Ongoing and previous projects
Previous projects
3D data management and visualization
The goal of the project is create new methods for the management and visualisation of 3D geospatial information.
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3D Personal Navigation and LBS for the Shanghai Exposition in 2010 (3D-NAVI-EXPO)
The project 3D Personal Navigation and LBS for the Shanghai Exposition in 2010 (3D-NAVI-EXPO) is an international collaboration project.
Read moreRead more about 3D Personal Navigation and LBS for the Shanghai Exposition in 2010 (3D-NAVI-EXPO) -
5G-assisted Ground-based Galileo-GPS receiver Group
The objective of the 5G-assisted Ground-based Galileo-GPS receiver Group with Inertial and Visual Enhancement (5GIVE) project is to investigate how to combine satellite positioning techniques with motion sensors and terrestrial radio signals so that the accuracy of the positioning could be enhanced in challenging environments where satellite signals suffer from multipath propagation.
Read moreRead more about 5G-assisted Ground-based Galileo-GPS receiver Group -
6Aika: Open city model as open innovation platform (AKAI)
The objective of the project is to develop an open innovative platform based on a collaborative 3D city model.
Read moreRead more about 6Aika: Open city model as open innovation platform (AKAI) -
Advanced Mission Concepts: R&D for robust EGNSS Timing Services
The project is investigating the possibilities of developing a robust timing service based on European Global Satellite Navigation Systems (EGNSS), using Galileo and EGNOS as a base.
Read moreRead more about Advanced Mission Concepts: R&D for robust EGNSS Timing Services -
Advanced processing services in a network-based SDI
The aim of the project is to do research and development on advanced geodata-related processing services in a networked environment.
Read moreRead more about Advanced processing services in a network-based SDI -
The project addresses resilience of aviation operations to GNSS frequency jamming and cyber (i.e. spoofing or meaconing attacks done via a GNSS signal generator) threats. The project shall assess the threats on GNSS signals and resulting risks for civilian flights. It shall develop possible monitoring techniques to detect and localise threats. The project shall also assess possible technical and operational mitigation techniques to reduce the impact of such threats on the aviation operations.
Read moreRead more about AIRING -
Amelioration of GI-teaching in senior secondary schools (PaikkaOppi)
The PaikkaOppi-project develops a learning environment on geographic information for personal and shared use of students on the upper secondary school level.
Read moreRead more about Amelioration of GI-teaching in senior secondary schools (PaikkaOppi) -
Analysis and processing of SAR images
By the use of differential SAR interferometry and permanent scatterer techniques, it is possible to study target movements between SAR acquisitions.
Read moreRead more about Analysis and processing of SAR images -
Anisotropy of backscatter, BRF, and goniometry
It is known that most natural surfaces are scattering incident radiation anisotropically as a function of illumination and viewing direction.
Read moreRead more about Anisotropy of backscatter, BRF, and goniometry -
Application of Remote Sensing for Estimation of Agricultural Crop Production
Due to increasing consumption of food in the world and due to increasing cooperation of agriculture policy between European countries the importance of annual crop production estimation has been increased.
Read moreRead more about Application of Remote Sensing for Estimation of Agricultural Crop Production -
Arctic Geoinvest CAGI
In the project Arctic Geoinvest, the aim is to create an innovation and development environment that enhances the use of arctic geoinnovations and their technical applications in the businesses. The focus research areas are arctic geosciences in the innovation centre.
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Arctic Navigation Challenges
The goal of the ARKKI project is twofold. First, we identify the most significant challenges that are faced in navigation and geospatial information based applications in Arctic areas. Then, based on this study, an action plan will be proposed to recommend pan-Arctic solutions to the identified challenges.
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This project will identify and analyse the role of Aurora SNOWBOX as a key infrastructure in the Nordic Hub of the Arctic PNT Innovation Platform, especially with regards to positioning and navigation needs for autonomous driving in Arctic conditions.
Read moreRead more about Arctic-PNT -
ASPECT Project - developing an autonomous UAV-based tree health analyzer
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Automated change detection in the updating of land parcels
Read moreRead more about Automated change detection in the updating of land parcels -
Between bark and wood (MONITUHO)
The project helps to adapt to the climate change induced increase in bark beetle damage.
Read moreRead more about Between bark and wood (MONITUHO) -
BONUS BASMATI – Baltic Sea Maritime Spatial Planning for Sustainable Ecosystem Services
Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) requires a spatially explicit framework for decision-making, and on that background the overall objective of BONUS BASMATI is to develop integrated and innovative solutions for MSP from the local to the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) scale.
Read moreRead more about BONUS BASMATI – Baltic Sea Maritime Spatial Planning for Sustainable Ecosystem Services -
CANDO-project seeks to address the Protection of military and rescue personnel-goal through provision of enhanced situational awareness and blue force tracking within urban and indoor environments. The project will strengthen the international research ties between Norway and Finland through the technology transfer.
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Carte du Ciel (ESA CduC)
In the project, photographic plates obtained during the Carte du Ciel -project will be digitised and the positions of the stars will be remeasured.
Read moreRead more about Carte du Ciel (ESA CduC) -
Centre of Excellence in Laser Scanning Research 2014-2019
In The Centre of Excellence in Laser Scanning Research (Academy of Finland CoE 2014-2019), more than 30 Dr.Sc./PhD's from Finnish Geodetic Institute,
Read moreRead more about Centre of Excellence in Laser Scanning Research 2014-2019 -
Characterization of objects in near-Earth space using the Metsähovi satellite laser ranging system (MATINE SLR)
This project studies the capabilities of active satellite laser ranging (SLR) and passive optical (photometric) observations for the characterization of objects orbiting near the Earth, as well as the possible synergies obtained by combining these two methods.
