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Aarnio,T. ja S. Jokela, 2020. Kuka Oskari? Positio, 1:2020, s. 16-17.

Bucher, B., Tiainen, E., Ellett von Brasch, T., Janssen, P., Kotzinos, D., Čeh, M., Rijsdijk, M., Folmer, E., Van Damme, M-D. and Zhral, M., 2020. Conciliating perspectives from mapping agencies and Web of data on successful European SDIs: towards a European Geographic Knowledge Graph. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 9(2):62. Special Issue "SDI and the Revolutionary Technological Trends" (ISSN 2220-9964).

Kivekäs. R., 2020. GIS-velhot kokoontuvat Facebookissa. Positio, 1:2020, s. 18.

Kivekäs, R., 2020. Kurtturuusuja kiinteistölläni – mitä minun pitää tehdä? Positio, 4:2020, s. 10-11.

Kivekäs, R., 2020. Paikkatieto auttaa pelastustoimen valvonnassa. Positio, 4:2020, s. 18-19.

Kivekäs, R., 2020. Tulipalo! Nyt on kiire, mutta miten löydän perille? Positio, 4:2020, s. 16-17.

Latvala, P., 2020. Tilasto- ja paikkatiedot yhteen Table Joining Service -standardin avulla. Positio - paikkatiedon erikoislehti, (2/2020): 26-27. 

Rahkonen, J., 2020. Maastotiedot GeoPackage-muodossa. Positio, 4:2020, s. 26-27.

Ronzhin, S., Folmer, E., Lemmens, R., Mellum, R., von Brasch, T.E., Martin, E., Lopez, E., Kytö, S., Hietanen, E., and P. Latvala, 2020. Next Generation of Spatial Data Infrastructure: Lessons from Linked Data Implementations Across Europe.  International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research, 14: 83-107.


Koistinen, K., 2019. Yksilöivät tunnukset yhdistävät tietoja. Positio - paikkatiedon erikoislehti, (1:2019): 24.

Latvala, P., Lehto, L., and S. Kytö, 2019. On-the-Fly Edge-Matching for Cascaded Service Content. In: P. Kyriakidis, D. Hadjimitsis, D. Skarlatos & A. Mansourian (Eds.), Accepted Short Papers and Posters from the 22nd AGILE Conference on Geo-information Science. Cyprus University of Technology, 17-20 June 2019, Limassol, Cyprus.

Ronzhin, S., Folmer, E., Lemmens, R., Mellum, R., von Brasch, T.E., Martin, E., Romero, E.L., Kytö, S., Hietanen, E., and P. Latvala, 2019. Next Generation of Spatial Data Infrastructure: Lessons from Linked Data implementations across Europe. International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research, 14: 83-107.

Visuri, H., Jokela, J., Mesterton, N., Latvala, P., and T. Aarnio, 2019. Producing and visualizing a country-wide 3D data repository in Finland. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLII-4/W15: 105-110.


Aarnio, T., 2018. Paikka- ja tilastotietojen yhdistämistä pilotoidaan Paikkatietoalustassa. Positio - paikkatiedon erikoislehti (3/2018): 30.

Lutz, M., Bernard, L., Portele, C., Hansen, T., Tiainen, E., and R. Lucchi, 2018. INSPIRE - What if...? Summary report from the What if...? sessions at the 2017 INSPIRE Conference. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, JRC111139. ISBN 978-92-79-80978-1.

Tiainen, E., 2018. Kestävän kehityksen indikaattorit kertovat kriittisistä muutoksista. Positio - paikkatiedon erikoislehti (3/2018): 28-29.


Aarnio, Timo, 2017. Story of Oskari - from a national geoportal towards an international OSGeo Project. International Conference for Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G), Augusti 14-19, 2017, Boston MA, U.S.A.

Aarnio, Timo and Jari Reini, 2017. OGC Table Joining Service standard revision and Oskari. UNECE/UNGGIM Workshop on Integrating Geospatial and Statistical Standards.

Hokkanen, Jani and Esa Tiainen, 2017. Cadaster Development and Support to UN SDGs. FIG Working Week 2017. Surveying the world of tomorrow - from digitalisation to augmented reality, Helsinki, Finland, May 29 - June 2, 2017.

Kivekäs, Riikka, 2017. Standardipositio: Pohjoismaista standardiyhteistyötä lähes 30 vuotta. Positio - paikkatiedon erikoislehti, 3/2017, 28.

Kokkonen, Arvo, Kylmäaho, Jani and Heli Ursin, 2017. Arctic Spatial Data Infrastructure (Arctic SDI). International Federation of Surveyors, Article of the Month - March 2017.

