatietostrategia", 6.-7.4.1995, Vantaa, 3 sivua.

Maastotietokantaan pohjautuvien pienimittakaavaisten karttatietokantojen yleistys- ja ajantasaistusrutiinien kehittämistyöryhmä, 1995. Pienimittakaavaisten karttatietokantojen yleistämisen perusprosessit. Pilottiprojekti. Loppuraportti. Maanmittauslaitos, 10 sivua + liitteet. Raporttia ei paineta.


Jaakkola, J. and T. Sarjakoski, 1994. OEEPE research project: Aerotriangulation using digitized images - preliminary results. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 30(3/1), pp. 416-422.

Jaakkola, O., 1994. The quality of spatial data and generalization - a study for CORINE land cover Finland. Lisenssiaatin työ, Helsingin yliopisto, Maantieteen laitos, 97 p.

Jaakkola, O., 1994. Finnish CORINE land cover - a feasibility study of automatic generalization and data quality assessment. Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute 94:4. 42 p. 

Kemppainen, H., 1994. Modelling update propagation in spatial databases. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 30 (4). pp. 625-633.

Kilpeläinen, T., 1994. Updating multiple representation geodata bases by incremental generalization. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 30 (3/1), pp. 440-447.

Lammi, J., 1994. Osapikseligrafiikka visuaalisessa yhteensovituksessa. Geodesian ja kartografian laboratorion julkaisu, Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Geodesia 26/1994, pp. 193-197.

Lammi, J., 1994. Transparent superimposition of graphics on digital aerial images. Photogrammetric Journal of Finland. 12(1), pp. 34-33.

Lammi, J., 1994. User-guided measuring in digital aerial triangulation. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 30 (3/1), pp. 467-474.

Lindholm, M. and T. Sarjakoski, 1994. Designing a visualization user interface. MacEachren, A., Fraser Taylor, D., (eds.) Visualization in Modern Cartography. Pergamon, Great Yarmouth, pp. 167-184.

Sarjakoski, T., 1994. Geoinformatiikan tutkimussuuntia (Research trends in geoinformatics). Positio. 1:11-13.

Sarjakoski, T., 1994. Impact of digital photogrammetry on the management strategy of urban geodata services. Proceedings of the 17th Urban Management Symposium, Espoo, pp. 411-418.

Sarjakoski, T. and M. Lindholm, 1994. Modeling interactive cartographic communication with formal logic and Prolog. Proceedings of The Second ACM Workshop on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, in conjunction with CIKM´94, The Third International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, 1994, pp. 115-121.


Jaakkola, O. and T. Sarjakoski, 1993. Visualization of the quality of satellite-based land-use classification. Surveying Science in Finland, Vol. 11, no. 1-2, 1993, pp. 61-81.

Kemppainen, H. ja T. Sarjakoski, 1993. Kunnan paikkatiedon yhteiskäytön kehitysstrategiat. Suomen kuntaliiton julkaisusarja, 48 s.

Kilpeläinen, T., 1993. Seutukaavojen numeeristaminen. Suomen Maakuntien liiton julkaisusarja, A5, 69 sivua + liitteet.

Kilpeläinen, T., 1993. Kartan valheet. Maanmittaustieteiden Seuran Julkaisu, n:o 30, toim. Sarjakoski, T., J. Santala ja T. Kilpeläinen, pp. 76-86.

Kilpeläinen, T. and T. Sarjakoski, 1993. Knowledge-based methods and multiple representation as means of on-line generalization. Proceedings of the 16th International Cartographic Conference, Cologne, 1993, (Vol. 1), pp. 211-220.

Laurila, P., 1993. Luonnonilmiöiden kolmiulotteisten mallien visualisointi tietokoneella. Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedote, numero 7, 76 s + liitteet.

Lindholm, M. and T. Sarjakoski, 1993. User interface issues in a computer atlas. Proceedings of the 16th International Cartographic Conference, Vol . 1, Cologne, 1993, pp. 613-627.

Sarjakoski, T. and J. Lammi, 1993. Requirements of a stereo workstation for the GIS environment. Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, 1993/4, pp. 127-142.

