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Product Maximum area (hectares) Price € (excl. VAT) Price € (incl. VAT)
0,1 1 120,00 No VAT
1 1 320,00 No VAT
5 1 630,00 No VAT
20 1 990,00 No VAT
60 2 540,00 No VAT
100 3 000,00 No VAT
200 4 160,00 No VAT
300 5 380,00 No VAT
400 6 780,00 No VAT
500 8 180,00 No VAT
Each consequent starting 100 ha740,00No VAT

In the local plan area, municipalities receive a 30% discount on their survey fee from the fee based on the table if the survey is performed on territory owned by the municipality and the municipality has satisfactorily completed all the topographic work required for the survey, using its own boundary markers.

The fees of parcelling are determined by the date on which the title application arrives. The parcels are the same price, whether they were made separately or in connection to other surveys.

The cadastral survey fee for parcelling is based on the area of the parcelled property or the areas transferred to the recipient property per parcelled or recipient property.

The fee for subdivision of a public area to a municipality is based on the number of working hours spent. Public areas include, for example, street areas that conform to the local detailed plan.

Example 1:

The parcelling consists of three designated areas on three properties: area A 0.5 ha, area B 0.3 ha and area C 1.2 ha. Designated areas A and B will be parcelled into one property, and designated area C will be transferred to a property already owned by the same owner. The topographic work will be carried out in connection to the meeting, a surveyor of the National Land Survey will act as an assistant, and the cadastral surveyor will bring the boundary markers. In order to perform the parcelling, it is necessary to execute demarcation against one neighbouring property and establish a right-of-way to two external properties.


  • Each parcelling fee comes directly from the above table and the area size. That means that designated areas A and B of a total of 0.8 ha are €1,320, and designated area C, 1.2 ha is €1,630.
  • The costs of demarcation, the establishment of a right of way, surveyor and boundary markers are included in the fee. The cadastral survey fee is paid by the parcelled property’s owner, unless otherwise agreed.

Example 2:

The parcelling comprises two designated areas of one property: area, A 0.5 ha, and area B, 1.2 ha. Designated areas A and B are parcelled into different properties. In addition, the 50 ha of private water area included in the main property will become a joint water area C shared by the parcelled properties and the base property.


  • The parcelling fees are determined based on the above table and the area size. That means that designated area A 0.5 ha is €1,320, and designated area B 1.2 ha is €1,630.
  • The fee for the establishment of the joint area C is €2,540, based on an area of 50 ha as stated in the table above.

Example 3:

The parcelling consists of a designated area of 0.4 ha in a single property. A land exchange will also be carried out, where 0.5 ha of the base property is transferred, and 0.6 ha of the neighbouring property. 


  • Based on the above table and the area of 0.4 ha of the designated area, the parcelling fee is €1,320.
  • The fee for the exchange is €1,630 based on the total area of 1.1 ha of the exchanged areas, as shown in the table above.

Since the beginning of 2020, the pricing of partitioning and division of a common area has become fixed, and surveys are invoiced in accordance with the table below. However, surveys applied for before 2020 will be invoiced according to the working hours used.

Product Maximum area (hectares) Price € (excl. VAT) Price € (incl. VAT)
1 4 640,00 No VAT
5 6 810,00 No VAT
10 8 990,00 No VAT
30 11 130,00 No VAT
50 13 770,00 No VAT
100 16 650,00 No VAT
200 19 540,00 No VAT
Each consequent starting 100 ha4 350,00No VAT
Additional fee from the newly formed register unit 1 020,00No VAT

The cadastral survey fee for partitioning and the division of a common area, other than a jointly owned forest, is determined by both the size of the area to be divided and the number of register units (properties and common areas) to be formed. If the area to be divided includes a water area, only 10% of the water area will be taken into account for the purposes of determining the fee.

If the property to be divided does not include land or water areas, the cadastral survey fee is €1,990 
The division of the jointly owned forest is charged according to the working time used.


In the partitioning, 50 ha of real estate is divided so that 10 ha remain as a common area of the properties. The shareholder A is allocated 20 ha, and the shareholder B, 20 ha.


Based on the size of the area, the fee is € 13,770. The partitioning forms three register units. The additional fee is 3 *€ 1 020 = € 3,060 in total. The total cost of partitioning is € 16,830. The costs of demarcation, the establishment of a right of way, surveyor and boundary markers are included in the fee. In normal cases, the contributions are distributed to be paid by the owners in proportion to their holdings.