Read moreRead more about Characterization of objects in near-Earth space using the Metsähovi satellite laser ranging system (MATINE SLR) -
Chistera 4map4health
Mapping of forest health, species and forest fire risks using Novel ICT Data and Approaches
Read moreRead more about Chistera 4map4health -
COMBAT/Pointcloud produces information on the use of a three-dimensional measuring technique known as laser scanning, and thereby creates preconditions for the growth of the Finnish 3D industry.
Read moreRead more about COMBAT/Pointcloud -
COST SaPPART (Satellite Positioning Performance Assessment for Road Transport) is one of EU's COST Actions.
Read moreRead more about COST SaPPART -
CyberGrass -project introduces a new method for assessing the quality and quantity of grass fodder based on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and satellites.
Read moreRead more about CyberGrass -
Density4Trees project – Understanding Wood Density Variation Within and Between Trees Using Multispectral Point Cloud Technologies and X-ray microdensitometry.
Read moreRead more about Density4Trees -
Detection, Analysis, and Risk Management of Satellite Navigation Jamming (DETERJAM)
This project analyses the effects of intentional interference on satellite based positioning.
Read moreRead more about Detection, Analysis, and Risk Management of Satellite Navigation Jamming (DETERJAM) -
Development of a Mobile Public Precise Positioning Service Based on the National GNSS Network (P3-Service)
The goal of this project is to develop a public mobile precise positioning service for consumer-grade receivers.
Read moreRead more about Development of a Mobile Public Precise Positioning Service Based on the National GNSS Network (P3-Service) -
Development of block adjustment methods
The knowledge of the orientation of the images taken from airborne or space platforms is needed before the images can be exploited.
Read moreRead more about Development of block adjustment methods -
Development of ground based and Remote Sensing, automated ‘real-time’ grass quality measurement techniques to enhance grassland management information platforms (GrassQ)
The focus of this project is to develop and enable an intelligent system that will apply precision management to whole farm grassland and grazing systems.
Read moreRead more about Development of ground based and Remote Sensing, automated ‘real-time’ grass quality measurement techniques to enhance grassland management information platforms (GrassQ) -
Development of mapping and modeling methods as part of flood risk management business
The making of flood risk assessment and management plans for possible flood scale mapping and modeling and the modeling of changes in river habitats is a hundreds of millions worth business in Europe.
Read moreRead more about Development of mapping and modeling methods as part of flood risk management business -
Development of the EGNOS Pseudolite
FGI participated in the development of an EGNOS pseudolite system.
Read moreRead more about Development of the EGNOS Pseudolite -
Development of the Handheld SISNeT Receiver
The main objective of the project was to develop a handheld single-box SISNET receiver based on the pocket PC environment.
Read moreRead more about Development of the Handheld SISNeT Receiver -
Development of the nationwide GNSS Application Test Bed
The department of navigation and positioning is now updating the data communication system of the Finnish permanent GPS network (FinnRef).
Read moreRead more about Development of the nationwide GNSS Application Test Bed -
Digital elevation model (DEM) quality, error models and use in spatial analyses
National DEM represents the Earth’s surface forms as a regular mesh of height points and it is part of the national basic spatial data sets.
Read moreRead more about Digital elevation model (DEM) quality, error models and use in spatial analyses -
Digital photogrammetry
The goal of digital photogrammetry is to establish the geometric relationship between an object and a digital image and derive information about the object strictly from the image.
Read moreRead more about Digital photogrammetry -
Digitalization - opportunities for practical applications
Read moreRead more about Digitalis -
Doctoral programme of built environment
RYM-TO is a Finnish nationwide multidisciplinary doctoral programme that covers extensively the field of the built environment.
Read moreRead more about Doctoral programme of built environment -
Identification of unwanted species in seed multiplication and in pure oat cultivation
Read moreRead more about DrooniLuuppina -
Economy and technology of a global peer produced 3D geographical information system in built environment
The objective of the research project is to study how an alternative peer produced (user-generated, community-created) economy could be built to complement the current ones.
Read moreRead more about Economy and technology of a global peer produced 3D geographical information system in built environment -
Electromagnetic scattering by complex medium
Large part of the information from local environment to distant planets is received by measuring and analyzing the scattered light, i.e. by remote sensing.
Read moreRead more about Electromagnetic scattering by complex medium -
EMRP SIB60 Metrology for long distance surveying
In EMRP SIB60 project we participate in the European Metrology Research Programme Joint Research Project “Metrology for long distance surveying”.
Read moreRead more about EMRP SIB60 Metrology for long distance surveying -
Energyzing Urban Ecosystems
Aalto University will establish Espoo Urban Lab in Otaniemi within a EUE program.
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Objective of the ENHANCE project is firstly to demonstrate situational awareness of autonomous vessels using AI and machine learning based detection and identification of sea-ice features.
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Enhanced Situational Awareness to Improve Maritime Safety in the Baltic (ESABALT)
The ESABALT project is a feasibility study of an integrated system for enhancing maritime safety.
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Environmental applications of modern-day satellite SAR images (NeoSAR)
The objective of the research is to develop environmental applications for modern-day very-high-resolution satellite SAR images.
Read moreRead more about Environmental applications of modern-day satellite SAR images (NeoSAR) -
ESA Dragon 3 GOCE geoid
Case study on heterogeneous geoid/quasigeoid based on space borne and terrestrial data combination with special consideration of GOCE mission data impact
Read moreRead more about ESA Dragon 3 GOCE geoid -
ESRIUM is a multi-national project with the common goal to set up a service to foster greener and smarter road usage, road maintenance, and to increase road safety. The key innovation will be formed by a homogeneous, accurate and recent digital map of road surface damage and road wear. ESRIUM’s core proposition is a data platform, which hosts highly detailed EGNSS-referenced map data of road damage and associated safety risks at centimeter-level resolution. Further addressed as “road wear map”, it will contain unique information, which is of value to multiple stakeholders: road operators will be able to lower the road maintenance effort by optimal planning.