Sarjakoski, T., 1993. Laatukäsite mittaus- ja kartoitustekniikassa. Maanmittaustieteiden Seuran Julkaisu, n:o 30, toim. Sarjakoski, T., J. Santala ja T. Kilpeläinen, pp. 7-15.

Sarjakoski, T. and M. Lindholm, 1993. Modeling interactive cartographic communication with formal logic and Prolog. Position Papers for the Specialist Meeting, NCGIA Research Initiative 8, Formalizing Cartographic Knowledge, Buttenfield, B. and C. Dibble (eds.), State University of New York at Buffalo, New York.


Kemppainen, H., 1992. Handling integrity constraints of complex objects in spatial databases. Int. Arch. of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Commission III, part B3, Washington, D.C., 1992, pp. 456-464.

Kemppainen, H., 1992. Metadata management in GIS. A paper presented at the 4th Scandinavian Research Conference on GIS, Espoo, Finland, 1992, 10 p.

Kilpeläinen, T., 1992. Generalization of geographical data at conceptual level. Proceedings of the 4th Scandinavian Research Conference on GIS, Helsinki University of Technology, the City Institute, Espoo, Finland, 1992, pp. 109-121.

Kilpeläinen, T., 1992. Generalization - not in the domain of maps but in the domain of geographical databases. Surveying Science in Finland, Helsinki University of Technology, Volume 10, no. 2, 1992, pp. 11-33.

Kilpeläinen, T., 1992. Multiple representations and knowledge-based generalization of topographical data. Int. Arch. of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Commission III, part B3, Washington, D.C., 1992, pp. 954-964.

Lammi, J., 1992. Design and implementation of a stereo workstation for photogrammetric work in GIS environment. M. Sc. thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland, 1992, 71 p.

Lammi, J. and T. Sarjakoski, 1992. Compression of digital color images by the JPEG, Int. Arch. of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Commission II, part B2, Washington, D.C., 1992, pp. 456-460.

Lindholm, M. and T. Sarjakoski, 1992. User models and information theory in the design of a query interface for GIS. Frank, A. U., I. Campari and U. Formentini (eds.), Theories and Methods of Spatio-Temporal Reasoning in Geographic Space, Proc. of Int. Conference "GIS- From Space to Territory", Lecture Notes in Computer Science 639, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1992, pp. 328-347.

Lindholm, M., 1992. Hypermedian mahdollisuudet maantieteen opetuksessa, in Finnish, (The possibilities of hypermedia in geographical education). Terra 104:3, 1992, pp.169-180.

Sarjakoski, T., 1992. Suitability of the SHARP JX-600 desktop scanner for the digitization of aerial color photographs, Int. Arch. of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Commission II, part B2, Washington, D.C., 1992, pp. 79-86.

Sarjakoski, T.and J. Lammi, 1992. Requirements of a stereo workstation for GIS environment, Int. Arch. of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Commission II, part B2, Washington, D.C., 1992, pp. 266-274.

Sarjakoski, T. and J. Lammi, 1992. Stereo workstations and digital imagery in urban GIS environment. Proceedings of the 4th Scandinavian Research Conference on GIS, Helsinki University of Technology, the City Institute, Espoo, Finland, 1992, pp. 9-19.


Jaakkola, O. and T. Sarjakoski, 1991. Visualization of the uncertainty in satellite image interpretation (in Finnish: Satelliittikuvatulkinnan epävarmuuden visualisointi). Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedote, 1991/3, kartografia, 31 p.

Kemppainen,H., 1991. Geographical information and objects (in Finnish: Oliot paikkatiedoissa), Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedote, 1991 / 2, kartografia, 26 p.

Kemppainen, H., 1991. Review of database management of geodata (in Finnish: Katsaus paikkatiedon tiedonhallintaan). Maanmittaustieteiden Seuran julkaisu, n:o 28 (Kartanvalmistuksen prosessit ja menetelmät), 1991, pp. 9-19.

Laurema, M., Jaakkola, O., Sarjakoski, T. and L. Schylberg, 1991. Formalization of cartographic knowledge using an expert system shell. Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, 91:3, 51 p. 

Lindholm, M., 1991. Computerized atlases with the application of hypermedia (in Finnish: Tietokonekartasto hypermediaa soveltaen). Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedote, 1991/4, kartografia, 86 p.