The cadastral survey fee of boundary demarcation is determined as follows: 

A) Normal demarcation: 

  • €1100 for each visited point that determines the border
  • €170 for each register unit involved in the demarcation
  • €0.65 for each starting metre of border subject to the demarcation

B) Demarcation in accordance with section 108 of the Real Estate Formation Act (transfer or repair of a boundary marker):

  • €160 for each boundary marker built, moved or repaired
  • €110 for each register unit involved in the demarcation

A determining boundary point is a boundary marker or point that determines the checked boundary. The boundary points of a natural boundary are not counted unless there is a boundary stone built in the boundary point. If the position of the boundary point is represented by two or more boundary markers, the number of determining boundary points is counted as one.

Demarcation of other than a register unit specified in the Real Estate Formation Act and demarcation that is performed in connection to a time-based survey are subject to a cadastral survey fee, which depends on the working hours used.

Example 1:

The boundary markers 11 and 12 indicate the boundary between properties A and B, of which marker 11 has disappeared. The boundary is 100 m long. A new boundary marker will be built in place of the missing boundary marker 11 in the demarcation. The demarcation will be executed between markers 11 and 12. Assistants are not required and the cadastral surveyor will bring the boundary markers.


  • Boundary markers or points determining the boundary: 2 markers, €110 per one = €220
  • Properties concerned: 2 properties, €170 per one = €340
  • Length of the boundary subject to demarcation: 100 m, €0.65 per metre = €65

Total: €625

The boundary marker cost is included in the price. The fact that assistants are not needed does not affect the price. Usually, each property owner pays half of the costs.

Example 2: 

A demarcation is performed on property A against properties B and C at boundary 1-2-3-4. Of these, boundary markers 2 and 3 are missing. A new boundary marker will be built to replace marker 2, and the position of boundary marker 3 will be determined as a boundary point. The boundary checked against B is 320 m long, and 80 m long against C. The boundary marker 5 between properties A and D also needs to be moved because of a new road. A surveyor of the National Land Survey will be the assistant, the forest boundary between properties A and B will be opened in connection to the demarcation, and the cadastral surveyor will bring the boundary markers.


  • Boundary markers or points determining the boundary: 5 markers (4 markers €110 each, 1 marker €160) = €600
  • Properties concerned: 4 markers (3 markers €170 each, 1 marker €110) = €620
  • Length of boundary subject to demarcation: 400 m, €0.65 per metre = €260

Total: €1,480

Since the beginning of 2020, the pricing of private road and easement surveys has become fixed, and surveys are invoiced in accordance with the table below. However, surveys applied for before 2020 will be invoiced according to the working hours used.

The cadastral survey fee is based on the sum of the fees indicated in tables A and B when the survey includes the establishment, modification or termination of rights, or other equivalent measures. If a road unit calculation is made in the survey, an additional fee is imposed from table C.


Table A, number of encumbered parties
Maximum number of encumbered register units per surveyPrice € (excl. VAT)Price € (incl. VAT)
2910,00No VAT
51 300,00No VAT
101 640,00No VAT
201 980,00No VAT
502 220,00No VAT
Each consequent starting group of 10160,00No VAT
Table B, length
The maximum total length of road and other rights in the survey, kmPrice € (excl. VAT)Price € (incl. VAT)
0,2300,00No VAT
0,5580,00No VAT
1870,00No VAT
21 140,00No VAT
51 440,00No VAT
Each consequent starting 1 km80,00No VAT
Table C, road unit calculation devised in the survey
Maximum number of road shareholdersPrice € (excl. VAT)Price € (incl. VAT)
10430,00No VAT
20870,00No VAT
401 290,00No VAT
Each consequent starting group of 10150,00No VAT
  1. A cadastral survey fee is only imposed for the termination of a road or other right, if the same survey does not create or modify the rights in question. In such cases, the fee for the termination of the right is based on tables A and B. 
  2. The length of the right that affects the price is the length of the longest side or equivalent in the case of a regional right, such as the right to a boat shore or to take water. 
  3. If the survey only concerns the preparation and confirmation of a road unit calculation, the cadastral survey fee is €910 plus the fee determined in table C. 
  4. If the survey does not concern the establishment, modification or termination of a right or a similar matter, the cadastral survey fee is €1 220. Such measures include those referred to in section 71, subsection 1 and parts 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 of the Private Roads Act. If the same survey deals with such a measure and a right is created, modified or terminated, or something similar is done, the fee will be only based on tables A and B. If a road unit calculation is made in connection to such a measure, an additional fee will be charged from table C. 
  5. The payment is 50% of the amount indicated in tables A and B, and of the payment referred to in section 4 when the survey is based on a written agreement that agrees on all and is submitted with the application


In favour of properties A, B, C and D, a total of 0.8 km of right-of-way will be established in the area of properties E, F, G and H. The application was not based on a written agreement.