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In the EGN-project the service implementation of the EuroGeographics’ EuroGeoNames (EGN) data set will be renewed.
Read moreRead more about EuroGeoNames -
European Location Framework (ELF)
The goal of the project is to develop the European Location Framework (ELF) required to provide up-to-date, authoritative, interoperable, cross-border, reference geo-information for use by the European public and private sectors.
Read moreRead more about European Location Framework (ELF) -
European Metrology for Earth Observation and Climate (EMEOC)
We are participating the European metrology research program (EMRP) project ”European Metrology for Earth Observation andRead moreRead more about European Metrology for Earth Observation and Climate (EMEOC) -
European Spatial Data Infrastructure Network (ESDIN)
ESDIN (European Spatial Data Infrastructure Network) is a Best Practice Network EU-project.
Read moreRead more about European Spatial Data Infrastructure Network (ESDIN) -
EuroSDR Building Extraction
The objective of the EuroSDR Building Extraction project was to evaluate the quality, accuracy, feasibility and economical aspects of semi-automatic and automatic building extraction based on laser scanner data and/or aerial images.
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EuroSDR project: Radiometric aspects of digital photogrammetric images
Digital imaging is rapidly replacing film imaging in phtogrammetric data capture.
Read moreRead more about EuroSDR project: Radiometric aspects of digital photogrammetric images -
EuroSDR/ISPRS Tree Extraction
The Finnish Geodetic Institute coordinates the EuroSDR/ISPRS Tree Extraction project, which started at the end of 2004.
Read moreRead more about EuroSDR/ISPRS Tree Extraction -
Evaluation and demonstration of array database management systems using national geospatial data (RDA-ArrayDB)
In the project RDA-Array DB, we will evaluate two array database management systems (DBMSs) using national geospatial data. The aim is also to demonstrate, how those systems store and retrieve multidimensional geospatial information, and how they carry out simple geospatial analysis tasks.
Read moreRead more about Evaluation and demonstration of array database management systems using national geospatial data (RDA-ArrayDB) -
Evergreen Revolution with Cover Crops (IKIVIHREÄ)
Cover crops enable soft structural change of Finnish agriculture.
Read moreRead more about Evergreen Revolution with Cover Crops (IKIVIHREÄ) -
Ultrafast Data Production with Broadband Photodetectors for Active Hyperspectral Space
Read moreRead more about FAST -
Feasibility Study of Using Mobile-IP to Relay EGNOS Signal In Space
Feasibility Study of Using Mobile-IP to Relay EGNOS Signal In Space.
Read moreRead more about Feasibility Study of Using Mobile-IP to Relay EGNOS Signal In Space -
The main objective of FEGNOS research project is to measure the availability, continuity and accuracy of GPS v. GPS+EGNOS.
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Fennoscandian landscape evolution: solving the misfits in GIA modelling (FennoLE-GIA)
We analyse the post glacial rebound in Fennoscandia.
Read moreRead more about Fennoscandian landscape evolution: solving the misfits in GIA modelling (FennoLE-GIA) -
Finalising surveys for the Baltic motorways of the sea (FAMOS Odin)
The FAMOS project aims to improve the safety of marine transport by improving the depth data in the Baltic Sea.
Read moreRead more about Finalising surveys for the Baltic motorways of the sea (FAMOS Odin) -
Finland’s Enhanced Navigation using COMPASS/Beidou Signals (FINCOMPASS)
The FINCOMPASS project will bring new knowledge to the Finnish GNSS community and industry about how to utilize the COMPASS system optimally
Read moreRead more about Finland’s Enhanced Navigation using COMPASS/Beidou Signals (FINCOMPASS) -
Finnish Grid and Cloud Infrastructure (FGCI)
Computing is rapidly developing to be distributed over the internet.
Read moreRead more about Finnish Grid and Cloud Infrastructure (FGCI) -
Forest canopy height models from radargrammetric and interferomertric SAR processing (Dragon-EYS)
The study at FGI concerns forest canopy height models from radargrammetric and interferometric SAR-processing.
Read moreRead more about Forest canopy height models from radargrammetric and interferomertric SAR processing (Dragon-EYS) -
Forest cycles
Monitoring and understanding forest ecosystem cycles using high temporal and spatial resolution terrestrial laser scanning time series.
Read moreRead more about Forest cycles -
Forest Growth
In the study, different algorithms and methods are developed for growth estimation.
Read moreRead more about Forest Growth -
From quasars to geodesy (NT-VGOS)
Novel Techniques for the VLBI Global Observing System (NT-VGOS) is a consortium of the Finnish Geospatial Research Institute and Aalto University Metsähovi Radio Observatory funded by the Academy of Finland.
Read moreRead more about From quasars to geodesy (NT-VGOS) -
Market oriented, carbon sequestering and biodiversity enhanced crop rotations
Read moreRead more about FUTURECROPS 2. -
GEARS - Galileo Authenticated Robust Timing System
In addition to position data satellite navigation provides very accurate timing information, and it is used in many applications for time determination.
Read moreRead more about GEARS - Galileo Authenticated Robust Timing System -
Geodetic applications of SAR imagery
By the use of differential SAR interferometry and permanent scatterer techniques, it is possible to study target movements between SAR acquisitions.
Read moreRead more about Geodetic applications of SAR imagery -
Geodetic observing systems
Works and participations related to international organizations (like GGOS), and all such works related to the Metsähovi infrastructure which do not belong to any other projects.
