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Topographic data and cadastral index map materials

Laser scanning data, Reference points, Elevation models, Aerial photos, Ortho images, Topographic database, Basic map raster, Road names, Topographic map rasters 1:50,000–1:500,000, Topographic maps 1:100,000 and 1:250,000, Background map series, General maps 1:1,000,000 and 1:4,500,000, General map rasters 1:1,000,000, 1:2,000,000, 1:4,500,000, and 1:8,000,000, Nomenclature products (including place names and map names) and Municipal division products 1:10,000–1:4,500,000, as well as the property boundaries and identifiers of the cadastral index map can be used with the free licence.

The free licence is for private and commercial use, publication, sub-licensing and incorporation of the materials into another product or service.

The downloader’s contact information is collected in connection to the download.

The printed maps, printouts and printout files from the National Land Survey’s topographic datasets are subject to a fee.

Data deliveries are always subject to a processing fee that is mentioned in the material’s details.

Authorities’ licence

The purchase price register data is available to the government authorities at the cost of detachment. The purchase price register data can be used for teaching and research purposes at a 90% discount. Detachment costs will also be charged.

The purchase price register and cadastral register data are only handed over to the authorities for the purpose of carrying out the official tasks of the organisation in question. The agency’s or body’s official tasks are laid down by law, regulation or a similar provision. If the authority has other than official duties, they will have to pay normal data access authorisation fees in accordance with the current price list for the materials they acquire for these other purposes.

The pricing does not apply to extracts, printouts, printed maps or scanned materials.

The materials can also be used in publications related to official duties. However, the authorisation to publish does not apply to online services. For them, the authorisation to publish is issued on a case-by-case basis.

The authority must inform the National Land Survey of its official duties in writing so that the detachment fees can be priced. 

Educational use refers to public degree programmes, and research use refers to research where the results are made public.

Support for the digital data of the National Land Survey will solve any cases requiring interpretation.

Trial use of Building Information Query Service (WFS)

The trial use of the Building Information Query Service (WFS) does not carry a maintenance fee. 

Educational institution discounts

Educational institution discounts do not apply to detachment and licence fees for map datasets. Educational instituion discounts can use model datasets. 

Available only through the map image service (WMS).

The materials are free of charge.

Product Price € (excl. VAT) Price € (incl. VAT)
NLS map textile
24,38 30,60
FINLAND map textile
23,11 29,00