  • On the basis of the number of encumbered properties and table A above, the fee is €1300, and
  • on the basis of the total length of the rights and table B, €870,
  • which makes the total €2,170.
Product Maximum area (hectares) Price € (excl. VAT) Price € (incl. VAT)
Expropriation of a reliction area
0,1 2 300,00 No VAT
0,5 2 520,00 No VAT
1 2 890,00 No VAT
2 3 610,00 No VAT
5 4 500,00 No VAT
10 5 380,00 No VAT
20 6 350,00 No VAT
Each consequent starting 10 ha880,00No VAT

The fees for fixed-sum surveys depend on the prices valid at the time the application is received.  The fixed-sum surveys are equally priced, whether they are performed separately or in connection to other surveys. If other surveys or actions are performed in connection to the survey, they will be charged separately.


In the same delivery, an area of 0.3 ha is purchased from the joint reliction area for property A, and 0.4 ha of private reliction area and 0.2 ha of the joint reliction area are bought for property B.  A National Land Survey surveyor will act as an assistant and a cadastral surveyor will bring the boundary markers.


  • The fee for each purchase comes from the above table, and they are based on the size of the bought areas. Therefore, the fee for property A 0.3 ha is €2,520, and for property B 0.6 ha, it is €2,890.
  • The surveyor and the boundary marker costs are included in the fee.
Product Maximum area (hectares) Price € (excl. VAT) Price € (incl. VAT)
Expropriation of a joint property unit
0,1 2 300,00 No VAT
0,5 2 520,00 No VAT
1 2 890,00 No VAT
2 3 610,00 No VAT
5 4 500,00 No VAT
10 5 380,00 No VAT
20 6 350,00 No VAT
Each consequent starting 10 ha 880,00No VAT

The fees for fixed-sum surveys depend on the prices valid at the time the application is received.  The fixed-sum surveys are equally priced, whether they are performed separately or in connection to other surveys. If other surveys or actions are performed in connection to the survey, they will be charged separately.


In the same delivery, an area of 0.3 ha is purchased from the common area for property A, and 0.6 ha of the common area is bought for property B. A National Land Survey surveyor will act as an assistant and a cadastral surveyor will bring the boundary markers.

The fee for each purchase comes from the above table, and they are based on the size of the bought areas. Therefore, the fee for property A 0.3 ha is €2,520, and for property B 0.6 ha, it is €2,890. The surveyor and the boundary marker costs are included in the fee.

Since the beginning of 2020, the pricing of purchasing a plot or part of a building site has become fixed, and surveys are invoiced in accordance with the table below. However, surveys applied for before 2020 will be invoiced according to the working hours used.

Product Maximum area (hectares) Price € (excl. VAT) Price € (incl. VAT)
Expropriation of a part of a building site
0,1 2 300,00 No VAT
0,5 2 520,00 No VAT
1 2 890,00 No VAT
2 3 610,00 No VAT
5 4 500,00 No VAT
10 5 380,00 No VAT
20 6 350,00 No VAT
Each consequent starting 10 ha880,00No VAT

The cadastral survey fee for the purchase of a plot or part of a building site is double if the area to be purchased is designated in the local detailed plan for a purpose other than the construction of a detached house, semi-detached house, holiday house or other similar detached house.

The fees for fixed-sum surveys depend on the prices valid at the time the application is received.  The fixed-sum surveys are equally priced, whether they are performed separately or in connection to other surveys. If other surveys or actions are performed in connection to the survey, they will be charged separately.


In the same survey, an area of 0.3 ha is purchased from the joint reliction area for property A, and 0.4 ha of private reliction area and 0.2 ha of the joint reliction area are bought for property B.  A National Land Survey surveyor will act as an assistant and a cadastral surveyor will bring the boundary markers.


  • The fee for each purchase comes from the above table, and they are based on the size of the bought areas. Therefore, the fee for property A 0.3 ha is €2,520, and for property B 0.6 ha, it is €2,890.
  • The surveyor and the boundary marker costs are included in the fee.
Product Maximum area (hectares) Price € (excl. VAT) Price € (incl. VAT)
Land exchange
0,1 1 120,00 No VAT
1 1 320,00 No VAT
5 1 630,00 No VAT
20 1 990,00 No VAT
60 2 540,00 No VAT
100 3 000,00 No VAT
200 4 160,00 No VAT
300 5 380,00 No VAT
400 6 780,00 No VAT
500 8 180,00 No VAT
Each consequent starting 100 ha740,00No VAT

The cadastral survey fee for the exchange of land is based on the total area of the exchanged areas.


The owners of properties A and B have agreed to exchange land. The area to be exchanged from property A is 0.5 ha, and 0.6 ha from property B. The topographic work will be performed in connection to the meeting, with the parties involved acting assistants. The cadastral surveyor will bring the boundary markers.