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Geodetic SAR for Baltic Height System Unification and Baltic Sea Level Research (SAR HSU)
In addition to the tide gauges, sea level research nowadays is based on a number of measurement systems, which all have their own characteristics and deliver different type of observations. In order to analyze all observations they need to be available in a common reference frame.
Read moreRead more about Geodetic SAR for Baltic Height System Unification and Baltic Sea Level Research (SAR HSU) -
Geophysical laboratory and observatory infrastructure of FIN-EPOS (G-EPOS)
FGI subproject establish a link between the Finnish national time UTC-MIKE and Metsähovi Geodetic Research Station.
Read moreRead more about Geophysical laboratory and observatory infrastructure of FIN-EPOS (G-EPOS) -
Geospatial Datasets in the National Data Exchange Layer
The project investigates the special requirements that geospatial data set for the National Data Exchange Layer (NDEL) development.
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Geospatial info-mobility service by real-time data-integration and generalisation (GiMoDig)
In the project the research was done for delivering spatial data from the national topographic databases through network connections to mobile users.
Read moreRead more about Geospatial info-mobility service by real-time data-integration and generalisation (GiMoDig) -
The objective of GeoVaPaa project is to study how the resolution and accuracy of the gravity data effects the accuracy of the geoid model in Finland and whether the current gravity data fulfils the resolution and the accuracy requirements for the future geoid model.
Read moreRead more about GeoVaPaa -
GNSS Recorder for Anti Spoofing
Tracking and tracing of goods and people by GNSS measurements is well adopted in the market.
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GNSS signal quality monitoring in Finland (FinSig)
FinSig will use the Finnish National GNSS network ‘FinnRef’ in first-hand monitoring of the status of GNSS signal quality over Finland. A service architecture design will be developed and demonstrated, including a list of hardware, software, inter-modular communication, and system integration needs.
Read moreRead more about GNSS signal quality monitoring in Finland (FinSig) -
GNSS survey
The project will carry out an investigation commissioned by the National Emergency Supply Agency (NESA), the final result of study will be a description of the provision and operation of GNSS services. The study surveys the supply of GNSS services and operators both in Finland and abroad and provides a description of the overall situation.
Read moreRead more about GNSS survey -
GNSS Weather - the usability service for satellite navigation
GNSS Weather is a preliminary project for examining the needs for usability services for satellite navigation.
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GNSS-Finland Service
GNSS-Finland Service project will offer signal quality information in multiple frequencies for all four Global constellations, i.e., GPS, Galileo, GLONASS and BeiDou. In addition, it will offer alert messages to Traficom in case of detection of any predefined signal anomalies. Anomalies could be among other things interference on GNSS signal. This project is the successor of the project GNSS-Finland (GNSS Signal Quality Monitoring in Finland - FinSig) that ended in June 2019.
Read moreRead more about GNSS-Finland Service -
The Geospatial Statistical Data Integration Service, GSDIG, will address frequent needs to integrate and aggregate spatially located unit data from different sources and with statistical background information.
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Haptic, Audio and Visual Interfaces for Maps and Location Based Services (HaptiMap)
The aim of this EU-funded (FP7) project is to develop multimodal location-based services (LBS) that are accessible also by special user groups and support their use of spatial information.
Read moreRead more about Haptic, Audio and Visual Interfaces for Maps and Location Based Services (HaptiMap) -
High Accuracy Positioning using EGNOS and Galileo Products (FIX_8 )
High Accuracy Positioning using EGNOS and Galileo Products. FGI participated in the development of this Precise Point Positioning project.
Read moreRead more about High Accuracy Positioning using EGNOS and Galileo Products (FIX_8 ) -
Hydrography and identifiers (HY-ID)
Four main research questions of the project.
Read moreRead more about Hydrography and identifiers (HY-ID) -
Hyperspectral stereoscopic imaging in Remote sensing (HSI-STEREO)
Imaging using light-weight, Unmanned Airborne Vehicles (UAVs) is one of the most rapidly developing fields in remote sensing technology.
Read moreRead more about Hyperspectral stereoscopic imaging in Remote sensing (HSI-STEREO) -
ICT Lidar
Lidar-based energy efficient ICT solutions (ICT_Lidar)
Read moreRead more about ICT Lidar -
Implementation of FIN-EPOS - a FINnish national initiative of the European Plate Observing System (FIN-EPOS-SLE)
EPOS is a single, Pan-European, sustainable and distributed Research Infrastructure (RI).
Read moreRead more about Implementation of FIN-EPOS - a FINnish national initiative of the European Plate Observing System (FIN-EPOS-SLE) -
Improve the EGNOS Service in Finland Using Internet Radio Technology
In order to improve the availability of the EGNOS service in Finland, this project prototypes a system for accessing the EGNOS service.
Read moreRead more about Improve the EGNOS Service in Finland Using Internet Radio Technology -
Improved absolute-gravity measurements in the Antarctic (GRAVLASER)
The aim of this research project is to deepen the knowledge of cryosphere-lithosphere interaction in Antarctica.
Read moreRead more about Improved absolute-gravity measurements in the Antarctic (GRAVLASER) -
Indoor Outdoor Seamless Navigation for Sensing Human Behavior (INOSENSE)
The goal of this project is to carry out research on sensing social context, modeling human behavior and developing a new mobile architecture for social applications.
Read moreRead more about Indoor Outdoor Seamless Navigation for Sensing Human Behavior (INOSENSE) -
Indoor/outdoor Seamless Positioning and Application for City Ecosystems (iSpace)
The goal of this project is to develop a handheld seamless indoor/outdoor positioning platform that consists of several navigation sensors and a visual sensor for navigation and non-navigation applications in city ecosystems.
Read moreRead more about Indoor/outdoor Seamless Positioning and Application for City Ecosystems (iSpace) -
Information Security of Location Estimation and Navigation Applications INSURE
INSURE-project aims at novel solutions for improving robustness of GNSS receivers against jamming and spoofing.
