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Scanned old archive maps and other historical maps

Product Price € (excl. VAT) Price € (incl. VAT)
Scanned basic maps, basic map reductions, terrain maps and topographic maps (maps from 1947–2018), print originals as file
22,18 27,50
Scanned basic maps, basic map reductions, terrain maps and topographic maps (maps from 1947–2018), print originals as printout
31,93 39,60
Other scanned historical maps and old road maps as file A2
17,74 22,00
Other scanned historical maps and old road maps as file A1
22,18 27,50
Other scanned historical maps and old road maps as file A0
30,16 37,40
Other scanned historical maps and old road maps as printout A2
27,50 34,10
Other scanned historical maps and old road maps as printout A1
31,93 39,60
Other scanned historical maps and old road maps as printout A0
55,89 69,30

For paper printouts as a single-time order, the discount is as follows: 

Number of printouts or copies Discount percentage
at least 5 10%
at least 20 20 %
at least 50 30 %
at least 100 40 %