  • The price is determined from the table and on the basis of the total area of the areas to be exchanged (1.1 ha). The fee is €1,630.
  • The boundary marker costs are included in the fee. The price is not affected by using the parties involved as assistants. Usually, each property owner pays half the cost.
Maximum number of joint property units after the amalgamationPrice € (excl. VAT)Price € (incl. VAT)
2003 580,00No VAT
5004 070,00No VAT
1 0005 370,00No VAT
2 0009 100,00No VAT
Each consequent starting group of 10005 080,00No VAT

The cadastral survey fee for joining public forests is paid from public funds

Since the beginning of 2020, the pricing of these surveys has become fixed, and surveys are invoiced in accordance with the table below. However, surveys applied for before 2020 will be invoiced according to the working hours used.

Product Maximum area (hectares) Price € (excl. VAT) Price € (incl. VAT)
Joining to a joint property unit
0,1 1 120,00 No VAT
1 1 320,00 No VAT
5 1 630,00 No VAT
20 1 990,00 No VAT
60 2 540,00 No VAT
100 3 000,00 No VAT
200 4 160,00 No VAT
300 5 380,00 No VAT
400 6 780,00 No VAT
500 8 180,00 No VAT
Each consequent starting 100 ha740,00No VAT

Joining of an area to a joint property unit 

The joining of an entire property to a joint property unit, other than a jointly owned forest, is subject to a cadastral survey fee corresponding to the fee for the smallest area category in the table. 

The joining of an entire property to a jointly owned forest is subject to the same cadastral survey fee as the amalgamation of properties.

Joining of an area to a joint property unit against a unit 

The joining of a designated area, in exchange for a unit, in a joint property unit, other than a jointly owned forest, is subject to a cadastral survey fee in accordance with the table.

The joining of an entire property, in exchange for a unit, to a joint property unit, other than a jointly owned forest, is subject to a cadastral survey fee corresponding to the fee for the smallest area category in the table.

When a designated area or the entire property is joined to a jointly owned forest in exchange for a unit, the cadastral survey fee is paid from public funds.

Since the beginning of 2020, the pricing of the formation of a joint property unit has become fixed, and surveys are invoiced in accordance with the table below. However, surveys applied for before 2020 will be invoiced according to the working hours used.

Product Maximum area (hectares) Price € (excl. VAT) Price € (incl. VAT)
Formation of a joint property unit
0,1 1 120,00 No VAT
1 1 320,00 No VAT
5 1 630,00 No VAT
20 1 990,00 No VAT
60 2 540,00 No VAT
100 3 000,00 No VAT
200 4 160,00 No VAT
300 5 380,00 No VAT
400 6 780,00 No VAT
500 8 180,00 No VAT
Each consequent starting 100 ha740,00No VAT

The cadastral survey fee for the formation of jointly owned forests is paid from public funds.


Other surveys than those with a fixed price are time-based, both when they are performed separately and in connection to other surveys. Their cadastral survey fees depend on the working time, in accordance with the table below. The list is not exhaustive.

The hourly charge for hourly-based surveys includes

  • boundary marker costs
  • meeting room costs
ProductPrice € (excl. VAT)Price € (incl. VAT)
Road survey110,00 €No VAT
Railway survey110,00 €No VAT
Mining survey110,00 €No VAT
Regional private road survey110,00 €No VAT
Suojelualuekiinteistön muodostaminen110,00 €No VAT
Reorganisation110,00 €No VAT
Property definition110,00 €No VAT
Employing a surveyor of the National Land Survey as an assistant43,00 €No VAT

Other costs and reimbursements incurred for the survey, such as assistant costs and expert fees, are charged separately.

The hourly charge for the time-based survey fee is usually the hourly rate valid at the time the work is performed.

Date of cancellation, dismissal or abandonmentCadastral survey fee
Survey cancelled before any working hours were used for the survey.There will be no cadastral survey fee.

The survey was cancelled before the first meeting, or the survey dismissed during it or before the deadline for revoking the application decided in the first meeting.

  • The survey was abandoned by the surveyors’ decision in the first meeting.
  • The survey was dismissed in a written procedure before the survey decision was issued.
The cadastral survey fee is 60% of the cadastral survey fee of the performed survey, but not more than €610.

The survey was dismissed after the first meeting or after the deadline for revoking the application that was determined in the first meeting, but before all of the tasks of the survey were completed.

  • The survey was abandoned by the surveyors’ decision after the first meeting.       
The cadastral survey fee is 60% of the cadastral survey fee for the completed survey. 

The survey was dismissed when all of the survey tasks were completed before the survey was ended.

  • The survey was dismissed after the termination or in written procedure after issuing the survey decision when the applicant revoked their application.
The cadastral survey fee is determined as if the survey was completed.

When a time-based survey or measure has been abandoned, cancelled or dismissed, the cadastral survey fee is determined on the basis of the working time used.