Read moreRead more about Information Security of Location Estimation and Navigation Applications INSURE -
INTACT - INfrastructure-free TACTical situational awareness
INTACT project will analyze and develop methods for tactical infrastructure –free indoor simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM).
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Integration of a Regional Component to Galileo Global Component (IRC2G)
Integration of a Regional Component to Galileo Global Component, with demonstrations in Europe and in China.
Read moreRead more about Integration of a Regional Component to Galileo Global Component (IRC2G) -
Intelligent built environment - combining the virtual and physical worlds (ÄRY)
Mobile mapping and laser scanning based mapping, processing and representation technologies.
Read moreRead more about Intelligent built environment - combining the virtual and physical worlds (ÄRY) -
Intelligent Shipping Technology Test Laboratory (ISTLAB)
The goal of the project is to build a jointly used laboratory and innovation environment for the study and development of smart maritime transport.
Read moreRead more about Intelligent Shipping Technology Test Laboratory (ISTLAB) -
Interactive maps and usability
The goal of the project is to develop the evaluation and testing methods for the usability of interactive maps.
Read moreRead more about Interactive maps and usability -
Interactive Uncertainty-aware Terrain Analysis for Large Digital Elevation Models (INTUIT)
Digital elevation models (DEMs) are an essential component of spatial data infrastructures.
Read moreRead more about Interactive Uncertainty-aware Terrain Analysis for Large Digital Elevation Models (INTUIT) -
The project creates three pilot services in Forge Service Lab cloud.
Read moreRead more about JulkICTLab -
Kaivos - Efficient and safe identification of minerals
Making Finland a global leader of sustainable mineral industry requires continuous improvement of expertise in mining indstry. Mineral extraction industry demands for fast, cost efficient and safe remote sensing methods. The Kaivos Project works on efficient and safe identification of minerals.
Read moreRead more about Kaivos - Efficient and safe identification of minerals -
Project aims to develop the knowledge capital and preparedness of applying and utilizing 3D city modeling in 6Aika
cities and in the private sector.Read moreRead more about KAOS -
In Finland, there are free nationwide reference systems, EUREF-FIN coordinate system, N2000 height system and FOGN gravity system. On top of these there is a national geoid model FIN2005N00 that is a transformation surface between EUREF-FIN and N2000 heights. In this project, we research some aspects that support decision making when future reference systems are to be created.
Read moreRead more about KaRef -
Land Uplift Gravity Lines
Fennoscandian land uplift gravity lines have been measured since 1966.
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Large-scale dimensional measurements for geodesy (GeoMetre)
Geodetic reference frames form the backbone of all georeferencing services.
Read moreRead more about Large-scale dimensional measurements for geodesy (GeoMetre) -
Laser spectroscopy
The laser spectroscopy project utilizes a supercontinuum laser source.
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LiDAR and Aids to Navigation
The objective of this project is to solve how well laser scanners work in maritime conditions detecting nautical signs, and how could different reflective materials improve the visibility of these signs.
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LYSTRA - Awareness and activities in the World Natural Heritage Site High Coast and Kvarken Archipelago
The Lystra project will develop joint interpretation and tools to convey knowledge and information about the World Heritage Site High Coast / Kvarken Archipelago in Sweden and Finland. The main goal is to make sure the information includes the latest scientific findings, is easily accessible, engaging and is telling the story of the whole World Heritage Site in a uniform and excellent way in both countries.
Read moreRead more about LYSTRA - Awareness and activities in the World Natural Heritage Site High Coast and Kvarken Archipelago -
The MaaTu project produces refined spatial data on the occurrence and depth of peat soils using remote sensing, empirical field data, and machine learning methods.
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Map services for outdoor leisure activities supported by social networks (MenoMaps II)
In the project new possibilities for creating map-based leisure services for outdoor activities are investigated.
Read moreRead more about Map services for outdoor leisure activities supported by social networks (MenoMaps II) -
Maritime AI-NAV
Maritime transport currently faces significant challenges, including increases in transport volumes and more stringent environmental requirements. Shortage of skilled workers at sea is also a possible threat for the future. Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning Sensor Fusion for Autonomous Vessel Navigation (Maritime AI-NAV) will see how these challenges are to be answered by technology.
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Measurement, Monitoring and Environmental Assessment (MMEA)
The aim of the MMEA research consortium is to develop new tools, standards and methods for environmental measurement.
Read moreRead more about Measurement, Monitoring and Environmental Assessment (MMEA) -
Remote sensing of Earth from space using the global observation system is the major means of obtaining the trustworthy data needed for climate change
Read moreRead more about MeteOC4 -
Methods and algorithms of laser scanning
The research of laser scanning was initiated in Finland in 1997.
Read moreRead more about Methods and algorithms of laser scanning -
Metric 3D environmental analysis based on aerial imaging and open spatial data (3DEnviAnalysis)
In the modern society, the need for up-to-date three dimensional (3D) information is growing in many application fields.
Read moreRead more about Metric 3D environmental analysis based on aerial imaging and open spatial data (3DEnviAnalysis) -
Mobile Forest Tomography - Interaction of Lidar/Radar Beams with Forests Using Mini-UAV and Mobile Forest Tomography
The objective of the project is to improve measurement techniques in forest tomography.
Read moreRead more about Mobile Forest Tomography - Interaction of Lidar/Radar Beams with Forests Using Mini-UAV and Mobile Forest Tomography -
Mobile Hyperspectral Laser Remote Sensing (MobiLaser)
The aim of this project is the development of active hyperspectral LiDAR prototype.
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Mobile mapping and 3D Traffic
In this project a platform for integration of a laser scanner, a GPS positioning unit and an IMU system into a moving 3D mapping unit was constructed.