Mäkisara, K., Sarjakoski, T., Andersson, K., Häme, T. and S. Väätäinen, 1991. Geometrical processing methods for digitized video images. Proceedings of the 1991 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Volume IV, 1991, pp. 2427-2430, Espoo, Finland.

Sarjakoski, T. and J. Lammi, 1991. Digital stereo workstations and digital imagery in urban GIS-environment. Digital Photogrammetric Systems. Wichmann, Karlsruhe, 1991, pp. 274-288.


Jaakkola, O., 1990. The theories of cartographic communication. (In Finnish: Kartografisen viestinnän teoriat). Terra 102:2, pp.135-141.

Jaakkola, O., Sarjakoski, T., Blom, T. and M. Laurema, 1990. From satellite data to thematic representation - a knowledge-based system for cartographic visualization. Proc. of the 4th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, 23.-27.7.1990, Zurich, Vol 2, pp. 711-722.

Kemppainen, H. and T. Sarjakoski, 1990. Object-oriented GIS - review and a case study. Proc. 3rd Scan. Res. Conf. on Geographical Information Systems, 14.-16.11.1990, Helsingör. Vol 1, 88-101p.

Kemppainen, H. and T. Sarjakoski, 1990. Object-oriented GIS - a review and a case study. The Photogrammetric Journal of Finland, 12(1):93-107.

Laurema, M., Jaakkola, O. and T. Sarjakoski, 1990. Knowledge-based query systems for cartographic visualization - theory and implementation with an expert system shell. Proc. 3rd Scan. Res. Conf. on Geographical Information Systems, 14.-16.11.1990, Helsingör. Vol 1, pp 111-129.

Lindholm, M. and T. Sarjakoski, 1990. Hypermedia as a cartographic product (preliminary manuscript). Course Material of the Scandinavian Summer Course in Cartography, 19.-31.8.1990, Gol. Norway. 31 p.

Sarjakoski, T., 1990. Digital stereo imagery - a map-product in the future? Proc. of the ISPRS Comm. IV Symp., 15.-18.5.1990, Tsukuba. 11 p.

Sarjakoski, T., 1990. Digital stereo imagery - integration to geo-information systems. Proc. 19th Int. Congr. of FIG, 10.-19.6.1990, Helsinki. 9 p.

Sarjakoski, T. and M. Lindholm, 1990. Macintosh ja paikkatiedot. Luentomoniste kurssilla "Mikrotietokonepohjaiset karttajärjestelmät", 20-21.11.1990, Helsinki. 9 s.


Jaakkola, O., 1989. Satelliittitiedoista karttatuotteeksi - kuvaus paikkatiedon keruuseen ja esittämiseen liittyvästä tietämyksestä. Pro-gradu, Helsingin yliopisto, Maantieteen laitos, 128 s.

Jaakkola, J., Jaakkola, O., Makkonen, K. ja T. Sarjakoski, 1989. Satelliittikuvista karttatuotteeksi - esitutkimus kartoituksen asiantuntijajärjestelmän kehittämiseksi. Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja 89:2, Helsinki. 

Lindholm, M. and T. Sarjakoski, 1989. Tietokone karttaopetuksessa. Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedote 1, 1989, Helsinki.

Sarjakoski, T., 1989. Digitaalinen stereokuvakartta - tulevaisuuden karttatuote? Maanmittaus 1/1989, 93-110.

Sarjakoski, T., 1989. Hypermedia kartografiassa. Maankäyttö 4/1989, 22-25.

Sarjakoski, T. and M. Lindholm, 1989. Hypermedia applications for cartographic education, informance and quidance. Proc. 2nd Scandinavian Summer Course in Cartography, 10-16.6.1989, Otaniemi, pp.121-122.


Kosonen, A. ja K. Makkonen, 1988. Kunnan paikkatiedon yhteiskäytön järjestelmä. KATKO, Kunnallishallinnon tietotekniikkaneuvottelukunta, Helsinki, 89 s.

Kosonen, A. and K. Makkonen, 1988. Urban geodata in integrated municipal LIS. Proc. Second Scan. Res. Conf. on GIS. Hönefoss, Norway.

Makkonen, K. and A. Rainio, 1988. Research and development of land information systems in Finland. Proc. Second Scan. Res. Conf. on GIS. Hönefoss, Norway.

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