Latvala, Pekka, Kähkönen, Jaakko and Anssi Krooks, 2017. Visualizing City Models in a Web-Browser. CASE: Piloting 3D-Buildings in the Finnish National Topographic Database. 28th International Cartographic Conference, July 2 - 7, 2017, Washington D.C., U.S.A.

Muhli, Panu et al., 2017. Finnish Geospatial Service Platform - high-quality interoperable public geodata and services for a digital society. INSPIRE Conference, Strasbourg, Sep. 6th 2017.

Päätöksen paikka - kansallinen paikkatietostrategia 2018, Inspire-sihteeristö, Maanmittauslaitos (toim.). Maa- ja metsätalousministeriön julkaisuja 1/2017, 12 s. ISBN: 978-952-453-943-2

Saloriutta, Teemu, 2017. Paikkatietojen yhteiskäyttö - mitkä mahdollisuudet! Maanmittauspäivät 31.5.2017.

Tammilehto-Luode, Marja and Timo Aarnio, 2017. SSW2 Project update and some further plans to cooperate with the NMA. EFGS2017 European Forum for Geography and Statistics Conference in Dublin, Nov. 2 - 3, 2017.

Tiainen, Esa, 2017. Georef - Linked Data Deployment for Spatial Data; Finnish Initiative. FIG Working Week 2017. Surveying the world of tomorrow - from digitalisation to augmented reality, Helsinki, Finland, May 29 - June 2, 2017.

Urbanas, Saulius and Pekka Latvala, 2017. Status Report on the GeoLocator Service developments under European Location Services. Eleventh United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names, New York, Aug. 8 - 17, 2017.


Aarnio T., 2016. StandardiPositio:Table Joining Service - silta paikkatiedon ja tilastotiedon välille. Positio 4/2016, s. 23. 

Aarnio T. and J. Kylmäaho. Spatial Statistics on Web 2 and Oskari. Proceedings at the European Forum for Geography and Statistics 2016 Conference, November 15th to 17th, Paris, France.

Kronborg Mazzoli U., Muhli P. and C. Wasström, 2016. The Nordic INSPIRE Implementation Outlook. GIM International INSPIRE edition, Vol. 30, 11-12.

Muhli P., Bergroth C. ja K. Koistinen, 2016. Jäsenmaan raportti: Suomi, 2013-2015. European Environment Information and Observation Network (EIONET).

Reini J. in Baumann, Peter et al., 2016. Technical Guidance for INSPIRE Download Services using WCS. INSPIRE Maintenance and Implementation Group.

Reini J., 2016. StandardiPositio: Inspiren latauspalvelut laajenevat. Positio 2/2016, s. 26. 

Reini J., 2016. StandardiPositio: Miten standardit syntyvät? Positio 3/2016, s. 28. 

Saloriutta, T., 2016. ELF Land Cover Vector Products. Proceedings of the INSPIRE Land Cover and Use Workshop 27.9.2016, INSPIRE Conference 2016, 26th to 30th September 2016, Barcelona, Spain.

Tiainen E., 2016. Linked Data infrastructure for SDI. Proceedings of the Geodata on the Web Workshop at EuroSDR 2016, February 10th to 11th 2016, Amersfoot-Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Tiainen E. et al., 2016. Technical Guidelines & Best Practises for INSPIRE registers and registries.


Jakobsson, A., 2015. Quality Management of the European Location Framework. Proceeding of the International Workshop on Spatial Data and Map Quality. Jan 20-21, 2015, Valetta, Malta. 

Jakobsson, A., 2015. European Location Framework - Providing Platforms for Accessing INSPIRE Based Reference Data. Proceedings of the Geospatial World Forum, May 25-29, 2015, Lisbon, Portugal.

Jakobsson, A., 2015. A Rare printed map of 12 globe gores: One of the first maps containing the name ‘America’. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on the History of Cartography, July 12-17, 2015, Antwerp, Belgium (poster). 

Koistinen, K., 2015. Quality information representation in ELF Geo Product Finder. International Workshop on Spatial Data and Map Quality, Jan 20-21, 2015, Valletta, Malta.

Tiainen, E., 2015. Creating Linked data infrastructure for SDI. EuroSDR (European Spatial Data Research) EuroSDR/AGILE/OGC/JRC/ELF Workshop ‘Data Modelling and Model Driven Implementation of Data Distribution’, Jan 28 – 30,  2015, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Tiainen, E. and K. Koistinen, 2015. Enriching SDI with Linked data infrastructure. GWF (Geospatial World Forum) - INSPIRE Congress 2015, May 25-29, 2015, Lisbon, Portugal.

Tiainen, E. et al., 2015. JHS 193 Paikkatiedon yksilöivät tunnukset, JHS-suositukset - JUHTA Julkisen hallinnon tietohallinnon neuvottelukunta.  Syyskuu, 1, 2015, Finland.