Read moreRead more about Mobile mapping and 3D Traffic -
Multi-constellation augmentation based on EGNOS and Galileo simulation
The context of the project covers the prototype development of a SBAS message encoder to generate the SBAS messages for both GPS and Galileo.
Read moreRead more about Multi-constellation augmentation based on EGNOS and Galileo simulation -
Multi-spectral personal laser scanning for automated environment characterization (MPLSAC)
The research project focuses on developing multispectral personal laserscanning for environment characterization.
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Multipublishing in supporting leisure outdoor activities (MenoMaps)
The aim of this Tekes- project is to carry out research on the utilization of multipublishing for the purpose of outdoor activities.
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Multisource 3D/4D-forest resource management: methodology & applications (DIGILE/D2I)
The main task of the DIGILE/D2I project is development of new data acquisition system for 3D/4D precision forestry.
Read moreRead more about Multisource 3D/4D-forest resource management: methodology & applications (DIGILE/D2I) -
The vision of MyGeoTrust is to create an alternative mobile platform for location-based services that ensures excellent privacy protections for its users.
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National guidelines for airborne photogrammetry
We are coordinating a working group that develops novel national guidelines for airborne imaging.
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National Spatial Data Infrastructure for Integrated Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning in Zanzibar (ZAN-SDI)
The overall objective of the ICI project is improved utilisation of geospatial information in spatial planning and management in Zanzibar.
Read moreRead more about National Spatial Data Infrastructure for Integrated Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning in Zanzibar (ZAN-SDI) -
Natural Resources Risk Management in GeoIT solutions
LuHaGeoIT project aims to contribute to a more open flow of information on climate change research.
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Navigation and Remote Sensing Technologies and Possibilities related to Future Cars and their Autonomous Driving Sensor Technologies (NavDrive)
In this project we develop and innovate new Finnish knowhow related to future cars and autonomous driving technologies.
Read moreRead more about Navigation and Remote Sensing Technologies and Possibilities related to Future Cars and their Autonomous Driving Sensor Technologies (NavDrive) -
Dairy and beef industries in Finland: Progressing pathways to carbon-neutrality by 2035
Read moreRead more about NC-GRASS -
New Applications for Ubiquitous Multi- and Hyperspectral Mobile Mapping Systems (UbiHyperMapping)
The project studies and improves the feasibility of a new type of remote sensing systems, actively scanning multiple wavelength and hyperspectral lase
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New techniques in active remote sensing: hyperspectral laser in environmental change detection
This project brings up novel spectroscopic and radiometric laser scanning methods to be applied in the change detection of the Boreal environment.
Read moreRead more about New techniques in active remote sensing: hyperspectral laser in environmental change detection -
Opal Life
OPAL-Life started in 2015 and it aims at mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture following the principle of sustainable intensification.
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Operation of the EGNOS RIMS station in Finland
The EGNOS RIMS (Ranging and Integrity Monitoring Station) in Virolahti is one of the monitoring stations of EGNOS.
Read moreRead more about Operation of the EGNOS RIMS station in Finland -
Orientation of aerial and satellite images without using targeted ground control
Solving orientations, i. e. parameters of the mathematical model of imaging, is an inevitable task when utilising aerial and satellite images
Read moreRead more about Orientation of aerial and satellite images without using targeted ground control -
Oskari/sk - Development project for Oskari platform
The project develops new functionalities for Oskari platform and National Geodata Portal (Paikkatietoikkuna).
Read moreRead more about Oskari/sk - Development project for Oskari platform -
Paula is an EU-funded research project studying and testing the benefits of Galileo's Open Service Navigation Message Authentication (OSNMA), Commercial Authentication Service (CAS) and High Accuracy Service (HAS). The aim of the project is to provide better position, navigation and timing (PNT) performance and resilience. NLS tasks within the project are related to studying the HAS and implementing decoder functionality for scientific purposes.
Physical and virtual innovation platform of autonomous Last mile urban transportation (SOHJOA)
Project Sohjoa addresses the challenges of new economic growth industries as well as sustainable intelligent transportation development.
Read moreRead more about Physical and virtual innovation platform of autonomous Last mile urban transportation (SOHJOA) -
Pitkän kantaman aktiivinen hyperspektraalinen laserkeilaus (HSLidar)
The hyperspectral lidar (HSL) technology developed at the FGI produces non-contact spectral information in 3D.
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Planetary spectrometry
Scattering, absorption, and emission of electromagnetic radiation occurs in practically all systems of matter and radiation. The measurement, observation, and theoretical modeling of this interaction provides information about the system’s physical and chemical properties down to length scales of a fraction of the wavelength.
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PNT Traffic Light (PETAL)
The project PETAL (PNT Traffic Light) will focus broadly in assessing GNSS and SBAS performance at high latitudes (above 60˚ N).
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Production and exploitation of geometrically accurate, multi-spectral, multi-angular, reflectance time series based on airborne photogrammetry (GEORAD)
This is a Postdoctoral Researchers Project funded by the Academy of Finland.
Read moreRead more about Production and exploitation of geometrically accurate, multi-spectral, multi-angular, reflectance time series based on airborne photogrammetry (GEORAD) -
PRS Pilot Project for Demonstration (3PfD)
One of the unique features of the Galileo satellite navigation system is its dedicated Public Regulated Service (PRS). The purpose of the PRS is to improve the resilience of authorized users against radio jamming and counterfeit signals (spoofing).
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The aim is to analyze innovation trends in the PNT sector (ie positioning, navigation, timing) as well as to identify actions that can support these innovations.
Read moreRead more about PULSAR -
Quality of direct georeferencing and calibration of direct georeferencing systems
The direct georeferencing is based on integration of GPS and IMU.
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Quality of the Finnish Land Parcel Identification Map
Finnish Geodetic Institute (FGI) functioned as an expert and quality control consultant for the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
Read moreRead more about Quality of the Finnish Land Parcel Identification Map -
Quality4Trees Project – Feasibility of Inside-Canopy UAV Laser Scanning for Automated Tree Quality Surveying
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Quantitative remote sensing by 3D hyperspectral UAVs – From theory to practice (QuantitativeRS)
Remote sensing using small unmanned airborne vehicle (sUAV) is a rapidly emerging technology.
Read moreRead more about Quantitative remote sensing by 3D hyperspectral UAVs – From theory to practice (QuantitativeRS) -
Quick-response Uncertainty-aware Geocomputation for Very Large Datasets (Quick-GIS)
The Quick-GC project has two main objectives.
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Real-Time AI-Supported Ore Grade Evaluation for Automated
The RAGE project will develop automatic and reliable mineral detection based on AI machine learning based on active hyperspectral 3D sensing, indoor positioning, and real-time AI.
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Real-time transformation services in the context of an SDI
The aim of the research in this project is to set up pilot services for coordinate system transformations, schema transformations and generalization to test these functionalities in the context of the national SDI.
Read moreRead more about Real-time transformation services in the context of an SDI -
Satellite navigation (GNSS) signals provide accurate and continuous position, navigation, and timing (PNT) services to citizens. These services are necessary to critical infrastructures, such as accurate timing for stock market, electricity transmission, banking and security information systems, reliable positioning for aviation, wireless communications, accurate localization for emergency (112) personnel and logistic chains, and transport.
Read moreRead more about REASON -
Regional Innovation Ecosystems (RYM-RIE)
The core contributions of the project are to develop and demonstrate innovative digital solutions to the regional information models, including automatic updating of the models.
Read moreRead more about Regional Innovation Ecosystems (RYM-RIE) -
RehuDrooni-project studies drone based remote sensing methods and their prospects for enhancing sustainable development of cattle feed production
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Remote sensing in agriculture
The FGI has studied the remote sensing methods in agriculture since the beginning of the 1990's.
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Renewal of FinnRef
In 2012-2013 FinnRef will be upgraded to a modern GNSS network.
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Renewal of gravity instruments
The new superconducting gravimeter will be taken in use in 2012.
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Renewal of SLR
A new SLR system (telescope, laser unit, auxiliary equipments) will be purchased and an operational work will be started.
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Renewal of VLBI
Based on the Metsähovi special funding, a new radio telescope and auxiliary equipments are purchased to fulfill requirements for continuous geodetic VLBI observations.
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Revolution of Location-based Services (SUPRA)
In our vision consumer-aimed LBSs could be supplied with new kind of contents based on real-time geospatial analysis.
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SAR interferometry
The project started the study of the SAR interferometry in the FGI.
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Science and Technology Towards Precision Forestry
The main objective of the project is to develop new measurement technology for precision forestry.
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SDI expert services
The aim of the project is to advance the development of the SDI on the national and on the international level.
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Secure Tracking Service S-TrackS
Position and timing data in existing asset tracking services are today obtained using open GNSS services like GPS or Galileo OS. These services are however quite vulnerable to spoofing (fraud). S-TrackS Project offers solutions for providing reliable evidence about the past whereabouts of an asset.
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Upscaling of carbon intake and water balance models of individual trees to wider areas with short interval laser scanning time series
Read moreRead more about SILS -
Smart hyperspectral imaging solutions for new era in Earth and planetary observations
Read moreRead more about SMART-HSI -
Spatial Statistics on Web 2 - SSW2
The project aims at designing and implementing new methods to search for and to display geospatial analyses of statistical data.
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Spatial Statistics on Web, SSW
The goal of the project is improve shared use of statistical and map data by developing tools for utilizing statistical grid data.
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The project will create methods and practices to improve the climate resilience of our forests from a forest health perspective.
Read moreRead more about SPRUCERISK -
Standardisation of GNSS Threat reporting and Receiver testing through International Knowledge Exchange, Experimentation and Exploitation STRIKE3
GNSS is being used for an ever increasing range of safety, security, business and policy critical applications.
Read moreRead more about Standardisation of GNSS Threat reporting and Receiver testing through International Knowledge Exchange, Experimentation and Exploitation STRIKE3 -
Strategic and Operational Risk Management for Wintertime Maritime Transportation System (STORMWINDS)
EU BONUS funded project that contributes to operational and strategic management of ecological risks to the Northern Baltic Sea.
Read moreRead more about Strategic and Operational Risk Management for Wintertime Maritime Transportation System (STORMWINDS) -
Streak detection and astrometric reduction (StreakDet)
In the ESA-funded StreakDet project, we investigate all-around detection and reduction algorithms applicable to optical observations of satellites and space debris.
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Study on harmonisation of the data models used in topographic data management
The harmonisation of data models will be needed to increase the usability of topographic data collected in municipalities.
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Study on harmonisation of the data models used in topographic data management
The harmonisation of data models will be needed to increase the usability of topographic data collected in municipalities.
Read moreRead more about Study on harmonisation of the data models used in topographic data management -
Support for the Galileo Reference Centre
For the integrated Galileo performance monitoring and analysis activity, the consortium makes a coordinated effort to measure the Signal in Space (SiS) of individual Galileo satellites at Radio Frequency (RF) level using a 25m radio-telescope operated by ASTRON and in parallel using a 25m radio-telescope operated by OSO.
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Support Grant for the Galileo Reference Centre
This project is a coordinated effort among four partners from three EU members states (Netherlands, Sweden and Finland). The consortium provides GRC access to a range of facilities and expertise at the member state level for Galileo service performance monitoring.
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Estimating Forest Resources and Quality-related Attributes Using Automated Methods
and Technologies.Read moreRead more about Tandem -
The Advanced Techniques for Forest Biomass and Biomass Change Mapping Using Novel Combination of Active Remote Sensing Sensors (Advanced_SAR)
The Advanced Techniques for Forest Biomass and Biomass Change Mapping Using Novel Combination of Active Remote Sensing Sensors (Advanced_SAR) project
Read moreRead more about The Advanced Techniques for Forest Biomass and Biomass Change Mapping Using Novel Combination of Active Remote Sensing Sensors (Advanced_SAR) -
The Earth spherical albedo from space geodesy (ALBEDO)
We estimate the Earth spherical albedo together with the total flux of emerging Earth radiation from satellite dynamics using precise space-geodetic measurements.
Read moreRead more about The Earth spherical albedo from space geodesy (ALBEDO) -
Topographic data system: methods for effective and multifaceted use (MaastoArray)
We investigate in the project new ways to use the laser scanning elevation data.
Read moreRead more about Topographic data system: methods for effective and multifaceted use (MaastoArray) -
Towards improved characterization of map objects
The main objective of the project is to develop a near-automatic characterization/interpretation method for natural objects by using a complete model
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Tracking of space debris with active and passive optical techniques
We study the use of active and passive optical techniques for monitoring space objects in the near-Earth environment.
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Transportation Data Acquisition by Means of ICT-derived 3D Modeling
The objective of the project is to prototype a van-based mobile mapping system to capture the 3D models in critical traffic intersections for transpor
Read moreRead more about Transportation Data Acquisition by Means of ICT-derived 3D Modeling -
During our era of enormous geospatial data (abbr. geodata), the comprehensibility of its contents to people often remains weak and the data contains more and more features and phenomena unknown to its users. However, effective use of these data and understanding phenomena related to geographic features in them require comprehending exactly this unknown information.
Read moreRead more about TUGEVA -
Ubiquitous spatial communication (UbiMap)
The new technologies make it possible for geospatial applications to be adapted to support the varying user tasks in specific contexts.
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Unmanned Airborne Vehicle- based 4D Remote Sensing for Mapping Rain Forest Biodiversity and Its Change in Brazil (UAV_4D_Bio)
The objective in this investigation is to develop biodiversity change mapping technologies.
Read moreRead more about Unmanned Airborne Vehicle- based 4D Remote Sensing for Mapping Rain Forest Biodiversity and Its Change in Brazil (UAV_4D_Bio) -
Updating of maps
The Finnish Geodetic Institute aims at developing automatic methods to be used in the updating process.
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Urban morphology and atmospheric boundary layer modelling (CityClim)
In this project, urban local weather, flux and air quality will be modeled and demonstrated in higher accuracy and resolution.
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Urban Navigation with Multi-sensor and Map Matching
Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) has become one of the major positioning technologies for navigation and location based service.
Read moreRead more about Urban Navigation with Multi-sensor and Map Matching -
Usability of the maps and their graphical interfaces, context-aware maps
By usability of a certain system or a product it is meant that specified users achieve specified goals effectively, efficiently and satisfactorily in a specified context of use.
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Use Of EGNOS In Urban Environments (EGURE)
Use Of EGNOS In Urban Environments: the aim of the project was to develop and test algorithms to enhance the use of EGNOS in urban areas.
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Using the intensity information in laser scanning
A standard lidar survey produces a point cloud consisting of the topographic information (e.g., position in x,y,z) and the intensity (I).
Read moreRead more about Using the intensity information in laser scanning -
VALTAOJA - Utilization of GIS technology and detailed digital elevation models in defining main drains and other water channels
The project aim is to provide definition of a main drain based on geometrical and functional criterion.
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VALUE - Update of the Finnish drainage basin system
The objective of the VALUE-project is to plan and specify the new Finnish drainage basin system.
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VALUE II - Update of the Finnish drainage basin system, phase 2
In VALUE II the aim is to create uncertainty-aware catchment delineations for number of representative geomorphological regions of Finland.
Read moreRead more about VALUE II - Update of the Finnish drainage basin system, phase 2 -
Versatile use of country-wide laser scanning data (VERSATILE)
The project results benefit the development and updating of spatial data infrastructures, especially the Topographic database, as well as all end users of the country-wide LIDAR data.
Read moreRead more about Versatile use of country-wide laser scanning data (VERSATILE) -
Mitigating carbon emissions from cultivated peat soils by innovative water management
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Vessel Operations and Routing in Ice Conditions VORIC
Voric is a two-year research project in the Arctic Seas programme of Tekes.
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VGOS-compatible VLBI Radio Telescope System (VGOS)
A new VGOS compatible radio telescope system will be built at Metsähovi Fundamental station.
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VLBI Research
We research how to improve data transfer, near-real time data analysis and modelling in geodetic VLBI applications.
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Weather Monitoring Based on Collaboratrive Crowdsourcing TROPO
The aim of the project is to simulate the use of thousands of smartphone GNSS receivers to determine of the amount of water vapor in troposphere.
Read moreRead more about Weather Monitoring Based on Collaboratrive Crowdsourcing TROPO -
Web Services and geospatial interoperability
Recently ontology research has provided a formal approach for improving the semantic interoperability.
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Web Sites for Remote Sensing
A portal for remote sensing companies.
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Wide Area RTK Based on EGNOS and Galileo (WARTK)
Wide Area RTK Based on EGNOS and Galileo. FGI’s main responsibility in this project was to develop a SISNeT client software that utilizes the ESA SISNeT data server to disseminate the real-time corrections for wide area RTK.
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Wireless Positioning in the Next Generation Digital TV Network (WiPiNGDTV)
Utilizing digital TV (DTV) signals, a novel wireless positioning method can be developed for indoors and urban environments, which has potential advantages over GPS.
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